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Honors College Announcements

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  • Opportunity Updates through OEF (Office of External Fellowships)

  • Honors Summer Housing Scholarships, Apply by Thurs. 4/30

    I’m delighted to announce that the Honors College is again able to award a number of Honors Summer Housing Scholarships on a competitive basis this summer! You may apply for a housing scholarship to cover part of your housing in a double room in either TBH or MRH (apartment-style housing on the South Campus) for either the 4-week, 8-week, or entire 12-week 2015 summer session. Also, UIC Housing has also agreed to supplement this award with discounts for Honors students who are selected for this award. So, here are the available scholarships and discounts, which represents a substantial discount for summer housing:

    4-WEEK SESSION: $500 Honors College award plus $100 Housing discount 8-WEEK SESSION: $1000 Honors College award plus $200 Housing discount 12-WEEK SESSION: $1500 Honors College award plus $300 Housing discount

    Applicants must be engaged in either a UIC summer course(s) or faculty-supervised research at UIC.

    To apply, please write a personal statement of up to 1 page (single-spaced) in which you

    (a) specify which award you want (4, 8, or 12 weeks);

    (b) explain exactly what you will be doing during the period of the summer session and its relevance for your academic or pre-professional goals

    (c) provide personal or financial information justifying your level of financial need for this award (whether you would not be able to conduct the activity otherwise, whether the cost of the alternative commute or campus housing would constitute a hardship in any way, etc.)

    Also attach supporting documentation such as a copy of your class enrollment verification, or brief note or email exchange from faculty member supervising your research.

    Email the statement and supporting documentation (all together as one scanned document if possible) to Ms. Christina Ruiz at by 12:00 noon on Thursday, April 30. Use the subject line: SUMMER HOUSING SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION [your name].


    Note: This scholarship only covers housing and does NOT cover the cost of food (there are no regular dining services during the summer), tuition, transportation, research supplies, etc. Students receiving this scholarship will be expected to give back to the community of the Honors College and UIC Summer College by helping welcome students and prepare welcoming materials on select dates in July and early August, barring conflicts with class and research schedules.

  • CEO Scholarship for Women in Engineering, Due Mon. 9/22

    The Honors College is proud to offer a scholarship opportunity specifically for Honors College women students in the College of Engineering, the CEO Scholarship for Women in Engineering.  The scholarship is awarded based on financial need and academic merit.  Consideration will be given to those students exhibiting Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Optimism as well as demonstrated ability and interest in engineering.  The winner receives $4,125 for the Fall 2014 semester with the possibility of additional funding in the Spring 2015 semester.  The application is now online and can be accessed here: Click here

    The application consists of general information about your activities and academics, a personal statement, a financial need statement and two letters of recommendation.  The deadline to apply is this Monday, September 22, 2014.  The letters of recommendation can be submitted electronically (more information is available in the application).

    Questions?  ContactTula Georgopolous at 

  • Truman Scholarship for Careers in Public Service, Deadline 10/26

    Are you committed to public service?  Apply for the Truman and Public Service Scholarships!

    The Truman is a $30,000 scholarship for juniors who are committed to careers in public service at a leadership level. Students apply during their third year and if they win, the money is applied to graduate/professional school studies.  The Truman Foundation conceives of public service broadly. It could be activism, science research, community leadership, elected office, government employment, education, policy, urban issues -the list goes on.

    The deadline is October 26.  You can find more information at  and

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you are interested in this award, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps: 312-355-2477, .

  • Margaret Messer Student Research Grant (Spring 2022 term)

  • Lemberg Law American Dream Scholarship (also open to DACA recipients) – Application Deadline: March 31

  • Chancellor’s FirstGen Flames Abroad Scholarship (Apply by 4/15)

  • Want to go abroad to research, study or teach in fall 2017?

    It’s not too late to apply for the Fulbright Student Award, which offers the opportunity to study, research or teach abroad in 2017-2018.  To get the details attend one of our information sessions:


    Friday, August 26, 12-1; 2550 UH

    Fulbright Student Award Information Session


    Monday, August 29, 2-3, BH 121

    Fulbright Student Award Information Session


    UIC’s campus deadline is Sept. 9 –at this point, we need a draft of your 2 essays (at minimum), and we will guide you through refining your application until the final deadline of Oct. 11.

