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  • Bi-Annual Conference on Career Opportunities for Minorities in Public Health

    Bi-Annual Conference on Career Opportunities for Minorities in Public Health

    The conference provides excellent opportunities for attendees to:

    • Meet UIC SPH faculty, students, staff and alumni
    • Learn more about public health bachelors, masters and doctoral degree programs including the MPH, MHA, MS, PhD,DrPh dual degree programs including the MD/MPH, MSN/MPH, MBA/MPH
    • Learn more about the admissions process and financing your education
    • Gain helpful insight on Graduate Record Exam (GRE) preparation

     Additional highlights:

    • Learn about public health issues faced by disadvantaged communities and the importance of cultural competency in public health.
    • Obtain information on the public health undergraduate program at the School of Public Health

    The conference will be January 18, 2014 from 8:30am – 2pm at the School of Public Health and Psychiatric Institute: 1603 W. Taylor.

    Online registration:

    Click on the post to read more.

  • Ethics in Medicine Lecture: Is Religion Special? Wed. 1/15

    Is Religion Special? Toleration, Conscience, and Exemptions from the Law  

    Brian Leiter, J.D., Ph.D.
    University of Chicago

    What is the basis for permitting exceptions to law and policy based on religious belief and practice? If there is a good reason to impose a general standard on people, why should religious believers be exempt from that standard but not others who may oppose the standard on non-religious grounds? Professor Leiter will examine various exceptions given to religious believers and ask how they are justified or not.  

    4 pm, Wed. January 15, 2014
    College of Medicine Research Bldg Room 8175
    909 S. Wolcott St.

    Click on the post to read more.

  • Humanitarian Action and Contemporary Challenges in Armed Conflict Undergraduate Workshop: 2/8 & 2/9

    The American Red Cross of Greater Chicago and DePaul University are proud to host a free Undergraduate Workshop focused on Humanitarian Action & Humanitarian Principles in Armed Conflict. The workshop, which is being held at DePaul’s Loop Campus February 8th and 9th,  is a unique two-day program featuring discussion and hands-on exercises to introduce individuals to the topic of International Humanitarian Law.  Click on the post to read more.

  • Spanish or French Conversation Hours, Ongoing beginning Thurs. 1/16

    Are you interested in practicing conversational French or Spanish and meeting fellow language-enthusiasts?  Come to one of the Conversation Hours at the Language and Cultural Learning Center.  Free snacks are provided!

    • French Conversation Club, held Thursdays from 2-3pm in 308 Grant Hall (Language Oasis), beginning tomorrow Thurs. 1/16
    • Spanish Conversation Club, held Thursdays from 1-2pm in 308 Grant Hall (Language Oasis), beginning tomorrow Thurs. 1/16
  • Advancing Justice – Chicago’s Asian American Leadership Forum, Apply by Mon. 1/27

    This year, Advancing Justice - Chicago's Asian American Leadership Forum will be offering an exclusive (invitation only) Student Power! track to provide students the skills and tools to effectively advocate for Asian American student issues and network to build a collective voice on campus. The Student Power! track is a training and strategy session for student leaders from Chicagoland colleges & universities.  Click on the post to learn more.

  • 4th Annual Urban Innovation Symposium, Fri.1/31

    Join the Urban Planning and Policy Student Association for a day-long event focusing on how cities can be revitalized and repurposed through design and innovative strategies to create more sustainable urban areas. Presenters from across the region will provide insights into cutting-edge ideas in the realms of physical planning, design, housing, and economic development.  More information can be found at

  • Latino Cultural Center Open House, Wed. 1/22

    Are you new to UIC?  Do you want to learn about the Latino Cultural Center? Would you like to connect with Latino student organizations on campus?

    Join us for our Spring 2014 Open House and have all of your questions answered. Take a tour of our Center, greet our wonderful staff, and meet leaders from different UIC Latino student organizations. Learn about our awesome programs, upcoming events, student services, and check out our amazing mural: El Despertar de las Americas (The Awakening of the Americas), one of the largest indoor murals in the City of Chicago!  FREE refreshments will be provided.

    Location: 2 Lecture Center B

    Contact: or 312-996-3095

  • United States Hispanic Leadership Institute – Volunteers Needed 2/12 – 2/16

    USHLI is looking for Volunteers for their 32nd National Conference on February 12th- February 16th. This is a great opportunity to not only build your resume, but also to gain valuable skills that make you a better leader and a committed citizen. All applications will be considered. For more information about the conference, please visit . Click on this post to learn more.

