The Muslim Student Association of UIC presents:
ISLAM AWARENESS WEEK 2014: Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 7
A week dedicated to educating and enlightening people about the world's most misrepresented religion
Monday 3/3: SCE 605
12pm - 1pm: Islam in Brief
2pm - 3pm: The Big Three - Christianity, Judaism, Islam
Tuesday 3/4: SCE 605
12pm - 1pm: Will the Real Shariah Law Please Stand Up?
2pm - 3pm: Islam's Contributions to Civilization
Wednesday 3/5: SCE 605
12pm - 1pm: Don't Judge a Woman by her Cover
3pm - 4pm: Prophet Muhammad: The Greatest of All Time
Thursday 3/6: SCE 605 and Illinois Room
12pm - 1pm: Islam Exposed: Misconceptions Addressed
2pm - 4pm: Stories and Lessons - Why I Chose Islam
6pm - 9pm: Misrepresented: The Words Withheld (Illinois Room)
Friday 3/7: Rathskeller
12:15pm - 1:15 pm: Friday Prayer
1:15pm - 1:45 pm: Friday Prayer
3pm - 4pm: Being Under Cover: Hijab Reflections
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