    You can also go into the Fulbright website, do some research and begin applying:

    Students who cannot make the information sessions can contact Beth Powers at with questions or to make an appointment.

  • UIC Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship (for Juniors and Seniors) – Deadline 9/18

  • The Chicago Engineers Foundation's List of Scholarships and Resources for Aspiring Engineers

  • Goldwater Scholarship for careers in science or engineering research

    The Goldwater Scholarship has been won by 20 UIC students in the last 16 years. You could be next!

    What is the Goldwater Scholarship?
    The Goldwater is a $7500 award for sophomores and juniors committed to earning PhDs or MD/PhDs in math, science or engineering. Students apply as undergraduates and the money must be used toward the following year(s) of undergraduate study.

    What is the deadline?
    UIC’s internal Goldwater deadline is November 11.

     What makes a good Goldwater Scholar?

    -very strong grades (3.8 or higher)

    -research experience

    -a commitment to a career in research

    If you have questions about the scholarship, please check it out online at and direct any questions you have to Beth Powers at


  • Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship, Info Session Wed. 2/24, Deadline 3/1

    Are you thinking of studying abroad?  Looking for funding?  The Gilman International Scholarship Program provides awards of up to $5,000 (plus up to a $3,000 supplement for critical languages) for U.S. citizen undergraduate students to pursue summer, semester or year-long study abroad and internship opportunities in other countries. This is a need-based award, and to be eligible students must be currently receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application. Applicants must be studying or interning abroad for a minimum of four weeks in one country on a credit-bearing program.

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs is willing to assist in reviewing your scholarship application material - in fact, we welcome the opportunity to help make your application more competitive! As such, we are offering two sessions about the Gilman Scholarship.

    The dates and times are:

    Gilman scholarship information session, Wednesday, February 3, 12-1,  SAO office, UH 502
    Learn about the Gilman scholarship, hear from staff from the Study Abroad Office, learn what it takes to apply and hear from past winners.

    Gilman Application Workshop, Wednesday February 24, noon, room UH 2550
    The Gilman is due March 1! Bring in your application for a final review.

    Students who cannot attend these sessions are also welcome to make appointments with OSSP to discuss their applications. If you are interested in summer, fall or academic year study, the deadline is March 1. For full scholarship eligibility criteria and the online application, please access the Gilman Program website at    

    Please note that you will need to meet with a study abroad advisor to certify your application.  Students can identify study abroad programs through the Study Abroad Office in 502 University Hall. You need to plan to attend a First Step Session to get the process started and sign up information can be found here:  

    Students interested in exchange programs can find more information by visiting the Office of International Affairs in 509 University Hall or 

    The Gilman application deadline is March 1. To set up an appointment to talk about the Gilman, please email Start planning now for an exciting experience studying abroad!

  • OSSP: Graduate Fellowships Info Session for Juniors, Tues. 4/14

    Are you interested in studying or teaching abroad after graduating? Planning on graduate study in the U.S.? Not sure what your options are? Attend an information session to learn more! 

    Going abroad….The British scholarships, Fulbright Fellowships and other post graduate opportunities can offer you the chance to realize your dreams abroad! If you are interested in going abroad in fall 2016, start asking questions and exploring your options now. 

    The British scholarships include the Rhodes, Marshall, Gates Cambridge and Mitchell. These awards give you the opportunity to study at a British university for 1-4 years. Strong candidates typically have a 3.7 GPA or higher, a record of service and leadership, and strong academic qualifications for what they are proposing to study in the UK. The British scholarships have a campus deadline of April 30. 

    Post-graduate opportunities…Fulbright offers the opportunity to teach or do research/study abroad. There is no GPA cutoff. Other opportunities such as the NSF Graduate Fellowship, JET program for teaching English in Japan or Illinois Legislative Internship provide myriad opportunities for post-baccalaureate education and growth. Join us at one of the following sessions to learn more about these opportunities. 