  • Summer Medical and Dental Enrichment Program (SMDEP) Info session, Thurs. 1/23

    Come hear about the many opportunities for students at Case Western! The Director of Multicultural and Minority Programs will visit UIC and to talk specifically about the SMDEP program located on their campus as well as share advice regarding medical school applications and summer research opportunities at the medical school. He will talk about how to write a successful application and provide with insider tips. It will take place in the Daley Library room 1-470 at 3:30PM Thursday, 1/23.  Questions?  Contact Amy Halder at

  • Upcoming College-To-Career Programs and Events

    Looking for assistance choosing a major, creating a resume, navigating a career fair, or networking?  Check out the list of upcoming programs and events from Career Services! 

  • "What Does Branding Have to Do with Me?" Wed. 1/29

    Personal branding has been a hot topic for those on the job market, but what does it mean?  Join Scott Smith, Vice-President at Cramer-Krasselt, for a discussion as he breaks down the mystery and confusion about personal branding. What is a personal brand? Do you need one if you want to go to medical or graduate school?

    Bring questions! Bring a friend!  Open to ALL students!

    Wed, Jan 29, 2:00 PM

    African-American Cultural Center (Second Floor of Addams Hall)

    Co-sponsored by the Women in Science and Engineering Program (WISE), UIC Career Services, UIC Engineering Career Center, UIC Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services Program (LARES), UIC African-American Academic Network (AAAN)

  • Exciting New Job Shadowing Opportunity over Spring Break, Apply by Fri. 2/7

    The Chicago Future Leaders Program offers UIC female students the opportunity to meet people in various industries to learn more about their professional roles and fields. 

    How it will work:

    Thu, Feb 20 - Prep Session: A 2-hour session held on in a prestigious corporate downtown office.  Program advisors will talk about what to expect, answer your questions, and help you feel ready for this awesome experience. Meet the fellow student participants also!

    Tue, Mar 25- Workplace Immersion #1: this day-long immersion will give you “a day in the life” of a working professional at the American Red Cross, one of the world’s greatest disaster relief organizations. Learn more about what the Red Cross does, and what people who work for them do too.

    Wed, Mar 26 (final date TBD)- Workplace Immersion #2: this second day-long immersion explores the roles of professionals at another organization (to be determined). While the layout of the day will be similar to Immersion #1, your experience at this new organization will give you an entirely different exposure to the working world.

    Click here for the application.   Applications are due Fri, Feb 7.

    If you have questions about the program, please contact The Office of Career Services at 

  • Mental Health and Disability Alliance Meeting, Mon. 2/3

    The new Mental Health and Disability Alliance (MHDA) organization is having its first General Body Meeting on Monday, February 3 from 5 - 6:30 pm in the School of Public Health and Psychiatric Institute Room 121.  

    MHDA is a new organization at UIC founded by students, faculty, and staff that seeks to address issues revolving around mental health and disability. Our mission is to cultivate collaborations between the university and the community with the purpose of reducing stigma and other barriers associated with mental health and disability. MHDA aims to achieve these goals through interdisciplinary approaches of raising awareness, research and education, advocacy, and community engagement.

    New student attendance and participation are welcomed as the organization seeks to strengthen the multidisciplinary expertise in the fields of mental health and disability. If you have any questions about MHDA, please contact John Capua at

  • Black History Month Events in February

    Campus Programs is proud to announce the 2014 celebration of Black History Month with our theme "Chicago Contributions to Music"!  Sponsors throughout the university have an exciting and diverse lineup of programs to offer during February.  All events are open to the general public and the UIC community of students, faculty, and staff.  Click on this post for a full list of Black History Month events.  


    The Honors College will sponsor a lecture by Julieanna Richardson as part of Black History Month on Feb 6: 

    Leadership Lecture Series: Authentic Leadership

    Julieanna Richardson, Founder & Executive Director of The HistoryMakers 

    Thursday, February 6, 9:30 am in 121 Burnham Hall

    Julieanna Richardson is the Founder and the Executive Director of The HistoryMakers, the nation’s largest African American video oral history collection.  By recording, preserving and sharing the life stories of thousands of African Americans, from President Barack Obama to the oldest living black cowboy, The HistoryMakers is a leader in helping to educate and enlighten millions worldwide through refashioning a more inclusive record of American history.  Ms. Richardson has a diverse background in corporate law, television production and cable television.  She is also the recipient of the UIC Great Cities Institute's first Vernon Jarrett Senior Fellowship in 2006. 

    View the flyer here: 


  • Illinois Medieval Association Conference Volunteers Needed, 2/21 – 2/22

    Attention students of history, literature, art and culture--and the intellectually curious at large: 

    The Illinois Medieval Association Conference will take place on the UIC campus Friday February 21 and Saturday February 22. The conference site and program are here: 
    The conference organizers are  hoping that some students will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to attend the conference free if they volunteer a few hours of their time.  Students who are not directly studying the medieval period still enjoy the conference and networking with faculty and grad students from other institutions, and will certainly learn a lot from helping to set it up. Click on the post for more information.  


