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Honors College Announcements

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  • New Honors Course Available Fall 2017 – Honors Internship

  • LAS announces a new online LAS minor declaration form!

  • Only 3 Spots Left for Our New HC Opportunity: A Year-Long Experiential Collaboration with Roosevelt University! Register today!

  • Study Abroad in the Caribbean this summer! (Applications now open)

  • Still need a Spring Honors Activity? Consider HON 200

  • Spring 2018 Honors Course List Available

  • HON 200 – Honors Internship

  • All Honors Students: Register for HON 222 or HON 322 for Spring 2016

    Remember that all Honors College students should be registered for HON 222: Honors Activity (0 credit hours) each semester, unless you are working on your Honors Capstone project.  If you are working on your Honors Capstone project, you should NOT register for HON 222 and should instead register for HON 322: Honors Capstone Activity (0 credit hours) for Spring 2015.  If you have questions, please contact your Honors Advisor.

    HON 222 - Honors Activity

    0 credit hours. Required for all Honors College students each Fall and Spring. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade


    15072 (for students whose last name starts with A through K)        

    15073 (for students whose last name starts with L through Z)


    HON 322 - Honors Capstone

    For students conducting work this term to satisfy your Honors Capstone

    0 credit hours. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade

    Call number: 28672

  • Online Summer Programs from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy

  • NEWLY ADDED COURSE - HON 200 - Working Toward Authenticity

  • New HON 201 Seminars for Fall

    Check out these new Honors Seminar offerings for Fall 2016!

    Interested? Register online. Want to see more options? View the full list of Honors courses for Fall 2016! Remember that taking an Honors course can fulfill your Honors Activity requirement. Or if you already have an idea about what to do for your Honors activity, consider taking these exciting courses for your personal growth and enrichment!

    HON 201              Current Issues in Health Policy and Economics – 1 hour

    13765                    2:00 – 2:50           T                                                              J. Lifton

    This seminar will explore current issues in health policy and economics. Initially we will cover basic background information to consider and discuss issues in the subsequent segments. Subsequent seminars will consider legislative, regulatory, policy, economic, and other issues. These will include the impact of Medicare and Medicaid, the history and impact of the Affordable Care Act, the value of the $3 trillion we spend on healthcare each year, and the political/campaigning element to healthcare.


    HON 201              Insightful Problem Solving and the Aha! Experience – 1 hour

    13767                    2:00 – 2:50           W                                                            J. Wiley

    Problem solving is an important cognitive activity that all humans engage in every day, from more mundane example problems such as deciding which bus to take, to more grandiose examples such as creating art or engaging in the scientific discovery process.  On some occasions, the discovery of a solution to a problem is marked by an Aha! experience, where the solution comes unexpectedly into consciousness to fill a gap and provide the closure we had been searching for. Cognitive scientists, Psychologists and scholars in the History and Philosophy of Science represent just some of the disciplinary arenas that have attempted to define and explain what Aha! experiences are, what they represent, and how we achieve them.  In this seminar we will discuss a series of seminal readings on this topic, and students will also gain hands-on experience with a variety of research methods used to explore insightful problem solving in laboratory contexts.  This course will be broad and general enough so that it will be accessible even to students without a background in cognitive psychology. 

  • Spring 2016 Honors Course List Available

    Looking for an Honors Core Course or an Honors Activity for the Spring?  Want to explore a new area of study for fun, or delve deeper into your discipline or professional area of interest?  View the list of Honors Core Courses, Honors Seminars, and Honors Lectures for Spring 2016!  The Spring 2016 Honors Course List is available on the website:

    Questions? Contact your Honors Advisor.


  • Take HON 124: POP! Art and Culture that Rocked British Society in the 1960s and head to London for Spring Break 2020!

  • Seats still available in these Honors courses! - Fall 2022

  • McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine Summer School (Applications due 4/30)

  • Honors Courses still available!