    Graduate fellowships and Post-Graduate Opportunities Session
    Tuesday, April 14/ 2:00pm/ 850 University Hall

    Fulbright Student Award Information Session
    Friday, April 17/ noon /121 Burnham Hall

    Fulbright Fellowship Panel of UIC alumni winners
    Wednesday, April 22/ 12:30am /650 University Hall

    Fulbright Student Award Information Session
    Thursday, April 23/ 3:00pm / 850 University Hall 

    Begin your research now…
    Fulbright Student Award 
    Gates Cambridge Scholarship
    Marshall Scholarship
    Rhodes Scholarship
    Mitchell Scholarship
    National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
    Post-baccalaureate opportunities 

    If you cannot make one of the information sessions, first, explore the scholarships online and if you have questions or are interested in applying contact me at to arrange an appointment.

  • National Health Service Corps, Apply by Thurs. 5/7

    National Health Service Corps

    The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program provides 185 awards for up to 4 years to health professions students, who will have to do service. The scholarship consists of payment for tuition, required fees, other reasonable educational costs, and a monthly support stipend. In return, students agree to provide one year of service in a National Health Service Corps approved site in the Health Professional Shortage area to which they are assigned for each school year or partial school year of scholarship support received, with a minimum 2-year service commitment and a maximum 8-year commitment.

    Deadline: May 7th, 2015

  • Dr. Margaret Burroughs Scholarship for African American single mothers, Apply by Fri. 10/16

    The Dr. Margaret Burroughs Scholarship Fund was established at the request of Ms. Dorothy Lajewel Myree, to honor the legacy of service of Dr. Margaret Burroughs, the founder of the DuSable Museum. This tribute scholarship will award $2500.00 to an African American single mother who is pursuing educational opportunities. The application period is open now thru Friday, October 16, 2015- 5:00PM.

    Application available online at

    Questions? Contact

  • Pickering Fellowship for foreign service careers, Tues. 11/10

    If you are considering a career in the Foreign Service and would be interested in learning more about the Pickering Fellowship, a representative from Pickering will be meeting with select students on November 10th. 

    If you are interested, please review the Pickering eligibility criteria (below) and further award details on the website and email Beth Powers, Director of the Office of Special Scholarship Programs, to let her know of your interest at·        

    Pickering eligibility:

    ·         Only individuals who are United States citizens.
    ·         Applicants must be in the junior year of undergraduate study at a U.S. undergraduate institution.
    ·         Applicants must be expecting to receive their bachelor’s degree in spring 2017.
    ·         Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher on a 4.0 scale at the time of application and this grade point average must be maintained throughout participation in the program.
    ·         Applicants must enroll in a two-year, full-time master’s degree program, at U.S. based graduate institutions only, in an academic field relevant to the work of the Foreign Service (public policy, international affairs, public administration, business, economics, political science, sociology, or foreign languages) and be prepared to enter the Foreign Service in Summer 2019.
    ·         Applicants must be able to attend June 2016 orientation in Washington, D.C. if selected.
    ·         Applicants must be available to fulfill the summer internship obligations (summer 2017 & summer 2018)

  • Study human rights, science or public service abroad

    Are you interested in going abroad to study public health, human rights, or to conduct research?  Then the Rotary, Humanity in Action, and/or DAAD-Rise programs may be for you!

    Humanity in Action:

    The Humanity in Action Fellowship brings together international groups of Fellows to study minority rights and produce original research exploring how and why individuals and societies, past and present, have resisted intolerance and protected democratic values. Separate programs take place for five weeks every summer in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris, and Warsaw.  Fellows only pay the cost of airfare to their host country; students can apply while in college or soon afterwards.

    Program Dates:  May 24 - June 26, 2016


    Deadline to apply:  January 7, 2016

    DAAD-Rise Summer Internship Program:

    RISE Germany offers undergraduate students from North American and British universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions.

    Students are matched with a host university or institute according to their area of interest (biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, engineering, or a closely related field)DAAD provides students a monthly stipend for three months to help cover living expensesHost universities and institutes provide housing assistance and match students with Ph.D. student mentorsGerman language is not required and the working language will be in English


    Deadline:  January 15, 2016

    Rotary International Global Grant:

    Through global grants, Rotarians can support future leaders in fields related to the areas of focus:

    Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

    Global grant scholarships fund graduate-level coursework or research for one to four academic years.