  • Resume & Cover Letter Workshop, Thurs. 2/6

    Resume & Cover Letter Workshop
    THURSDAY Feb 6, 2014
    3:30 pm - 5:00 pm  
    SCE, FT Dearborn - B

    Learn the Do's and Do Not's about your vital job search documents! We will go over tips for making your existing resume great, or writing your first one. This is a great chance to prepare for the Internship + Part-Time Job Fair the following Thursday, February 13th from 10 am - 2pm.

    Presented by the Student Employment Office.  Contact or 312-996-3130 with questions.

  • "Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years" Film Series, Every Monday at 6pm

    Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years 

    Film Series

    Mondays at 6pm

    Pop Up JUST Art (PUJA), 729 W. Maxwell 

    Sponsored by the UIC Social Justice Initiative

  • Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards (CSSLA), Nominations Due 3/10

    The CSSLA program has recognized outstanding student leaders and student volunteers who, while maintaining high academic achievement, demonstrate a commitment to the UIC community through participation in student organizations and campus activities and throughout the greater Chicagoland area through active service and community engagement.

    2014 Nominations are now open and will close on March 10, 2014.  Visit the website to learn more: 

    Students may be nominated for the following awards, presented each year

    at the CSSLA program:

    • The Chancellor’s Student Service Award (CSSA)
    • The Eugertha Bates Memorial Award
    • The President’s Volunteer Service Award
    • Campus Programs Annual Awards
    • Annual Awards of the University of Illinois Alumni Association.
  • Civic Engagement Lunch Talk: Community Transformation in Chicago: Reconceptualizing Neighborhood Food Systems, Wed. 2/12

    Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE) presents Civic Engagement Lunch Talks

    Learn more about how civic engagement can transform democracy.  Bring your own lunch or enjoy a light lunch served by IPCE.

    CUPPA GCI Conference Room 418
    412 S. Peoria Street
    Chicago, IL 60607 

    12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

    Wednesday, February 12, 2014

    "Community Transformation in Chicago: Reconceptualizing Neighborhood Food Systems" with Angela Odoms-Young, Assistant Professor, UIC Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition; Nefertiti Ojinjideka Hemphill, MS student, UIC Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition; Orrin Williams, Director, Center for Urban Transformation; Emmanuel Pratt, Director, Chicago State Aquaponics Center; and Daris Jasper, Artistic Jeanius.

    Click on the post to view other lunch talks this semester. 

    IPCE is committed to transforming democracy by creating a more fully engaged community with more effective leaders. Join us to learn more about how civic engagement can transform democracy.

    If you have any questions, please e-mail or call (312) 355-0088. 

  • US-UK Fulbright Summer Institute Award Programmes, Due 2/27 or 3/6

    Participants in the 2014 UK Fulbright Summer Institutes will get the opportunity to experience an exciting academic program at a highly regarded UK University, explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK and develop their academic ability by improving presentation, research and communication skills.  There are nine Summer Programmes available for US students in 2014 and candidates apply for one of their choosing.  The Summer Institute will cover the majority of the participant costs.  View the post to read more.

  • London's Black and South Asian Communities: Politics, Culture, and History - Summer Study Abroad Program, Info Session, Thurs. 2/13

    The goal of this program is to encourage students to think in complex ways through comparative analysis about issues of race, gender justice, identity and community from England to the US. The course will survey London's culture and politics through the experiences of the African, Caribbean and South Asian descended communities. Additionally, it will focus on the history of British colonialism, migration, discrimination and the hybrid cultural and political formations that emerge in London over time. Through readings, films and lively interactions with London-based researchers, students will explore some of the following issues:

    • History of colonialism and anti-colonialism
    • Women's organizations and grassroots movements
    • Housing and immigration policies and patterns
    • Social construction of race, ethnicity and identity

    All Students will take London's Black and South Asian Communities: Politics, Culture and History for 6 credits. Undergraduate and Graduate students may apply.

    An Info Session will be held on Feb. 13 from 12-1 in UH 1250.  Click on the post to learn more.

  • UIC Green Fee Request for Proposals, Initial Deadline Fri. 2/21

    Request for Proposals for Funding by the UIC Green Fee
    Letter of Inquiry Deadline: February 21, 2014
    Final Proposal Deadline: April 18, 2014
    The Green Fee Advisory Board (GFAB) is currently accepting student proposals for Spring 2014. Approximately $30,000 is available to support proposals that help to establish a sustainable campus environment by expanding such areas as composting, landscaping, and transportation initiatives while also reducing waste and conserving resources.  Funding proposals must address the three pillars of sustainability - environmental protection, social equity, and economic benefit - and align with the goals of the UIC Climate Action Plan. 

