UIC Beach Day is NEW! The Center for Student Involvement has partnered with Campus Rec to host a fun-filled UIC Beach Day at North Avenue Beach, from 2-7pm on Friday, July 21! Our UIC students, alumni, faculty, staff, and alumni are welcome to join us!! We will have music, (some) food, UIC swag, open volleyball, and meet new people! Bring your food, sunscreen, and anything else to enjoy the day with other UIC Flames! #FlamesintheCity
Register your beach volleyball team today!
2v2 Volleyball
6v6 Volleyball
More details are here: http://www.imleagues.com/spa/sport/ac4a5fd92acd4d03b52367ddde8c3abe/home
This event is for 18+ over.
Feel free to email with any questions: StudentInvolvement@uic.edu
View more event information on Facebook.