The ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program seeks undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students with an interest in health and health care to participate in a paid full-time summer research and enrichment experience in Chicago.
About the Research Fellows Program
The ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows Program is a comprehensive learning experience for students who are planning to apply to graduate or medical school. This program is focused on the development of academic, technical, and professional skills in preparation for careers in social, behavioral, and biomedical research and in healthcare. ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows will spend the summer in seminars and research rotations learning from leading researchers. Following the summer intensive program, ChicagoCHEC Research Fellows will have the option to be matched with a research mentor and research project during the academic year.
Application Deadline
February 28, 2018
Program Dates:
June 2018 - August 2018 (8 Weeks)
More Information/ How to Apply
Please visit the ChicagoCHEC website for eligibility and application instructions.