2017-2018 Application Cycle – OPEN!!!
UIC Deadline: September 9, 2016
Final deadline: October 11, 2016
What you need to know now:
Fulbright webinars can provide a great introduction to the Fulbright programs. In addition, you can reach out to Beth Powers at bpowers@uic.edu to discuss Fulbright.
July 7: Fulbright Clinton Public Policy Fellowship Introduction
July 19: Applications in the Arts: Portfolio Information Session
July 19: General Q&A for Fulbright U.S. Student Program
July 26: Study/Research: Statement of Grant Purpose & Letter of Affiliation
July 27: Meet Fulbright- National Geographic Alumni
2017-2018 Competition Webinar Schedule is now updated on the website http://us.fulbrightonline.org/component/events/?view=events
General webinars are uploaded to the U.S. Student Program website.
*NEW*Award Spotlight: Netherlands ETA (10)
Well-qualified U.S. Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates from all fields of study are welcome to apply. Preference will be given to candidates with previous teaching experience and plans to pursue a career in education. Applicants should be enthusiastic, highly motivated and flexible in order to successfully work with a team of teachers in several different classroom settings. Candidates are encouraged to include a capstone project proposal in their applications.Grantees will be placed in one or two secondary schools and/or middle vocational training schools throughout the Netherlands in areas with low populations of native English speakers. ETAs will spend between 20 and 24 hours each week teaching. In addition, grantees are required to carry out a supplementary project over the course of their grant. This can be in the form of creating an extracurricular club (language, sport, or culture club) or research project related to education. These projects will be presented at an end-of-year conference and complied for future ETAs to use as a resource.
Dutch language proficiency is not required. Some study of Dutch prior to arrival is encouraged.
For more information about this award, please contact Marla Mazer, Senior Program Manager, Fulbright U.S. Student Program (mmazer@iie.org or 212-984-5327).
Arts Applicants:
All Arts applicants and those applying to the Young Journalism Program in Germany MUST submit Supplementary Materials in addition to their application in Embark. FPAs do not have access to view materials submitted through this portal. I encourage you to work with students on their portfolio BEFORE they upload it to this site.
The Supplementary Materials Upload Portal is NEW this year- please do not send applicants to last year’s site.
Beth Powers
Director, Office of Special Scholarship Programs
The UIC AANAPISI Initiative is fully funded by the U.S. Department of Education. UIC is federally recognized as a Minority Serving Institution (MSI) through its status as a funded Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution.