Jan 13, 2015 3:15 pm206 views
Undergraduate Research/Scientific Assistant Position: GlobalEd 2
The GlobalEd 2 Project at the College of Education is seeking a part-time undergraduate research/scientific assistant to help with the development of curriculum materials and digital support tools for students over spring semester 2015, with the possibility of an extension to summer term.
This is a 10 hour per week position with occasional additional hours up to 20 hours a week.
Responsibilities for this position include:
- Performing Internet research and finding resources on issues related to GlobalEd 2 topics (specifically global food availability and genetically modified foods).
- Compiling and curating a database of web links, resources, and other tools to help students using the GlobalEd 2 curriculum.
- Assisting with the development and deployment of official GlobalEd 2 curriculum materials via the web (e.g., worksheets, handbooks, websites, and other digital applications).
- Data entry using Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and other web-based forms.
- Data management tasks, including scanning, photocopying, labeling, filing, and analysis of student work.
- Other duties as needed.
GlobalEd 2 is an online curriculum developed in collaboration with University of Connecticut. Within GlobalEd 2, middle school social studies classrooms in Connecticut and Chicago participate in an online negotiations simulation to discuss a socioscientific issue. Currently the issue in the GlobalEd 2 curriculum is global food availability and genetically modified foods. Each classroom represents a nation, and within each classroom/nation, there are smaller committees focusing on environment, economy, human rights, and health issues. The nations and committees research their situation, then engage in online discussions (message boards and live "chats") with the goal of reaching international agreement on some solutions to food issues. The goal of the project is to increase students' science literacy and interest in science by situating science in a real-world scenario and a technology rich environment.
This position is ideal for an undergraduate in education or social sciences who is interested in classroom-based research and has or wants some experience with office/research lab work. This position is also focused on web research, so it is suitable for anyone who enjoys “hunting” for items on the web and curating the best items.
Strong attention to detail and proficiency in basic Microsoft Office and Google Apps software are required. Also, any technology experience with programming, WordPress, or other content management platforms is preferable.
Minority students and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Find out more about GlobalEd 2 at our website: www.globaled2.com.
Please submit letter of interest and resume to Jeremy Riel at jriel2@uic.edu. Qualified applicants will be interviewed as soon as materials are received.