    For more information, please see attached document.

    Deadline: January 4, 2016

    To discuss any of these opportunities, please contact Molly Hildebrand at

  • Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grant (membership not required) – Application Deadline: Feb 15

  • Shout Out for the Humanities Contest: Deadline Extended to Mon. 2/15 and New Walk-In Tech-Help Hours

    Why do UIC students love the humanities?

    Tell them to us know by entering the Shout Out for the Humanities contests!

    The goals of Shout Out for the Humanities contests are twofold: to make members of our community aware of the professional, cognitive, and interpersonal benefits of studying the humanities in higher education; and to increase awareness about how humanities scholarship benefits the publicand enriches our personal lives.

    We invite UIC undergraduate and graduate students, working individually or as a team, to help us reach those goals by answering either or both of these questions:

    -  Why is studying the humanities (literature, foreign languages andcultures, history, art history, philosophy, anthropology, etc.) important to you and to society?

    -  How would you convince your parents, an employer, a politician, or others that there is value in learning the humanities?

    Over $1,000 in prize money for the best undergraduate submissions at the UIC campus level! 

    Award sponsors:  Office of Undergraduate Research / Gender & Women's Studies Department / Honors College

    Deadline extended for submissions: February 15, 2016

    Please send submissions to

    Drop-in hours for students needing technical assistance (or inspiration) on their Shout Out projects:

    Thursdays 11-12 and Fridays 12-1 in UH 1750

    For more information:

  • Health Sciences Competition: "Bridging the Gap: Emerging Health Issues in Underrepresented Minorities" - Apply by 9/15

  • Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad Applications due Oct. 1

  • Scholarship for Students Interested in Law – Application Deadline: March 30

  • Three Information Sessions About US Fulbright Scholar Program - April 11, 13, and 19

  • Wanxiang Fellows Program in China – Application Deadline: Oct 31

  • Point Foundation LGBTQ Scholarship – Application Deadline: Jan 29

  • Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships, Due 6/30

    The Automotive Hall of Fame Scholarships are range of scholarships for incoming freshmen and upper-level undergraduate students, all of which are based on financial need with a usual minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.  They are intended for students with genuine interest in a career in the automotive industry.  Deadline: June 30.  Learn more at the website: 

  • Fulbright competition for going abroad in 17-18 is now open!

    2017-2018 Application Cycle – OPEN!!!

    UIC Deadline: September 9, 2016

    Final deadline: October 11, 2016

    What you need to know now:

    Fulbright webinars can provide a great introduction to the Fulbright programs. In addition, you can reach out to Beth Powers at to discuss Fulbright.


    July 7: Fulbright Clinton Public Policy Fellowship Introduction

    July 19: Applications in the Arts: Portfolio Information Session

    July 19: General Q&A for Fulbright U.S. Student Program 

    July 26: Study/Research: Statement of Grant Purpose & Letter of Affiliation

    July 27: Meet Fulbright- National Geographic Alumni

     2017-2018 Competition Webinar Schedule is now updated on the website  

    General webinars are uploaded to the U.S. Student Program website.  

    *NEW*Award Spotlight: Netherlands ETA (10)  

     Well-qualified U.S. Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates from all fields of study are welcome to apply. Preference will be given to candidates with previous teaching experience and plans to pursue a career in education. Applicants should be enthusiastic, highly motivated and flexible in order to successfully work with a team of teachers in several different classroom settings. Candidates are encouraged to include a capstone project proposal in their applications.Grantees will be placed in one or two secondary schools and/or middle vocational training schools throughout the Netherlands in areas with low populations of native English speakers. ETAs will spend between 20 and 24 hours each week teaching. In addition, grantees are required to carry out a supplementary project over the course of their grant. This can be in the form of creating an extracurricular club (language, sport, or culture club) or research project related to education. These projects will be presented at an end-of-year conference and complied for future ETAs to use as a resource. 

    Dutch language proficiency is not required. Some study of Dutch prior to arrival is encouraged. 

    For more information about this award, please contact Marla Mazer, Senior Program Manager, Fulbright U.S. Student Program ( or 212-984-5327).  