    Who can apply: All UIC students and student organizations are eligible to apply. If needed, the GFAB will help provide access to campus resources and personnel to approve projects. GFAB can also suggest other entities that may provide funding or other assistance.

    Click on the post to learn more.

  • BA in Public Health Info Sessions, Beginning Thurs. 2/13

    Information sessions for prospective applicants to the Bachelor of Arts in Public Health are offered throughout the year. Topics of the session include: overview of the public health field; general education and major course offerings; prerequisites to the major; admission requirements and application process; public health career opportunities; and time for questions and answers.

    Undergraduate Information Sessions take place in various buildings on the East Side of UIC's Campus unless otherwise noted.

    Undergraduate Information Sessions Upcoming Dates and Times:

    • Thursday, February 13th - 5:00pm to 5:50pm in 103 Lincoln Hall
    • Tuesday, February 18th - 2:00pm to 2:50pm in 312 Lincoln Hall
    • Wednesday, February 26th - 4:00pm to 4:50pm in 207 Lincoln Hall
    • Monday, March 3rd - 5:00pm to 5:50pm in 192 School of Public Health and Psychiatric Institute Building (Note: West Campus location)
    • Thursday, March 6th - 5:00pm to 5:50pm in 103 Lincoln Hall

    RSVP for these sessions (appreciated but not required) at the following link: 

    If you are unable to attend an information session but have questions about our public health undergraduate major, feel free to contact Melissa Tag, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, at or (312) 355-2536.

  • UIC Internship and Part-Time Job Fair, Thurs. 2/13

    OPEN TO ALL MAJORS! Off-campus employers will be recruiting for part-time and internship positions, and some will also be recruiting for full - time positions. 

    Thursday, Feb. 13, 10am - 2pm
    Student Center East, Illinois Room

    Dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes.  Free for U of I students/alumni.

    Questions?  Contact 312-996-3130 or

  • Spring 2014 Pre-Health Workshops, Seminars and Series, First Event on Thurs. 2/13

    The LAS Pre-Health Advisors offer a series of Workshops during the Spring 2014 semester.  If you are interested in pre-Health, these workshops are essential resources!  Mark your calendars now!

    Workshop topics include:

    • “Making Connections: Basic Sciences to Human Health and Disease”
    • Hot Topics in Health: Lunchtime Conversations
    • First-Year Student Seminar - “Preparing for a Health Career”
    • Personal Statement Workshop
    • RUSH University Health Program Sessions
    • Changing the World: One Physician’s Life and Legacy
    • Dental School Applications
    • Financing Your Professional School Education
    • Nursing Students: Making your Life Experience Work for You

    View the post for full details. 

  • Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy, Apply by 7/1

    The Summer Institute on Sustainability and Energy (SISE) is a two-week intensive workshop and lecture series for students and professionals interested in the title subjects: sustainability and energy.  From August 6-20, a diverse body of participants will converge on the UIC campus and immerse itself in a broad spectrum of topics in energy and sustainable energy through daily presentations & panel discussions, collaborative research projects and mentoring, site tours of leading energy facilities in Chicago, and networking opportunities with energy & entrepreneurial leaders. The issues presented will be of interest to scientists, economists, political scientists, urban planners, engineers, architects, and entrepreneurs. This experience leaves graduates of the SISE program with a firm foundation for future careers in sustainability and energy, and inspires them to lead the next generation as thoughtful and informed global citizens.  Click on the post to learn more.

  • 6th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference, Fri. 2/28

    6th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference

    Where: University of Illinois at Chicago - Student Center West - 828 S. Wolcott Ave., Chicago, IL 60612

    When: Friday, February 28, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Why: The Minority Health in the Midwest Conference is a day-long event featuring talks from prominent health leaders, workshop sessions, and poster presentations from students and professionals. This conference provides a forum for emerging scholars, community leaders, and researchers to work together in the common goal of eliminating health disparities in underserved populations and communities of color.  Join us as we explore new ideas and innovative strategies to bridge the gap in healthcare quality, access, and outcomes created by racial, ethnic, and social discrimination.

    There is no fee for attendance, but registration is required.

    Deadline to register: Sunday, February 23, 2014

    To register, use this link:

    Our website:


    The 6th Annual Minority Health in the Midwest Conference is brought to you by Minority Students for the Advancement of Public Health in collaboration with the Urban Health and Diversity Program, the UIC School of Public Health, and the Student Activities Funding Committee.  The conference is held in conjunction with the 35th Annual Minority Health Conference hosted by the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, Gillings School of Public Health.  The statements, opinions, and ideas conveyed in this program do not necessarily express the position of the University of Illinois at Chicago.

  • Career Peer Mentor positions for Fall 2014 and Spring 2015!

