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  • UIC College of Pharmacy Hosts the Prescription Drug Abuse Vigil

    The UIC College of Pharmacy would like to invite you to the Prescription Drug Abuse Vigil. Drug abuse is a growing problem and the facts show it:

    In 2014, 15.3 million people aged 12 and older used prescription drugs non-medically.

    16,000 people die from opioid related overdoses every year.

    More than 50% of people who abuse prescription drugs get them from friends or family for free.

    Please join us as Dr. Eileen Lewalski and Dr. Kyle Gordon discuss crucial topics including drug abuse and misuse, the AWARxE Program, how to handle cases of overdose, and the new over the counter naloxone.  This session will provide us with invaluable information which you may use to prevent or help someone with drug abuse or misuse in the future. Take the pledge to help fight prescription drug abuse!


    When: Thursday, April 7th from 12:30-1:20pm

    Where: UIC College of Pharmacy 

                 Room 134-1 (Chicago) and Room E218 (Rockford)

    Who: Everyone is welcome!

  • UIC College of Medicine Information Session – July 8, 4pm

  • UIC College of Dentistry Virtual Pre-Dental Night! (11/19)

  • UIC Cities Project - Mentor Opportunity!

    We hope you are having a fantastic summer! We want to share a great opportunity called the Cities Project, a volunteer experience where UIC undergraduate students would have a chance to mentor a Chicago Public School student in the upcoming school year (i.e., starting Fall 2022). Moreover, all UIC students participating in the project will receive training and ongoing support from experienced project staff. Students can gain credit for participating in the UIC Cities Project by signing up for the LAS 289.  

  • The background is white. The UIC logo is at the top left for the School of Theatre and Music. The middle has a graphic of an outline of the Chicago landscape with the Chicago flag colors.

    UIC Choir Upcoming Events: Karaoke this Friday, Open Mic next Wednesday, and Choir Auditions the week of 4/11 - 4/15

    Save the Dates:

    Karaoke this Friday, April 1 from 5-8pm! Location: ETMSW Building - Room L285.

    Open Mic next Wednesday, April 6 from 6-9pm! Location: ETMSW Building - Room L285.

    For more info, follow us on Instagram@UICChoirs

  • UIC Choirs Concert: Choral Masterworks – May 3

  • UIC Chicago Graduate and Professional School Fair - Thursday, October 6, 2016

    UIC Career Services is pleased to host the 12th annual UIC CHICAGO GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL FAIR, featuring over 150 programs.

    Thursday, October 6, 2016

    3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

    UIC Forum

    725 South Roosevelt Road

    Chicago, Illinois 60608

    No advance registration is required. However, to help us better serve you, please RSVP at  UIC students, UIC employees, and the general community are all welcome!! The event is FREE!!!

    Find contacts from across the country and the world ready to speak with you at the UIC Chicago Graduate and Professional School Fair. Even in our connected world, there is no substitute for face-to-face interaction to get your questions answered, and it's FREE.

    Representatives from more than 150 graduate and professional programs will be available to answer questions and offer information about their specific programs.

    To learn more about the event and view the list of participating schools, visit

    UIC Students, please bring your iCard for quicker entrance.

    If you require any accommodations to participate in the event, please contact Rosa Parker at 312-996-2300 or at

  • UIC celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month - UIC and community resources and events

  • UIC celebrates Earth Month!

  • UIC Careers List of Internships and Jobs

    Below are several internships and full-time opportunities that have been identified as possible good fits for Honors College students. These opportunities can be accessed by logging into your UICcareers account. Follow the instructions on the Student/Alumni link to activate your account if you are a first-time user. You can search for the positions in the Job tab or use the ID number. The quickest way to find a position is to do a keyword search with the title of the position in quotes.

    If you wish to schedule an appointment a Career Center advisor for resume, cover letter and/or interview skills assistance please call 312-996-2300 to schedule an appointment.

    Click on the post to see internships and jobs.

  • UIC Career Services: Spring 2022 Upcoming Events and Opportunities

  • UIC Career Services Event: Ask The Employers - Tues. 3/7

  • UIC Career Collective: Upcoming Opportunities

  • Background is yellow, green and teal. There are a series of different colored decorative dots. There is a QR code in the bottom middle.

    UIC Business hosts “Celebrating Success” for Black History Month on 2/22!

  • UIC Blood Buds ~ Menstrual Cups on Campus - get a free cup and learn how to use it! (3/12)

  • Beige background. Image of white menstrual cup on left, QR code on right. Title of flyer: Free Menstrual Cups!

    UIC Blood Buds - Get a free menstrual cup and help us donate 1000+ cups to UIC students!

  • UIC Beach Day on July 21 - Volleyball sign up available

  • UIC Beach Day 😎 - 08/05

  • UIC Bagged Lunch Event – Today, March 6

  • UIC Athletics Blood Drive – Sept 19

  • UIC Alumni in the Law Panel – March 6

  • UIC Alumni & Friends Outreach Center Now Hiring Students Summer 2018

  • UIC Alumni Exchange: Food and Health: Immersing in Culture To Improve Nutrition Interventions (July 15th)

  • UIC Alumni Association Session -- "I Want A New Job, Now What? How To Jump Start Your Job Search" (4/22)

  • Green background with the Alumni logo at the bottom left. On the right side is a person sitting writing with a pencil.