    Arts Applicants:

    All Arts applicants and those applying to the Young Journalism Program in Germany MUST submit Supplementary Materials in addition to their application in Embark. FPAs do not have access to view materials submitted through this portal. I encourage you to work with students on their portfolio BEFORE they upload it to this site. 

    The Supplementary Materials Upload Portal is NEW this year- please do not send applicants to last year’s site.

    Beth Powers

    Director, Office of Special Scholarship Programs


  • Study Abroad Scholarship Essay Writing Workshops

  • OSSP NEEDS YOUR HELP! Test their new Online Scholarship Management System

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs is launching a new system that will allow you to apply for all UIC scholarships through the same portal! Before that happens we need your help in testing the system.

    We would appreciate your taking the time to log into the system at, and going through the application processes. All of the opportunities you’ll find in the system are currently for TEST PURPOSES ONLY; these are not actual live scholarship opportunities. We are asking you to go through the system so that, once the opportunities do become live, it will be as smooth a process for you as possible. Please take a moment between now and the end of the day on Wednesday, June 10 to browse through the system at and let us know about any problems or difficulties you come across. You can use the form located at to share any comments or concerns.

    Questions?  Contact the OSSP Staff at

  • Women and Scholarships Info Session, Tues. 9/9 at 3pm, 650 UH

    Cosponsored by the Women's Leadership and Resource Center and the Office of Special Scholarship Programs

    Tues, 9/9 at 3PM, 650 UH

    Questions?  Contact

  • Fall 2014 LAS Scholarships, Due Fri. 2/28

    The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is now taking applications for scholarships for the 2014-15 academic year.  LAS is looking to award 15 scholarships, ranging from $400 to $10,000. Students in good academic standing---with financial need and without---are encouraged to apply.  

    Please visit the LAS Scholarships website for scholarship listings, guidelines, FAQs, and more information on the application process:  Applications will only be accepted ONLINE. The application deadline for all listed scholarships is Friday, February 28th at 3:00 p.m.

  • Honors College Undergraduate Research Grants of up to $1000, Apply by Fri. 2/27

    The Honors College is pleased to announce the availability of the Honors College Undergraduate Research Grants to support your undergraduate research or other scholarly projects. Please see your faculty research advisor right away and start on your applications for several grants-in-aid, which are all due on-line Friday, February 27, 2015. All applications must be read by and supported by a letter from your research faculty advisor.Click on the post to learn more.

  • Accelerator Engineering Fellowships for Underrepresented Minorities (ASPIRE) - Application Period Ends 3/31!

  • OSSP Workshops: British Scholarships 3/18 and PUSH Excel 3/19

    Come to one of OSSP's upcoming Info Sessions to learn more about particular nationally-competitive scholarships!

    1) British Scholarship Info Session: Information about various funded opportunities to study in the UK.
    Tues, 3/18. 12-1PM, in UH 2550.

    British Scholarships: The Rhodes, Marshall, Mitchell and Gates Cambridge Scholarships offer students the opportunity to study in the UK for 1-2 years. These highly competitive awards seek students with a 3.7 gpa or higher with a record of research, service and leadership. UIC selects candidates in the spring to help prepare them for fall deadlines. UIC deadline: April 15, 2014

    2) PUSH- Excel Scholarships: Information about scholarships targeted to active students who lack financial resources. Weds, 3/19. 3:30-5PM in AAAN LRC. 

    No RSVP needed for either Info Session.  Questions?  Contact

  • CME Group Foundation Scholars Application - Up to $20,000 renewable scholarships! - Deadline April 4th!

    CME Group Foundation Scholars Program to award up to $20,000 renewable scholarships to under-represented students majoring in finance, computer science or applied mathematics at CME Group Foundation partner schools.

  • Goldwater / NSF Scholarship Info Session for students doing research in STEM Fields, Tues. 10/7

    Goldwater / NSF Scholarship Info Session 

    Information about various funded opportunities available to students interested in pursuing research in the STEM fields 

    Tuesday, October 7 at 3:30 pm
    2550 University Hall

    Questions?  Can't attend and want more information?  Contact Sheena Miller at

    View the full list of Fall 2014 OSSP Info Sessions here:

  • Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship, Apply by 11/1

    The Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) is now accepting applications for the 2017 PPIA Fellowship!