  • Summer Pre-Law Program for Undergraduates (PLAW) at UIC John Marshall Law School

  • Newberry Library Undergraduate Seminar: Applications due 10/18

  • HON 201: Foundations for the Future

    HON 201: Foundations for the Future - 1 hour
    13761     3:00 – 3:50 Wednesdays

    This is an important professional development course for juniors and sophomores that will give you tools to succeed at UIC and beyond. It will be required of all Honors students starting with the incoming freshman class, but existing students can now register for it too. Guiding you through the next steps in your academic and professional career, it will cover four major units—research and other forms of creative scholarship, major awards, career/internship/graduate school, and long-term future goals.  You’ll examine scholarly and practical issues to help you to get ready for the Honors Capstone; locate and apply for major awards and fellowships; discover post-baccalaureate, grad school, and career possibilities; polish networking and mentoring skills; and encourage life-long learning and financial literacy.  Class discussions and readings will be supplemented with interactive activities such as creating a resume and online persona, panel discussions with invited speakers, and mock interviews.

    Interested? Register online. Want to see more options? View the full list of Honors courses for Fall 2015! Remember that taking an Honors course can fulfill your Honors Activity requirement. Or if you already have an idea about what to do for your Honors activity, consider taking these exciting courses for your personal growth and enrichment! 

  • Honors Core Courses still available for Fall 2022!

    As of this writing, several Honors Cores have seats remaining, including

    • HON 121: Music as a Tool for Environmentalism and Change (CRN 27313)
    • HON 122: Killing with Kindness: Humanitarianism and the Politics of "Doing Good" (CRN 45171)
    • HON 125: Rwandan Genocide Reinterpreted and Revised in its Historical and Global Context (CRN 37884)
    • HON 128: Musically Imagining America: ONCAM A Cultural History of Folk, Country, and Bluegrass Music (CRN 36639)
    • HON 131: Mathematics through Time (CRN 34822)
    • HON 133: Contemporary Evolution: Natural Selection (CRN 42169)
    • HON 142: The Real Made Magical: Strategies of Speculative Fiction and Poetry (CRN 36683)
    • HON 142: Realism, Satire, and Speculation: Reading Recent African American Cultural Production (CRN 43640)

    Each of these classes may fulfill general education requirements. First-years and new transfers can register immediately; other students are welcome to request permission at Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

    Visit for full descriptions of Core classes and HON 200, 201, and 301 courses that might also have availability. Don’t forget non-course activity options including internship/professional development, research, service, and course supplements:

  • LAS 289 Fall Internship Proposal Form

    LAS 289 is a variable credit hour course.  For every 60 hours at your internship, you can earn 1 credit, 120 hours earns two credits and 180+ hours earns three credits.  There is also a monthly seminar attached to this course (syllabi attached). Ms. Robin B. Hursey will be offering the monthly seminars on Wednesday's on 9/21, 10/19 and 11/16 at 3-4:30pm OR on Thursday's on 9/22, 10/20 and11/17 at 3:30-5pm. There are only 20 seats available in each seminar, so you should submit your proposal as soon as possible.

    If you have secured a fall internship and would like to earn elective credit for your internship you will need to complete the form on-line (it must be typed), print and then call Ms. Hursey's office to schedule an appointment, 312-996-0425, for approval.

  • OT 360: Promoting Wellbeing

  • HON 200 Internship Course

  • SPH Course: "Epidemics of Injustice: Understanding Our History to Fight for a Liberated Future"

  • Want to work with the UIC Children's Health and Wellness Academy this spring? Take PT 496!

  • Medicine in Art Course--Spring 2020

  • Spring 2019 Honors Course List Available

  • Honors Activity Still Available!

  • Top image: On the edge of a beach beach in Durbin, South Africa, is a line of black student dancers are dressed in white shirts and tights, with bright blue wrapps around their waists, carrying white buckets on their heads with arms raised to hold their buckets. They are all facing the right side of the image, as if carrying their water towards in unseen destination.

    New Arts-Activism course invites Honors Students

  • Still Looking for an Honors Activity for the Fall?

