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Honors College Announcements
Undergraduate Research

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  • Summer Diabetes Research Program at UIC, Apply by Sun. 2/28

    The UIC Honors College, in partnership with the UIC Department of Surgery and the Department of Bioengineering, is happy to announce a new Summer Research Program. The Summer Diabetes Research Program at UIC is a ten-week summer internship for undergraduates with a focus on diabetes research.  Sponosored by the NIH NIDDK R25 training program, this program will pair students with researchers in diabetes-related projects, such as islet transplantation, islet physiology, tissue engineering, beta-cell proliferation, microfluidic and nanotechnology technology, biological imaging, microencapsulation, and many other topics.  Students will also attend seminar-based lectures, conduct individual research, and experience a clinical component.

    Students will be compensated with a $3,000 stipend over the course of the ten-week program. 

    The application is now available at  The deadline for submission is February 28th.  The application includes essays, two letters of recommendation, and an official transcript.

    Please contact Dean Williams at with any questions.


  • Fall 2019 Research Assistants for the Youth Relationships Study

  • INERTIA Study Logo with older adults representing the two I's in 'INERTIA' background color is green

    INERTIA Study: Independent Research Credit or Volunteer Research Opportunity

  • Applications open for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) (Deadline to apply: 1/27)

  • There is a graphic of a person in a running position and their heart. Behind that figure is a heart beat.

    Research Experience Opportunity - ICOMPASS Lab

  • Research Assistant Volunteers Needed! (Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Exercise Intervention Program)

  • The Center for Decision Research (CDR) at University of Chicago Booth School is hiring paid research assistants

  • Call for Undergraduate Research Students for Bea Lab!

  • Research Study Assistant Opportunity - Northwestern Medicine - Center for Community Health

  • Cancer Research Program at St. Jude Children's Hospital for Summer 2015, Rolling Applications until Feb. 1

    The program offers a unique opportunity for students preparing for careers in the biomedical sciences, medicine, and pharmacy to gain biomedical and oncology research experience. Students participate in basic or clinical oncology research, research and clinical conferences, and a core lecture series designed specifically for them. All participants make a PowerPoint presentation on their research project and submit a report on their research project written in the style of a journal in which their faculty mentor publishes.  

    A primary goal of the POE program is to encourage students to pursue a career in cancer research. Thus, we are particularly interested in highly qualified students with a serious career interest in cancer research, either as a clinical scientist or laboratory-based research scientist.


    Prior research experience is required for all applicants.
     The POE 2014 class average undergraduate GPA was 3.80. In 2014, 51 students from 39 schools in 20 states and the District of Columbia were selected from 500 applicants. POEs must be United States citizens, non-citizen nationals, or possess a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States (required by the funding agency). All must have completed at least their college sophomore year by the time they participate. The minimum  requirement is 11 weeks during Summer 2015.  All POE applicants must have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.40 (on a 4.0 scale) in math and science (biology,  chemistry, and physics) and at least a 3.40 overall. The remuneration is $4,000. Fully furnished group housing adjacent to our campus is provided at no cost for non- local participants.
    The POE home page <> contains links to the program application. The deadline for receipt of all 2015 application materials is February 1, 2015. Early application is highly recommended, since we make some early placements.  Letters of recommendation sent as PDF attachments to email are requested. Members of under-represented ethnic minority groups and women are particularly encouraged to apply, since one of our major long-term program goals is to increase the diversity of persons engaged in oncology research and practice. Our NIH/NCI-funded (2 P30CA021765-34S1) Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) grant provides remuneration for additional undergraduate under-represented minority POE Program participants.
    Contact Dr. Suzanne Gronemeyer at with questions.
  • Applications open for the AY 2020-2021 Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award (CURA)

  • Research Internship Opportunity at the Feinberg School of Medicine

  • Honors Capstone General Information Workshops, Fri. 4/24 and Mon. 4/27

    The General Capstone Information Session provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the Capstone requirement, brainstorm possible topics or ideas for your Capstone, and talk with an Honors College Associate Dean or Postdoctoral Fellow about your Capstone.  This workshop is intended for everyone from Seniors starting on their Capstones now to freshman who want to learn more about the requirement to be prepared in the future.  

    Below are the upcoming dates for General Capstone Info Session Workshops for the semester.  

    • Friday April 24th, 1-2 pm, 114 Burnham Hall

    • Monday April 27th, 2-3 pm, 114 Burnham Hall

    If you have questions, contact Dean Chang ( or Dean Hall (

  • Internship Opportunity in Medical Social Sciences at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine

  • The University of Chicago's HBCU and HSI Bridge Scholarship Program – Application Deadline: April 16

  • Mixed Methods Study Research Opportunity!