    UIC Alumni Association presents: Lunch & Learn: Making Yourself Employable live webinar (Today!)

  • UIC All Majors Career Fair, Thurs. March 16

  • UIC All Majors Career Fair, Thurs. 3/13

    Thursday, March 13, 2014
    10:00 am - 2:30 pm
    UIC Student Center East, Illinois Room
    750 South Halsted, Chicago, IL 60607
    Call 312-996-2300 or email for additional information.

    **Open to UIC students and alumni only** Proof of affiliation is required; some examples include i-card, alumni association card, miniature diploma, or unofficial transcript showing current classes or degree conferred.

    Students do not have to register prior to the fair.

    Click here for a list of registered employers.

  • UIC 101: What you need to know

  • UIAA Lobby Day 2015, Register by April 8

    To all students, this is a UIC Student Alumni Ambassadors and Illinois Connection-sponsored event that takes students down to Springfield each year from all three U of I campuses to lobby for issues pertinent to them, such as funding for the Universities. Meet local legislators in Springfield and explain to them what issues matter to you. Food and transportation is provided, so please register by April 8th at

    Lobby Day is April 15 from 11:30 am - 4:30 pm at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, IL.

    Questions? Contact Chris Kooy at


  • U and I Care Week: Promoting Self-Care @ UIC – March 4 - 8

  • U and I Care Fact: Wellness Over Break!

  • U and I Care Fact: Welcome Back!

  • U and I Care Fact: Tutoring and Academic Support

  • U and I Care Fact: Support and Advocacy for LGBTQ

  • U and I Care Fact: Resources for Housing and Food Insecurity

  • U and I Care Fact: Finals

  • U and I Care Fact: Feeling Overwhelmed in the Classroom

  • Two Health Professions Events in JST, Thurs. 3/31

    Honors students, especially those interested in health-related studies/professions, will enjoy two programs at JST this Thursday!

    7-8 p.m. in the JST Training Room

    "Pathway to Careers in Health Professions" (an Interactive session with UIC health professions faculty and students)

    8-9 p.m. at JST C226, Dean Chang's apartment

    "Cutie's Office Hours" (come meet Prof. Eric Swirsky to chat more about ethics in health information while tasting chocolate, fruit tea, and cucumber salad!)

    Questions? Contact Dean Chang at

  • Blue, white and yellow background with a qr code in the bottom right. White and yellow text over blue.

    Tutoring with Psi Chi

  • Tutoring Opportunities at Chicago Youth Programs

  • Tutor at the UIC Cisar Student Veteran Center

    The Cisar Student Veteran Center (CSVC) is looking for tutors to help student veterans succeed in class.  The CSVC is a space for veterans to study and find fellowship with fellow students.  The CSVC is located at Student Center East, and is a great opportunity for ambitious and successful students to gain volunteer hours, strengthen a resume, and to engage in community service.  Specifically, the CSVC is in need of math and chemistry tutors, though all other areas of study are welcome.  They would prefer that prospective student tutors be available for a minimum of 1-2 hours a week at the CSVC.  Interested students may send a resume to

  • Tuesdays with Tolliver, Tues. 10/25


    What an extraordinary time to be at UIC. There are many exciting and challenging transformations coming to the University of Illinois at Chicago, and especially to the division of Student Affairs. You are invited to spend some time with Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs J. Rex Tolliver at one of the monthly "Tuesdays with Tolliver" programs to share your thoughts and ideas on how to improve the student experience at UIC. Schedule for "Tuesdays with Tolliver" programs: October 25, 2016 6:00-7:00PM James Stukel Towers, Dining Hall November 8, 2016 12:00-1:00PM Student Center East, Commuter Student Resource Center December 6, 2016 12:00-1:00PM Student Center West, Thompson Room All UIC students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend and meals will be provided. If you require special accommodations to participate in this event, please call (312) 413-5902 or e-mail Rhonda Laylo at

  • Trip to the Capitol for Chicago State University and President Obama

    In solidarity with Chicago State University (CSU), 200 UIC students will be able to visit the state capital on February 10 with CSU in support and urging for our state to make a decision on the budget. For those of you that do not know, if a decision has not been made by the end of term, UIC students will be required to pay any money they received in MAP Grants that year and the school could also be facing a similar crisis as CSU. President Barack Obama will also be in Springfield that day giving an address to lawmakers. This event is open to all UIC students free of cost sponsored by the Undergraduate Student Government. This is an all-day event and buses will be leaving SCE at 7 am on Wednesday, February 10. Only the first 200 students will be invited to attend. If students would like to attend, they must email to RSVP.

  • Orange background with the Alumni Exchange logo at the bottom left. On the right hand side is a brick background with etchings of the words Live, Work, Create spray painted.