    About the Fellowship

    The PPIA program prepares undergraduates to be competitive  candidates for top degree programs in the fields of public policy, public administration or international affairs through participation in a Junior Summer Institute (JSI). JSI is an intensive, 7-week, academic program during the summer at one of these host campuses:

    The Ford School - University of MichiganThe Goldman School - UC BerkeleyHeinz College - Carnegie Mellon UniversityHumphrey School of Public Affairs - University of MinnesotaWoodrow Wilson School - Princeton University

    Eligible candidates are current undergrads who will be completing their B.A. between December 2017 and August 2018. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2016. Apply Today >>

    Benefits of Participation

    Full tuition at a PPIA Junior Summer Institute.Eligibility to receive assistance with travel expenses.A stipend of up to $1,500 (funding determined by each JSI).University housing with a meal plan.Books and related course materials at your JSI.Each JSI may offer additional benefits, such as GRE preparation, at their discretion. Please check with each JSI about any additional benefits.Minimum of a one-time $5,000 scholarship at a PPIA graduate school if admitted for a Master's degree or select PhD programs. PPIA Fellows often receive financial offers above and beyond this minimum from their graduate program.

    Fee waiver when applying to programs that are members of the PPIA Graduate School Consortium.


  • Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship, Due 8/31

    The Barbara Rhomberg Excellence in Nursing Scholarship awards five (5) $1,000 scholarships to non-traditional nursing students (defined as a student who did not immediately continue their education after high school).  Students must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate nursing program. 

    Deadline: August 31

    For more information, visit: 

    The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you find something on the listserv or through the website you wish to apply for, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477, .


  • Honors College and Gilman Scholarships for Study Abroad, Due 3/4 and 3/21

    Aching to study abroad this summer or fall? As a member of the Honors College you’re encouraged to apply for the Honors College Study Abroad scholarships. The application can be found here: [  ]  Application Deadline:  5:00 PM on Friday, March 21, 2014

    If you have a Pell Grant in your financial aid package and are planning to venture overseas on a credit-bearing program, you should definitely consider applying to the Gilman Scholarship Program. Honors College students excel at winning this award! You can find the information you need here:  [] The deadline for the Gilman is March 4th, so get busy on your application today.

    There are also numerous other scholarships for UIC students interested in studying abroad. Scholarships can be based on merit, need, diversity, location or other factors. Click on the post to learn more.

  • Critical Languages Scholarship, Apply by 11/16

    The CLS deadline is Nov. 16, 2016.

    UIC students interested in applying can apply directly online at

    Students can receive assistance with their applications by email Beth Powers at


    CLS offers a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate, professional and graduate students. “With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning.”

    CLS website: “Most languages offered by the CLS Program do not require applicants to have any experience studying critical languages. The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of the United States. Participants are selected based on their commitment to language learning and plans to apply their language skills to their future academic or professional pursuits. Please note that CLS is an intensive group-based language and cultural enrichment program.”


    LANGUAGES: The CLS Program offers instruction in fourteen critical languages:

    No Previous Study Required  










    One Year of Previous Study Required



    Two Years of Previous Study Required 





    “The CLS Program is fully funded from start to finish. From the time you step foot out the door to the time you arrive home, the CLS Program covers many of the costs of participating in its  overseas institutes, including:-Intensive overseas group based language courses (20+ hours per week)-Room and board, often with a host family-A full cultural program-Host community language partners-Domestic and international airfare

    Participants receive a small stipend to cover incidental expenses and meals not provided by the program. Upon completion of the program, participants also receive a certified American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) score.”

    The CLS program offers a year’s worth of graded credit that you can apply to your college career.


    “CLS Program institutes cover approximately one academic year of university-level language coursework during an eight- to ten-week program and are designed to meet the needs of students from a variety of language levels and backgrounds. Formal classroom language instruction is provided for a minimum of 20 hours per week. Extracurricular activities are designed to supplement the formal curriculum, including regular one-on-one meetings with native speaker language partners for conversational practice, as well as cultural activities and excursions designed to expand students’ understanding of the history, politics, culture and daily life of their host country.”