  • CC 120 First Year Dialogue Seminar open for 2nd 8-week session (Spring 2015) Registration

    UIC First-Year Dialogue Seminar: Engaging UIC's diverse community through dialogue

    The UIC First-Year Dialogue Seminar (Campus Courses 120/CC120) is an 8-week course worth 1 credit hour that focuses on diversity and social justice issues.

    Topics covered in CC 120 include:

    Each session of the seminar lasts 110 minutes and consists of facilitated dialogue activities in class.  Outside of class, students are expected to complete assigned readings and reflection papers. Course topics include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Practicing Dialogue Skills
    • Exploring Complexities of Identity
    • Privilege and Discrimination
    • Civic Engagement in the Community

    Registration for the First Year Dialogue Seminar (CC120) is open for Spring 2015, and will remain so until March 13th (Term B).  

    Learn more at Please contact Steve Whitley with questions<>.

  • UIC Health and Wellness Academy – Spring 2018

  • Fall 2019 Honors Course List Available

  • Newberry Library Undergraduate Seminar (Spring 2018) – Apply by 10/30

  • Study Abroad Scholarships and Opportunities (Deadline to apply to Study Abroad: 3/13)

  • Fall 2019 Human Sexuality Course

  • Fulbright UK Summer Institutes for 1st and 2nd Year Students

  • Register for an Honors Seminar for Spring 2015!

    Seats are still available in a variety of exciting Honors Seminars for Spring 2015!  Take these courses to fulfill your Honors Activity for the semester, or for your own personal growth and enrichment!

    HON 294: Leadership: A Skill to be Learned and Earned, 3 credit hours, TR 9:30 - 10:45 

    A select few HON 201 Seminars include the following.  Visit for a full course listing!  Contact your Honors Advisor with questions.

    (1) HON 201: Think Global, Act Local: Global Health Service Learning Program, T 1:00 to 1:50; CRN: 15068


    (2) The Anthropocene and the Sixth Extinction: Human Impact on Earth’s Natural Systems, W 2:00-2:50


  • Fall 2022 Honors Course - HON 200 - Working Toward Authenticity

  • Unique Honors Section of PHYS 142 for Fall 2015

    Unique Section of PHYS 142 - Electricity and Magnetism
    Fall 2015 Semester

    Lecture & Discussion: MWF 9 - 9:50am, W 2 - 2:50 pm
    Lab: R 12 - 1:50 pm
    CRN: 38464 & 38497

    The Department of Physics is offering a unique dedicated small-classroom size section of our Physics 142 course in Electricity and Magnetism. The class will be limited to 24 students and the primary lecture/discussion hours will be held in one of the new integrated multimedia rooms in Lincoln Hall (LH 115).

    The course will be taught by Professor Andreas Schroeder, winner of the UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, and will be focused on enabling students to succeed and excel in an environment dedicated to improving your problem solving skills and enhancing your understanding of the exciting physics foundations of electricity and magnetism. This course will also count for Honors Activity credit. The section is now open for registration, which will be on a first-come-first served basis.  Students must have completed the standard prerequisites for PHYS 142 to register for the course: Prerequisite(s): Grade of C or better in MATH 181 and Grade of C or better in PHYS 141 or consent of the instructor. 

    Contact Dr. Schroeder with questions about the course:  You may also contact your Academic Advisor to discuss whether taking PHYS 142 is a good course option for you in the Fall.  

  • Summer Course: Work on your own Time--Middle East Gender

  • $10,000 grant to Explore STEM and Society in Latin America! (Application deadline 10/10)

  • Register Now! - New Courses in Instructional Design and Training Starting Fall 2022

  • EPID 594: Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analysis – Including Research Experience

  • HON 201 Global Health Seminar

    HON 201: "Think Global, Act Local: Global Health Service Learning Program" 

         T 1:00 to 1:50; CRN: 15068

    The seminar is taught by Dr. Stacey Chamberlain at the Department of Emergency Medicine. She is also the Director of Humanitarian Service, UIC Center for Global Health. She will take students to local communities such as Lawndale Christian Health Center, Asian Human Services Family Health Center, Illinois Heart Rescue, ChildLink, and Casa Juan Diego, to implement service-learning projects to address identified health-related needs. Students will be working in teams to learn how global health concepts can be realized in local settings!