  • The Women’s Mental Health Research Program Seeks Undergraduate Research Assistants

  • Research Assistant Volunteers Needed in Neuronal Cell Biology Lab - 11/10

  • New Research Abroad Program for UIC Students in All Disciplines!

  • Lazarov Lab Looking for an Research Assistant

  • Seeking Clinical Research Associates for the Cook County Hospital--Emergency Department

  • Research Position in College of Medicine

    Dear Honors College students,

    I am looking for 2 dedicated volunteer students who are interested in contributing to our research projects* for the 2016-2017 academic year. The student can help with carrying out experiments with the possibility of being included in publications that come of this work and they can apply the work toward their capstone project.

    *Our research investigates the role of the microbiome in lung, cardiovascular and kidney disease.

    We will be teaching the student lab techniques that they will need to help carry out some of this work. We will also be happy to offer any guidance and mentorship regarding applying to medical school and combined MD/PhD programs for the student who is interested.

    Requested commitment for the semester:

    3-4 times/week, 3-4 hrs (flexible, depending on student schedule)

    Student role and contribution: Help perform experiments, discuss experimental design and develop and test hypotheses.

    Previous Lab experience not necessary

    Projects: Microbiome

    Department of Medicine

    Lab PI: Patricia Finn and David Perkins

    Lab Location: College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB) 909 S Wolcott Ave

    I would be happy to set up a time to meet with students who are interested. They can begin as early as this July 2016. Interviews start ASAP.


    David Perkins, MD PhD

    Director of Transplantation

    Professor of Medicine

    University of Illinois, Chicago

    Department of Medicine

    Tomorrow's Physician Mentors Program

    College of Medicine

  • Seeking Clinical Research Associates for the Cook County Hospital Emergency Department – Apply by Feb 18

  • Seeking Clinical Research Associates for the Cook County Hospital - Emergency Department - Applications Closes 3/27

    The Department of Emergency Medicine at John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital, Cook County, seeks undergraduate clinical research associates (RAs).

    Selected students will actively participate in retrospective and prospective studies in the emergency department (ED). In addition to recruiting patients for studies and performing chart reviews, RAs will have the opportunity to shadow emergency medicine physicians in Chicago's busiest ED. This is a year-long volunteer position with the opportunity to receive UIC course credit.

    Students should have an enthusiastic attitude and strong work ethic, as conducting research in an emergency department can be chaotic. Excellent communication skills and a professional demeanor are critical when approaching patients.

  • The background has decorative dots of many colors.

    Applications are now open for 2022 Division of Cancer Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program!

  • Research Assistant Volunteers Needed in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Exercise Intervention Program

  • Applications Now Open for the 2019-2020 Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award (CURA)

  • Paid Undergrad Lab Aide Position Available in Biological Sciences

  • Honors College Research Grants – Applications due 9/20 at 5:00pm

  • Clinical Research Internship at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

  • Research Assistant Volunteers Needed for UIC's Department of Biomedical and Health Information Science's SAFE-T Lab – Application Deadline: Dec 1

  • National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates

    NSF funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its REU Sites program. An REU Site consists of a group of ten or so undergraduates who work in the research programs of the host institution. Each student is associated with a specific research project, where he/she works closely with the faculty and other researchers. Students are granted stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel. Undergraduate students supported with NSF funds must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. An REU Site may be at either a US or foreign location.

    By using the web page, Search for an REU Site, you may examine opportunities in the subject areas supported by various NSF units. Also, you may search by keywords to identify sites in particular research areas or with certain features, such as a particular location.

    Students must contact the individual sites for information and application materials. NSF does not have application materials and does not select student participants. A contact person and contact information is listed for each site.

    Learn more at

  • 2016 Regenerative Medicine Summer Internship Opportunities

    The SRF Summer Scholars Program offers undergraduate students the opportunity to conduct biomedical research to combat diseases of aging, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. Under the guidance of a scientific mentor, each Summer Scholar is responsible for his or her own research project in such exciting areas as genetic engineering and stem cell research. The Summer Scholars Program emphasizes development of both laboratory and communication skills to develop well-rounded scientists who can work equally well with other scientists or the general public. Students participating in the program will hone their writing skills via periodic reports, which are designed to emulate text scientists commonly must produce. Additionally, a poster presentation at a SRF-sponsored conference at the end of the summer will provide students with an opportunity to put all of their newly developed communication skills into practice when they present their results to scientists from other research institutions.

    Paid positions are available at such world-renowned research institutions as:

    Buck Institute for Research on Aging

    Harvard School of Medicine

    Sanford-Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute

    Scripps Research Institute

    SRF Research Center

    Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine

    The online application and full descriptions of each research project can be found at Applications will be accepted until 12 pm PST February 1, 2016. 