    Please direct any questions about applying for the CLS to Beth Powers at

  • Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals--Chicago Chapter Environmental Scholarship Program

  • Scholarship for Graduating Seniors (any major!) (Apply by 4/9)

  • Seniors: Apply for the Lincoln Academy Student Laureate Award, Extended Deadline Wed. 10/7

    Each year, every four-year degree-granting higher education institution in Illinois chooses ONE senior to receive the prestigious Abraham Lincoln Civic Engagement Award and becomes a Student Laureate of the Lincoln Academy. Laureates are honored for their leadership, overall excellence in both curricular and co-curricular activities, and service in pursuit of the betterment of humanity.  The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, 10/7.

    Students may be nominated or self-nominate. 
    1. Faculty/staff nomination: A faculty or staff member may contact you asking you to enter their name and email information and to fill in the online application.
    2. You may self-nominate. All applications require at least one letter of nomination (and will accept up to 8 letters) along with a short essay and a resume. 

    If you are nominated or would like to self-nominate please visit this website for details on the application process and access to the application:

    Student and faculty information must be entered and uploaded by Wednesday, October 7.

    The UIC Lincoln Student Laureate will be invited and required to attend a ceremony on November 7, 2015 in the House of Representatives of the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois. Each of the Student Laureates will receive a Lincoln Academy Medallion and a financial award of $1000. 

    To be considered, applicants must apply by Wednesday, October 7, 2015. Please direct any questions to Beth Powers at

  • Scholarship Opportunities through the Office of International Affairs

  • Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship – Application Deadline: Oct 1

  • Fearless Scholarship, Apply by 1/7

    Fearless Undocumented Alliance is seeking applicants for the Fearless Scholarship(s)!!! We'll be awarding 3 scholarships of $1,000 each, as a commemoration of our 3rd anniversary.

    Any current undocumented UIC student in good academic standing can apply or be nominated! Priority will be given to the following undocumented students with disabilities, transgender, LGBTQ+ or gender non-conforming, homeless. Non-Latino students are specially encouraged to apply.

    Please email to let us know if you plan to nominate someone.

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 7, 2017

    Applications and Attachments will be accepted only via e-mail with the subject line: FEARLESS SCHOLAR to


    Application details are in the following attachments   

    Late applications will not be accepted.

    Personal interviews may be requested for finalists.

    Scholarship recipients will be notified via e-mail on or about January 15, 2017

  • Latina Scholarship Opportunity – Application Deadline: April 26

  • Gary Kielhofner Model of Human Occupation Research and Scholarship Award, Due 12/1

    Gary Kielhofner Model of Human Occupation Research and Scholarship Award

    Application Deadline:                   December 1st, Annually

    Amount of Award:                          $1000.00

    Award Notification:                        January 1st, of the subsequent year

    This award will be made to a UIC pre-OT undergraduate, OT graduate student, or undergraduate or graduate student from a related health sciences field to support a supervised research or scholarship project focused on Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation. Preference will be given to UIC undergraduates who (a) are members of the UIC Honors College, (b) are members of the UIC Pre-OT club, and/or (c) have a specific interest in OT. Students must be actively enrolled for credit at UIC for at least two semesters and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.  See attached for application and more information.  Contact Professor Taylor at with questions.

  • OSSP: Spring Scholarship Info Session, Wed. 2/5

    Come to this Information Session to learn about scholarships with Spring 2014 deadlines!  Sponsored by the Office of Special Scholarship Programs.  No advance RSVP needed.  Contact with questions

    Wed. 2/5: 2-3 pm, 2550 University Hall

  • Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship Information Session II, Tues. 2/17

    If you have a Pell Grant in your application package and are interested in studying abroad during Summer or Fall 2015, you need to get started on your Gilman Scholarship application!

    Gilman Scholarships for Summer and Autumn Semesters - (MUST BE A PELL GRANT RECIPIENT) awards up to $5,000 for study abroad with the possibility of an additional $3,000 to study a critical language - Deadline: March 3 - website:

    Attend an upcoming Info Session to learn more:

    • Gilman Scholarship Info Session II: Tips for crafting the Gilman application
    • Tuesday, Feb. 17 from 2:30 - 3:30 pm, 850 UH

    For more information, contact