UIC-North Lawndale has been selected as one of four possible sites for the Barack Obama Presidential Library, which will be built after President Obama leaves office in 2016.
Students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and the general public are invited to attend a town hall meeting to discuss the forthcoming UIC-North Lawndale Obama Presidential Library proposal. The event will be held Friday, October 17, 2014 from noon until 1:30 p.m. in Room 605 of Student Center East on the UIC campus.
The meeting agenda is as follows.
Noon–12:10 Welcome by Danielle Leibowitz, Student Trustee, University of Illinois Board of Trustees
12:10–12:25 Presentation on the UIC Obama Presidential Library proposal process
12:25–12:35 Presentation by North Lawndale community representatives
12:35–1:25 Breakout groups for discussion and feedback
1:25–1:50 Verbal reports from breakout groups, followed by collection of written comments
The town hall meeting will be led by UIC Political Science Professor and former Chicago alderman Dick Simpson.
Please note that two additional town hall meetings will be held in the coming weeks. On Saturday, October 25th, the second UIC-North Lawndale town hall meeting will convene between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at the Collins campus of North Lawndale College Prep High School, 1313 S. Sacramento Drive in Chicago. Parking is available. A third town hall meeting will be held at the Harold Washington Library in downtown Chicago in November. The date of this event, along with an agenda and other details, will be announced soon.