Course title: Epidemics of Injustice: Understanding Our History to Fight for a Liberated Future
Day and Time: Every other Thursday 6-8pm, beginning January 25th
Where: School of Public Health (Corner of Taylor and Ashland), Room 932
This one-credit special topics seminar was developed through a collaboration between members of Radical Public Health, SPH graduate students, and faculty who were brought together by a sense of urgency to address ongoing threats to democracy, social justice, and the public’s health. Reactionary politics and policies--and resulting unjust circumstances--have a long history and are resurgent today. This course seeks to put current events into historical perspective, which is critical for people seeking to advance justice. In this course, presenters will share histories of injustice, resistance, and struggles for liberation, with a focus on Chicago in both US and global contexts. The seminar sessions will focus on the intersectoral, interdisciplinary, and cross-movement nature of history, and its relevance to health inequities and public health.
Sessions will take place every other week for 2 hours and will combine guest lecture with student-facilitated active learning to better position ourselves to build power for social justice and health equity. Topics include: history of public health, housing, education, immigration, prison/policing, labor, healthcare, disability justice, and reproductive justice, among others. Non-credit-pursuing students, faculty, and staff from across the University and members of the greater Chicago community are also welcome to attend any and all sessions.
Register here (for both students and community members). Credit-pursuing students must also register online (CRN 41439).