    The Office of Career Services and the Student Employment Office are seeking undergraduate students to become Career Peer Mentors for the 2014-2015 academic year. 

    Career Peer Mentorsare UIC undergraduate students whowork part-time for the Office of Career Services and the Student Employment Office, assisting UIC students with their career development and job search needs.  

    View the post to learn more.

  • 2014 Student Research Forum – Submissions Due March 24

    Are you looking for an opportunity to present your Honors Capstone project or other undergraduate research project?

    The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, in conjunction with the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and the University of Illinois Alumni Association, is pleased to announce the 2014 Student Research Forum (SRF), which will be held on April 8, 2014. This important campus-wide event showcases undergraduate, graduate and professional student research covering a broad range of scholarship: Art/Design/Humanities; Business/Computer Science/Mathematics; Engineering/Physical Sciences; Life Sciences; and Social Sciences. In addition to awards in the above categories, awards will be given to the top student research projects that best reflect the principles of sustainability.

    To participate in the event, you will need to submit a one-page abstract by 9:00AM, Monday, March 24, 2014. Further details on the event and specific instructions for participation are provided on the SRF website.

  • Disability Poetics: Migration and Transformation, Thurs. 2/20

    The Disability Resource Center (DRC), the Disability Culture Advisory Committee (DCAC) and the Asian American Resource and Cultural Center (AARCC) present:

    Disability Poetics: Migration and Transformation

    Student Open Mic and Performance by
    Kay Ulanday Barrett

    Thursday February 20, 2014

    6:00 p.m.—8:00 p.m.

    Illinois Room C, 3rd Floor, Student Center East

    750 S. Halsted St.

    A 2009 Campus Pride Hot List artist, 2013 Trans Justice Funding Project Panelist, and 2013 Trans 100 Honoree, Kay Ulanday Barrett is a poet, performer, and educator, navigating life as a disabled pin@y-amerikan transgender queer in the U.S. with struggle, resistance, and laughter.

    ACCESS: This event will be ASL interpreted, close-captioned, and audio described. For any other access needs, contact Brian Heyburn at

    SCENT-FREE: Please refrain from wearing any scented perfumes or products to this event. 

    Contact Brian Heyburn at with questions.

  • Student Leadership Institute: LeaderShape Catalyst Sat. 2/22, Apply by Thurs. 2/20

    UIC Campus Programs and Student Leadership Development & Volunteer Services are extremely excited to announce that we are bringing the Student Leadership Institute: LeaderShape Catalyst to campus THIS SATURDAY, 2/22/14.

    Catalyst is a one-day program designed to allow you the time and space to consider powerful questions that move you towards action. Join us to find out: Are you on the right path? Who do you want to be? How can you connect with other like-minded individuals? For more information about Catalyst and to watch a video about the program, visit: LeaderShape Website

    Limited spots are available to join in this transformative day. Catalyst will take place in SCE from 9a-5p on 2/22/14 with meals included that day. To apply for Catalyst, please submit this application by Thursday, February 20 at 5:00 pm: CATALYST APPLICATION

    If you have any questions, please email Carrie at

  • Japan Intercultural Consulting “Succeeding in a Japanese Company” Telesummit, 3/4 – 3/20

    Interested in a career in international business?  Have you studied abroad or spent time in Japan?  You might be interested in Japan Intercultural Consulting's first-ever online event: "Succeeding in a Japanese Company" telesummit.

    It’s going to be a no cost, 3 week online training summit where I’ll be sharing the microphone with 12 of our Japan Intercultural Consulting subject matter experts, as they share their years of experience and extensive knowledge during a series of interviews to be broadcast March 4 through March 20, 2014
    With 12+ hours of interviews planned, we’re offering in-depth advice on topics that include:
    Working with Your Japanese Boss • Becoming Part of the Team in Your Japanese Workplace • How to Keep Japanese from Falling Asleep in Your Presentation • How to Give and Receive Feedback in Japanese Culture • Understanding and Influencing Decision Makers in Your Japanese Company • How to Avoid Meeting Madness in Your Japanese Company • Same Words, Different Meanings -- Effective Communication with Japanese
    Sign up to attend the Succeeding at a Japanese Company Telesummit that kicks off on Tuesday, March 4th at, and we’ll send you more details in the weeks ahead.  No registration fee.  However, only those who register in advance by signing up at will get the event details.

  • Special invitation to workshop for AACC Exhibition “Migration & Transformation through the Arts: The Bronzeville Story,” RSVP by Tues. 2/25

    You are invited to participate in a working lunch on Thursday, February 27, 2014 to generate ideas around the African-American Cultural Center's upcoming exhibition series, “Migration & Transformation through the Arts: The Bronzeville Story” (March 14, 2014 – August 29, 2015).  The 90-minute luncheon and facilitated workshop will begin at 1:00 pm in the Gallery of the African American Cultural Center at UIC, located on the second floor of Addams Hall.  Lunch will be provided.  