    If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact Gregory Chin at

  • Research Position for 2014-15 in Department of Medicine, Interviews Begin June 2

    Dr. Jennifer Kwan in the UIC College of Medicine is looking for 2 dedicated volunteer students who are interested in contributing to their research projects* for the 2014-2015 academic year. The student can help with carrying out experiments with the possibility of being included in publications that come of this work and they may be able to apply the work toward their capstone project.

    *Our research investigates the role of the microbiome in lung, cardiovascular and kidney disease.

    We will be teaching the student lab techniques that they will need to help carry out some of this work. I would also be happy to offer any guidance and mentorship regarding applying to medical school and combined MD/PhD programs for the student who is interested.

    Requested commitment for the semester:

    3-4 times/week, 3-4 hrs (flexible, depending on student schedule)

    Student role and contribution: Help perform experiments, discuss experimental design and science concepts.

    Previous Lab experience preferred

    Projects: Microbiome miRNAs in lung, cardiovascular and kidney disease

    Department of Medicine

    Lab PI: Patricia Finn and David Perkins

    Lab Location: College of Medicine Research Building (COMRB) 909 S Wolcott Ave

    The position can begin as early as this June 2014. Interviews start week of June 2, 2014.  Interested students and students with questions can contact Dr. Kwan:

    Jennifer M. Kwan, MD PhD

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    University of Illinois, Chicago

    Department of Medicine

    Tomorrow's Physician Mentors Program

    College of Medicine

  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) in UIC College of Pharmacy

    The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) in the College of Pharmacy, funded by American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, aims to introduce undergraduate students to research in biomedical sciences.  We are inviting applications from domestic sophomores and juniors majoring in biology, chemistry, biochemistry or related field. Application deadline is February 1, 2016.

    Detailed information can be found on the website: 

    For any questions about the program, please e-mail:

    Program Dates and Structure:

    The program runs for 10 weeks between June 1, 2016 and August 9, 2016. In addition to working on independent research projects in the laboratories of faculty mentors, SURF fellows will participate in workshops on advanced scientific techniques and instrumentation, scientific presentations, a career day at a local pharmaceutical company, research seminars and final symposium where they formally present their summer projects.


    Sophomores and juniors majoring in biology, chemistry, biochemistry or related field with GPA of 3.0 or better who are US citizens or permanent residents and have an interest in pursuing graduate studies.


    ASPET members in the College of Pharmacy are eligible to serve as mentors.


    SURF fellows will receive $3,000 for the summer.  Housing and travel cost is not covered by the program.

    Application Deadline:

    Deadline to apply is February 1, 2016. Form and instructions are located at Please feel free to contact us with any questions by e-mail at

  • 2019-2020 Orthopaedic Research Assistant at Rush University Medical Center (apply by 3/30)

  • Multiple Research Opportunities Available Currently!

  • Applications Open for Clinical Research Opportunity at UChicago CHARISMA

  • Capstone Workshop Schedule Announced, Next on Wed. 2/1

    Mark your calendars for this semester's Capstone Workshops!

    General Capstone Information Sessions: 

    The General Capstone Information Session provides an opportunity for you to learn more about the Capstone requirement, brainstorm possible topics or ideas for your Capstone, and talk with an Honors College Associate Dean or Postdoctoral Fellow about your Capstone.  This workshop is intended for everyone from Seniors starting on their Capstones now to freshman who want to learn more about the requirement to be prepared in the future.  

    Remaining Date:

    Wednesday, February 1, 3:00 pm, 121 Burnham Hall

    In addition, mark your calendar for the upcoming workshops to help you prepare to write an abstract and present your research!  

    Abstract Workshops

    Tuesday, March 2, 9:30 am, 121 Burnham Hall

    Monday, March 6, 12:00 pm, 121 Burnham Hall

    Wednesday, March 8, 4:00 pm, 121 Burnham Hall

    Poster Presentation Workshop: 

    Thursday, March 9, 4:00 pm, 121 Burnham Hall

    Tuesday, March 14, 2:00 pm, 121 Burnham Hall

    Wednesday, March 15, 12:00 pm, 121 Burnham Hall

    If you have questions, contact Associate Dean Sloan Williams (  

  • SAFE-T lab seeks 2 undergraduate research assistants

  • Illinois Research Experience at UIUC, in Chemistry, Deadline 2/12

    We are happy to announce the sixth year of the Illinois Research Experience for Undergraduates program, with support from the 3M Foundation.  I write now to invite you to urge students to apply to do summer research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  The program will run for 10 weeks, May 29 – August 6, 2016.