    Tried and Tested Strategies for Career Success (June 15th)

  • Tree of Life Synagogue Prayer Vigil – Today at 3pm

  • Town Hall Meeting: Strategic Plan for Increasing Undergraduate Success, Fri. 4/11

    Please attend the Town Hall Meeting on the Strategic Plan for Increasing Undergraduate Success on Fri. 4/11!


    Dear UIC Students, Faculty, and Staff Members:

    We are delighted to present the UIC Strategic Plan for Increasing Undergraduate Success: Task Force Recommendations (prefaced with an introductory summary) for campus comment and review. You can download the entire document—all of the final task force recommendations and rationale as submitted--here (19 mb), or you can download it in smaller parts here.

    You might recall that a preliminary draft of the plan was presented to the campus for comment in October 2012. From February through November 2013, eight task forces—comprising more than 200 faculty, staff, and students —met regularly to discuss how the campus might improve our efforts to support student success in a variety of areas: Data Analysis and Assessment, Targeted First-Year Curriculum, Support for Student Learning, Faculty Engagement, Advising, Financing College, Campus Life, and Pre-matriculation Issues. Throughout the process, there has been campus input in multiple ways. The entire campus was invited to nominate people to serve on one of the eight task forces, and to provide feedback at town hall meetings, online, and by email. The college deans and other campus administrators were also asked to nominate individuals and students. As a result, hundreds of faculty, staff, and students were invited to serve on the task forces.

    Please take the time now to read the recommendations and provide commentary either by submitting a comment through the web tool (at or by attending a town hall meeting on Friday, April 11, from noon to 2:00 p.m. (Illinois Rooms A and B, Student Center East), which will be transcribed. We will be grateful for large or small comments.

    All of your feedback will be attached to the document as an appendix and presented to Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost Lon Kaufman and Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Barbara Henley. The Vice Chancellors will then develop a charge for the campus to implement the plan, with transparency and campus-wide participation.

    We thank everyone for supporting this important strategic planning initiative. Much work lies ahead for everyone on campus. Thank you in advance for joining us in embracing that challenge. Your work will change many lives, the lives of not only our undergraduates, but also their families, their communities, our university, and our city.


    Bette L. Bottoms
    Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs &
    Dean of the Honors College,
    Professor of Psychology

    Linda A. Deanna
    Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs &
    Dean of Students

  • Town Hall Meeting about the Obama Presidential Library, Fri. 10/17

    UIC-North Lawndale has been selected as one of four possible sites for the Barack Obama Presidential Library, which will be built after President Obama leaves office in 2016.
     Students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and the general public are invited to attend a town hall meeting to discuss the forthcoming UIC-North Lawndale Obama Presidential Library proposal. The event will be held Friday, October 17, 2014 from noon until 1:30 p.m. in Room 605 of Student Center East on the UIC campus.
     The meeting agenda is as follows.
     Noon–12:10                      Welcome by Danielle Leibowitz, Student Trustee, University of Illinois Board of Trustees
    12:10–12:25                     Presentation on the UIC Obama Presidential Library proposal process
    12:25–12:35                     Presentation by North Lawndale community representatives
    12:35–1:25                        Breakout groups for discussion and feedback
    1:25–1:50                           Verbal reports from breakout groups, followed by collection of written comments   
    The town hall meeting will be led by UIC Political Science Professor and former Chicago alderman Dick Simpson. 
    Please note that two additional town hall meetings will be held in the coming weeks. On Saturday, October 25th, the second UIC-North Lawndale town hall meeting will convene between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Collins campus of North Lawndale College Prep High School, 1313 S. Sacramento Drive in Chicago. Parking is available. A third town hall meeting will be held at the Harold Washington Library in downtown Chicago in November. The date of this event, along with an agenda and other details, will be announced soon. 
  • Townhall Conversation about Urban Health Program with Congressman Danny Davis, Mon. 2/9

    Townhall Conversation with Congressman Danny K. Davis, 7th Congressional District of Illinois

    UIC Monday, February 9, 2015, Illinois Room B, SCE

    UIC Students, Faculty and Staff, please join the Urban Health Program for a Townhall Conversation with Congressman Danny K. Davis, to discuss: “The Urban Health Program - Reflecting on the Past and looking towards the Future.” 

    Sponsored by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Urban Health Program (UHP) and the UHP Community Advisory Council (CAC)

  • Tour the John Lennon Educational Bus at Hull House Museum, Thurs. 9/11

    Thursday, September 11, 2014
    10:00 AM-5:00 PM
    Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, the lot just south of the Residents’ Dining Room
    800 South Halsted Street

    If ever there was a time for John Lennon’s mantra “Give Peace a Chance” NOW would be the time. The John Lennon Educational Bus is an extremely cool and awesome music production site on wheels that was founded by Yoko Ono. The bus is in Chicago for the first time and on UIC’s campus at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum.

    Drop in, come by anytime Thursday from 10-5 PM to tour the bus and give peace a chance.

    Click below to see the bus virtually. Come by to see the bus LIVE!

  • Top 10 Questions an Applicant to Medical School Should Ask & St. George’s University Information Session (4/7)