    The Bronzeville series is a part of Migration and Transformation, an overarching project of the Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change, that highlights the different migration experiences of people living in the US and how this shapes their identities and sense of belonging in our society.  

    Click on the post to learn more.

  • 11th Annual Illinois Latino Law School Association Forum, Sat. 3/1

    The John Marshall Law School (Chicago, IL)

    11th Annual Illinois Latino Law Student Association Forum

    Date: Saturday, March 1, 2014
    Time: 8:00 am–6:00 pm
    Location: The John Marshall Law School

    The forum is designed to encourage more Latinos/as to consider the field of law as a career choice by exposing Illinois high school and college students to the benefits of a legal career. This forum is offered at no cost to participating students, and it provides these young men and women with an opportunity to learn, socialize, and network with Latino/a law students and professionals from all over Illinois. The forum includes panel discussions, admission and financial aid workshops, a mock torts class, and a mock trial. During lunch, participants receive an inspirational and informative message from the forum's keynote speaker. Afterward, participants are provided with information about law and legal education, as well as opportunities to personally meet and network with Latino/a law students, attorneys, judges, and elected officials. The annual Illinois Latino Law Student Association Forum is one of the few events in Illinois that unites the legal community to promote the increase of Latino/a student representation within our law schools.

    Register here:  

    Contact Brian Martinez a with questions.

  • “Unveiling the Mysteries of our Universe” Lecture by Physics Professor Nikos Varelas, Wed. 2/26

    Unveiling the Mysteries of our Universe  

    • Date(s): Wednesday, 2/26 3:00 PM to Wednesday, 2/26 5:00 PM
    • Campus Address: Daley Library 1-470

    The Department of Classics and Mediterranean Studies is very proud to present a talk by the distinguished UIC professor of physics and Honors College Faculty Fellow, Nikos Varelas, whose ground-breaking research of the “Higgs boson”, the elusive subatomic particle essential to the existence of mass, has been granted many awards. Keeping to the tradition of the Greek-Ionian Scientists and philosophers of the sixth cent. BCE, Prof. Varelas will speak on: “Unveiling the Mysteries of our Universe”

  • A Conversation with Managing Deputy Commissioner for O’Hare and Midway Airports, Wed. 2/26

    A Conversation with Angela Manning-Hardimon

    UIC MBA 1999
    Managing Deputy Commissioner of Administration
    City of Chicago Department of Aviation

    Wednesday February 26, 2014
    7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
    James Stukel Tower Training Room, Ground Floor B Tower 
    718 W. Rochford Chicago IL 60607

    RSVP your attendance to Rob Kemp at

    Join us for an engaging and informative conversation with Angela Manning-Hardimon,UIC MBA 1999.

    Angela Manning-Hardimon serves as Managing Deputy Commissioner of Administration for O'Hare and Midway International Airports. In this position, Mrs. Hardimon is responsible for providing management oversight for the Information Technology, Human Resources, Labor Relations and Customer Service divisions of the airports. During her tenure with the City of Chicago Department of Aviation, Mrs. Hardimon has also had management responsibilities for Contracts Administration, Finance, Capital Finance, Concessions, Real Estate, Marketing and Performance Management.

    Click on the post to learn more

  • Islam Awareness Week, 3/3 – 3/7

    The Muslim Student Association of UIC presents:

    ISLAM AWARENESS WEEK 2014: Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 7
    A week dedicated to educating and enlightening people about the world's most misrepresented religion

    Monday 3/3: SCE 605
    12pm - 1pm: Islam in Brief
    2pm - 3pm: The Big Three - Christianity, Judaism, Islam

    Tuesday 3/4: SCE 605
    12pm - 1pm: Will the Real Shariah Law Please Stand Up?
    2pm - 3pm: Islam's Contributions to Civilization

    Wednesday 3/5: SCE 605
    12pm - 1pm: Don't Judge a Woman by her Cover
    3pm - 4pm: Prophet Muhammad: The Greatest of All Time

    Thursday 3/6: SCE 605 and Illinois Room
    12pm - 1pm: Islam Exposed: Misconceptions Addressed
    2pm - 4pm: Stories and Lessons - Why I Chose Islam
    6pm - 9pm: Misrepresented: The Words Withheld (Illinois Room)

    Friday 3/7: Rathskeller
    12:15pm - 1:15 pm: Friday Prayer
    1:15pm - 1:45 pm: Friday Prayer
    3pm - 4pm: Being Under Cover: Hijab Reflections

    Questions? or 

  • One Earth Film Festival at Latino Cultural Center and Gallery 400, Starts Wed. 3/5

    Please join our friends at One Earth Film Festival for the Midwest's premier environmental film festival, coming soon, beginning March 5, 2014, at UIC's Latino Cultural Center and Gallery 400.  The festival will continue March 7-9, 2014, at more than two-dozen locations in Chicago and the near-West suburbs. This year Green America is a proud sponsor of this festival, now in its third year!