    We particularly seek students who have not previously conducted research, are members of underrepresented groups (including women), or are first-generation college attendees.  Students who have completed coursework at the sophomore to junior level by June 1, 2016 are our intended scholarship recipients.  Because of high demand for our program in prior years, applicants should be planning to obtain a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry or related fields between January 1, 2017 and August 31, 2018.

    The scholarship provides:

    *$5,000 stipend for a ten-week stay in our department

    *Housing at Europa House in Urbana, within walking distance to the Department of Chemistry and the rest of the campus

    *Round trip travel cost (up to $800)

    *$600 living allowance


    We do require that students have at least two semesters of organic chemistry lecture and laboratory. They should also be inclined to pursue graduate studies in chemistry.  Applications may be made at the website  For detailed information about the research areas of individual faculty members, please see

    Please apply as soon as possible. Applications received by February 12, 2016 will receive full consideration.   Given heavy demand for our program, files incomplete at 11:59 PM on the closing date will not be kept open for consideration.  Letters of recommendation must be received by the deadline. 

    Attached is the flyer for our REU program

  • Chuang Lab Looking for First or Second Year Student for Lab Aide

  • Fall Honors Research Symposium and Impact Day! (11/18)

  • Rush University Neuroscience Research Opportunity

    The Nicholson Laboratory at Rush University Medical Center is now looking for motivated undergraduate volunteers who are hoping to get involved in research. The Nicholson Lab investigates the nature of cognitive aging, Alzheimer’s disease, and other neuropathological disorders. They employ a combination of super-resolution microscopy, electrophysiology, and pharmacology to understand the synaptic changes that occur with aging and neurological disease.

    If you are interested in applying for a volunteer position in the Nicholson Lab, please send a brief email to

  • Interdisciplinary Social Science Research Opportunity w/ Dr. Xochitl Bada

    Dr. Xochitl Bada is seeking an undergraduate research assistant.  

    The undergraduate research assistant will provide support under my supervision for the following projects and will gain valuable experience using different methodologies in interdisciplinary social science research. He/she will also be introduced to different research teams in different universities.  Potential projects include:

    1  Consular Partnerships to Enforce Labor Standards for Immigrant Workers. This project addresses the labor rights enforcement disparities experienced Mexican workers and analyzes the bilateral agreements between the DOL and the Mexican consular network across the U.S. to improve access to labor standards agencies. An undergraduate research assistant will support this project with database management and coding in preparation for the analysis.

    2 An Oral Histories collection of Mexican Hometown Association (HTA) members and leaders in Chicago. This is a new project that I am developing in collaboration with the Newberry Library. I have plans to create the first collection of Mexican HTA members and leaders to be archived at the Newberry. The student working as my research assistant will be required to conduct a few of the interviews

    3. Rurality, Development, and Migration in Mexico. What do we know? This project analysis the changes in the relationship between migration and rurality in Mexico between 2000 and 2010. Using census information, the project maps the continuities and changes in the migratory patterns in the context of rurality in Mexico´s countryside. The student working as my research assistant will have to support the data analysis of 1,740 municipalities for each decennial count and produce graphs and tables. Some experience with excel and basic database management skill is necessary.

    Minimum qualifications are the ability to read, write, and speak Spanish and/or advanced knowledge of excel or any other spreadsheet software. Ideally, the student should have already taken and passed MATH 090, MATH 092 or MATH 118.  Student must be willing to work a minimum of 10 hours/week with a flexible schedule.  Student will need to be willing to apply for full funding from the CURA program.

    If interested, email Dr. Bada ( with a copy of your resume and a brief statement of why you are interested in the position.  For consideration for the fall 2016 semester, the deadline is May 1, 2016.

  • The background is white. There is a logo for the Illinois Alliance for Minority Participation. There are different decorative hexagons.

    Technology and Engineering Students Looking for PAID Research Opportunities

  • DEADLINE Extended: Fall Honors College Research Symposium, Register by Fri. 11/11

    Are you completing your Honors Capstone this semester? Are you looking for somewhere to present your research project? The Honors College is excited to announce the Fall 2016 Honors College Research Symposium. This will be a poster presentation event where Honors College students can present their research.

    Date: Monday, November 21, 2016
    Time: 3:30-5:30 p.m. (presenters must arrive at 3:00 p.m. to set up and remain for the entire event)
    Location: 302 SCE

    DEADLINE EXTENDED: To register as a presenter at this event, complete the registration form by Friday, November 11, 2016: 

    Please contact Eliza Callahan at for additional information.

  • Student Intern Research Opportunity

  • ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program – Application Deadline: Feb 28

  • The background is white, but the top and bottom of the flyer is green. There is a graphic of two seniors exercising and their bodies form the letters I's in the word Inertia.

    Research or Experiential learning opportunity: The INERTIA Study