    There are only a few seats left, so move quickly if you want to seize the opportunity!

    A detailed description of the seminar follows below:


    Think Global, Act Local: Global Health Service Learning Program

    Dr. Stacey Chamberlain

    The Global Health Service Learning Program spring seminar will engage students in a service learning project in conjunction with a local community organization. Students will apply global health concepts in local settings by working in teams with an organization to plan and implement a service learning project that addresses a health-related need identified by the community.  Students will gain real-life experience to enhance their understanding of global health concepts such as the burden of disease, health disparities, and social determinants of health, while building their competencies in cultural exchange, professionalism, communication, project planning and implementation, and teamwork.  Most importantly, through their projects, students will be actively contributing to improving health in Chicago neighborhoods.

    Students who have not taken the fall seminar classroom-based prerequisite course will be required to participate in a preparatory make-up session during the first two weeks of classes. 

  • Global Health Course Offering in St. Kitts and Nevis in Summer 2020 (Final deadline to Apply: 3/13)

  • Newly Added Honors Sections and Honors 201 Seminars for Fall 2018

  • UIC 2014 Summer Class Schedule Now Online

    Thinking of taking summer classes at UIC?  You can now view the Summer Course Schedule online here: 

    If you have questions regarding what courses to take, contact your advisor.

  • Looking for an Honors Activity? Take an Honors Seminar!

    Seats are still available in a variety of exciting one-credit Honors Seminars for Fall 2014!  Take these courses to fulfill your Honors Activity for the semester, or for your own personal growth and enrichment!

    A select few HON 201 Seminars include the following.  Visit for a full course listing!

    HON 201 Think Global, Act Local: Global Health Service Learning Program
    Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:45 pm, Taught by Dr. Chamberlain, CRN: 32758

    Take this seminar to learning about global health issues AND begin to address them!  This special two-semester course sequence will focus on core global health concepts during the fall semester --- topics such as the global burden of disease, the intersection of global health and human rights, social determinants of health, and more.  Then, in the spring semester, students will work in partnership with a local community organization to implement a service learning project to address these issues.  Students will be expected to take both the fall and spring semester seminars; the fall seminar will be a pre-requisite for the spring seminar.

    Course Highlight: HON 201 Who Was Uncle Tom?
    Tuesdays, 2:00 - 2:50 pm, 1 credit hour, Taught by Professor Cirillo, CRN: 13763

    The Richard J. Daley Library houses three rare collections focused on the Atlantic slavery and the trade and these provided the materials for an exhibit mounted in 2012-13. This September, the Library will host an exhibit from the University of Birmingham, England, entitled, Visualizing Uncle Tom’s Cabin, using promotional materials from the 19th century of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel of 1852, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This seminar will utilize the reading of Stowe’s novel and a supporting history of the slave trade, Marcus Rediker’s The Slave Ship, as well as visits to the Stowe exhibit and the documentary collection in the Daley Library. 

    HON 201 An Introduction to Faculty Research on Diversity
    Thursdays, 9:30 – 10:45 am, Taught by Dr. Lori Baptista, Director of the African American Cultural Center, CRN: 13770

    Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn about diversity from a variety of different perspectives!  The course will feature different faculty guest speakers from across campus who will share about their research on a variety of topics related to race, ethnicity, prejudice, discrimination, diversity, social identity, cultural understanding and diaspora, etc. 

    HON 201 Introduction to Research and Critical Thinking
    Tuesdays, 9:30 - 10:45 am, Taught by Dr. McKirnan, CRN: 21199

    Interested in getting involved in undergraduate research in the future?  This course will help prepare students with a foundation in research.  It will help you understand various types of research and how to develop a strong research question.  You also will learn about how to seek out research, where to find funding, how to handle IRB issues, and more.  Note: This course will be a 2-credit hour blended module package with one Honors seminar and one online course.

  • NEW SUMMER HONORS COURSES START NEXT WEEK! Seats still available in required HON 201 & HON 301 classes!