    The festival drew more than 2,000 viewers last year, is produced by Green Community Connections, and features 30 films on topics such as food, water, waste, conservation, energy, and activism. Come enjoy the festival and participate in post-film discussions and activities with topic experts. 

    UIC is proud to host The New Environmentalists: From Chicago to the Karoo at the Latino Cultural Center and Trashed at Gallery 400. After each film, there will be a lively and engaging discussion regarding environmental activism and the consequences of not recycling.

    One Earth Film Festival films are almost all FREE, and promise something meaningful for everyone — adults, teens, families and children. (Volunteers needed for Fest weekend.) 

    Here's to a greener Chicago and a greener America!

  • Workshop for First-Year Pre-Health Students: Preparing for a Health Career, Wed. 3/5

    This workshop will explore what it means to be a "pre-health student" at UIC. Advisors will discuss how to prepare for a pre-health profession during college and will assist students in evaluating their academic and personal abilities. All workshops are held in 401 University Hall.  Organized by the LAS Pre-Health Advising Office.

    Wednesday, March 5, 3 - 4 p.m., 401 University Hall 

    RSVP on the LAS Pre-Health Website: 

    Contact with questions.

  • Write for UIC News!

    UIC News is seeking student contributors to write stories for our weekly Student Voice page. We will occasionally email story ideas to our contributors to select from on a first-come, first-served basis. We also accept story ideas and submissions from contributors.

    UIC News is also accepting applications for two interns to add a student voice to its work in news and social media for the fall semester. It's a great opportunity to gain experience writing for print and online, including news and feature writing, video and social media. Applicants should have experience in writing for publications (online or print) and an interest in journalism. Video and photography skills are a plus. Interns must enroll in an internship course (in the English department or LAS) for elective credit.

    We will also be accepting applications for weekly bloggers to share their experiences as UIC students starting over the summer or fall semester. Bloggers are required to post once per week and are paid $50 per month. View examples at 

    Interested or have questions? Email Christy Levy at

  • Women’s Heritage Month March 2014 Events

    The goal of UIC's annual Women’s Heritage Month (WHM) celebration is to promote activities and lectures that engage and inform our community about the diverse roles and unique contributions of women in our community. A variety of departments and organizations throughout the UIC campus community are hosting a month long array of programs and events that have a strong common thread: they delve into and celebrate the lives and impact of women from a diversity of communities and cultures.

    By centering UIC faculty, staff & student research and community involvement in this month-long program, we hope to provide a unified voice sharing Women’s Heritage Month activities and events to the campus community and beyond. Come join us!

    Be sure to check out all the wonderful events scheduled for this week of Women's Heritage Month and the weeks ahead at

  • Spring Leadership and Service Expo, Thurs. 3/6

    Join us for UIC's annual Leadership & Service Expo on March 6th from 11am to 1pm in Student Center East, 1st Floor Concourse (outside the UIC Bookstore).

    Attend to connect with 20 non-profit agencies from around Chicago. Find volunteer & internship opportunities that match your interests, learn more about the needs of your communities, and discover how you can help non-profit organizations achieve their missions.

    Everyone is welcome! For more information, contact Casey at

  • Study Abroad for Summer or Fall 2014, Application Deadlines Fri. 3/21

    Interested in study abroad?  Deadlines for Summer and Fall 2014 Programs are fast approaching on March 21st!  With over 200 programs, the UIC Study Abroad Office offers something for everyone.  Here's a sampling: 

    Interested?  Go to a First Step info sessions:

    January 13th -March 20th

    Mondays at 2pm
    Tuesdays at 12:30pm
    Wed at 11am & 2pm

    Thursdays at 12:30pm
    Fridays at 11am

    Visit the Study Abroad Office website for more information.

  • Making Connections: Basic Sciences to Human Health and Disease, Mon. 3/10

    Sponsored by the LAS Pre-Health Advising Office, this series of mini-lectures aims to help students understand the purposes behind various concepts within the basic sciences and how they relate to concepts within the human body and specific diseases. UIC faculty and health care practitioners will provide examples and discuss how understanding various concepts within chemistry and biology, directly relate to your ability to comprehend how the human body functions. Students planning to take the 2015 MCAT should find this series very helpful in their preparation for the types of concepts and questions asked on the new exam.

    Each lecture will be unique; students are welcome to attend one or more events in the series. All lectures will be held in the UIC Daley Library, room 1-470.

    RSVP: Making Connections

    Monday, March 10, 2014; 11:00a.m. – 12:00noon
    Thursday, March 13, 2014; 3:30 – 4:40p.m.
    Wednesday, April 9, 2014; 1:00p.m. – 1:50p.m.

  • UIC All Majors Career Fair, Thurs. 3/13

    Thursday, March 13, 2014
    10:00 am - 2:30 pm
    UIC Student Center East, Illinois Room
    750 South Halsted, Chicago, IL 60607
    Call 312-996-2300 or email for additional information.

    **Open to UIC students and alumni only** Proof of affiliation is required; some examples include i-card, alumni association card, miniature diploma, or unofficial transcript showing current classes or degree conferred.

    Students do not have to register prior to the fair.

    Click here for a list of registered employers.

  • Pre-Health Personal Statement Workshop, Wed. 3/12

    Pre-Health Personal Statement Workshop

    In this workshop, students will learn about the purpose of the personal statement and things to consider when writing. Brainstorming is an essential part of preparing to write a personal statement. Through an interactive activity, students will begin the brainstorming process by reflecting on their past and current experiences. Pre-Health Advisors will also review common mistakes students make when writing and help students determine what experiences and personal characteristics are important to include in the essay.

    Please RSVP to sign for one of the sessions below. All workshops are held in 401 University Hall.
    Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 9:00-10:00a.m.
    Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 2:00-3:00p.m.
    Thursday, April 24, 2014, 3:30-4:30p.m.

    RSVP on the LAS Pre-Health Website: 

    Contact with questions.

  • Annual Phillip J. Bowman Lecture: “Looking Back to Freedom Summer: Reflections on Race, Politics, and Civil Rights Activism”, Wed. 3/12

    Please join the Office of the Chancellor on March 12 at 3:00 p.m. for a talk by Professor Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., this year’s Phillip J. Bowman Lecturer in Race and Public Policy. This year’s lecture marks the 10th Anniversary Celebration of the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP) at UIC, and is featured as part of the Chancellor’s Lecture and Event Series.

    Professor Ogletree is a prominent legal theorist who has earned an international reputation by taking a hard look at complex issues of law and by working to secure the rights guaranteed by the Constitution for everyone equally under the law. His most recent book is The Presumption of Guilt: The Arrest of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Race, Class and Crime in America, which draws on the 2009 mistaken arrest of Gates to explore issues of race and what must be done to create a more just legal system.

    RSVP to Ryan Viloria ( and please advise should you need any special accommodations.

    Event details are as follows:

    Wednesday, March 12, 2014
    3:00 PM, Room 302, Student Center East

    (750 S. Halsted Street)
    The Annual Phillip J. Bowman Lecture: “Looking Back to Freedom Summer: Reflections on Race, Politics, and Civil Rights Activism”
    Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., Jesse Climenko Professor of Law at Harvard University and Director of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice

  • 2014-15 UIC Student Elections, Vote Online on 3/12 and 3/13

    The annual UIC Student Elections are being held on March 12 and 13 at to elect the Undergraduate Student Government President and the Student Member of the UI Board of Trustees. The Honors College does not endorse any particular candidate for these elections, but encourages you to exercise your voice and vote for the candidate of your choosing in the election.  Learn more about each candidate's platform and how to vote here:  If you have questions or concerns, please contact

  • Hot Topics in Health: Lunchtime Conversations, Thurs. 3/13

    Sponsored by the LAS Pre-Health Advising Office, this series provides students with knowledge from experts in the field on a variety of topics relating to the healthcare world today. Any pre-health student regardless of their intended profession should find the topics worthwhile and interesting. Students are encouraged to bring their lunch and engage in conversation after the 20-25 minute presentation. Each session will be unique; students are welcome to attend one or more events in the series.

    The series will be held in the UIC Daley Library, room 1-470.
    Thursday, March 13, 2014; 12:30p.m. – 1:15p.m.

    To learn more and RSVP, visit the LAS Pre-Health Advising Website: 

    Questions?  Contact

  • Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr. Lecture, Mon. 3/17

    Thirty years after his historic bid for the White House, Rev. Jackson will reflect on his long and varied career and the state of justice movements today, especially with regard to peace, poverty, prisons and education – some of the unfinished agenda items of the Civil Rights Movement Era.
    RSVP to Stacy Jeffries ( in the Office of the Chancellor. 
    Event details are as follows:
    Monday, March 17, 2014
    Reception: 12:30 p.m.
    Talk: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
    Illinois Room of the Student Center East
    750 S. Halsted Street
    Reverend Jackson’s talk is part of the Chancellor’s Lecture and Event Series, in partnership with the Social Justice Initiative and the Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement. The event is free and open to the public.