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Honors College Announcements

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  • Chicago Consular Corps Awards (Apply by 10/30)

  • Chicago Consular Corps (CCC) Scholarship, Apply by Fri. 9/30

    Chicago Consular Corps (CCC) Scholarship

    UIC students are invited to apply for the CCC Scholarship for the academic year 2016-2017. Fifteen successful applicants will each receive $1,000.00. Thirteen scholarships are available to UIC international degree seeking students. Two scholarships are available to full time, degree seeking American students. Eligible are UIC undergraduates and graduate students from all fields. Eligibility for the scholarship is limited to students who have a minimum cumulative UIC GPA of 3.5/4.0

    APPLICATION DEADLINE IS Friday, September 30, 2016

    Only complete applications will be considered. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all parts of the application are received.

    Apply through UIC SnAP! At  

    APPLICATION CHECKLIST The following checklist will make it easier for you to complete your application: 1. Academic Reference Form: The form must be completed by a college/university level professor/instructor and submitted through UIC SnAP app.

    Listing of academic awards or honors; clubs, activities and offices held; previous study/travel abroad; internships or volunteer work; and employment. This item can be a formal resume or similar document, which enables you to provide a description of yourself and your achievements in addition to the listing of courses and grades provided by your academic record (your transcript). There is no particular format required. A Statement of Goals (maximum of 500 words) explaining your academic and career goals, including any international aspects of such goals.

    For domestic students: Photocopy of applicant’s US passport page to include name, city of origin, and expiration date or another form of official ID. (uploaded into SnAP!) For foreign students: Photocopy of applicant’s passport page to include name, country and city of origin, & expiration date and copy of applicant’s foreign student visa page. (uploaded into SnAP!)

    You will be notified about the status of your application after 10/01/2016. Awardees are asked to participate of the CCC Award Ceremony to be held on mid-November at UIC.


  • Churchill Scholarship for STEM Students

  • CIMA Scholarship Application for Interactive Marketing, Apply by 4/15

    2015 CIMA Scholarship Application

    Application Deadline:  April 15, 2015

    CIMA is Chicago's only interactive-centric professional organization dedicated to the enhancement and acceleration of business opportunities, professional development, and exponential networking for interactive marketing professionals in Chicago.

    CIMA is honored to award a scholarship to two students in the Chicagoland area studying interactive marketing and have an interest in pursuing a career in the field. The scholarship is available to undergraduate and graduate students.

    The amount to be awarded is $5,000.


    Must attend a Chicago-based university Must currently be enrolled in a full-time degree-seeking program


    Must have a declared major in a related field (Marketing, Advertising,

       Communications, Business, etc.)

    Must have an interest in pursuing a career in digital marketing Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0

  • Clubs of America Scholarship Award for Career Success, Due 8/31

    The Clubs of America Scholarship Award for Career Success is an award of $1500 for any student with a 3.0+ GPA. Applicants are asked to write an 800 word essay about their professional ambitions. No citizenship requirement stated.

    Deadline: August 31

    Learn more at 

    Would you like assistance in preparing a strong scholarship application?  The Office of Special Scholarship Programs assists current undergraduate and professional school students with applying for awards, internships and other educational opportunities. If you would like assistance, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477, .

  • CME Group Foundation Scholars Application - Up to $20,000 renewable scholarships! - Deadline April 4th!

    CME Group Foundation Scholars Program to award up to $20,000 renewable scholarships to under-represented students majoring in finance, computer science or applied mathematics at CME Group Foundation partner schools.

  • There is a person looking over on a laptop smiling on a couch. The bottom left has the CME Group Foundation logo.

    CME Group Foundation Scholars Program -Deadline: April 4, 2022

  • CME Group Foundation Scholars Program (deadline to apply: 4/3)

  • The flyer is primarily white with back text. There is also some blue text. The top features a photo of a female graduate in cap and gown. The bottom features a photo of a young woman working on a laptop, at a table with two men. The CME logo is at the bottom.

    CME Group Foundation Scholars Program for 2021-22 (Application open!)

  • College of Business Scholarships, Info Sessions 2/3 and 2/5, Deadline 2/19

    This year, the College of Business scholarship applications will be available on the UIC SnAP, the university’s centralized scholarship list and application system. UIC SnAP contains scholarships for continuing UIC students in all colleges and at all levels. Start by logging in with your netid in the upper right hand corner. Next, complete the General Application which will match you with scholarships for which you qualify and no further action is needed. You may also be recommended for scholarships that require additional essays or uploads. External scholarships are also listed in the system and directions to other websites may be provided.


    To apply, you must be a current undergraduate student in the UIC College of Business with a graduation date of Spring 2017 or later.Scholarship Funds are received in the Fall Semester 2016 and Spring 2017 semesters.Eligible students must have UIC GPA (Spring 2016 Transfer Students are not eligible to apply).Students must be in good academic standing, and registered as a full-time student during the entire 2016-2017 academic year.Incomplete or inaccurate information will result in a disqualified scholarship application.

    Applicants may receive scholarships more than once and are encouraged to apply again in subsequent semesters if they are eligible.

    Students are selected based on the criteria for the scholarship. Please make sure that you carefully read the application rules and information.*Note: Some CBA Scholarships are only for Accounting majors, so make sure you qualify.

    The deadline is Friday, February 19th, 2016.

    The CBA Scholarships Committee is hosting Scholarship Information Sessions! Mark your calendar for one of these dates:

    Friday, January 29 at 2:00 p.m.Wednesday, February 3 at 2:00 p.m.Friday, February 5 at 11:00 a.m.

    Please RSVP for an information session here:

    For more information visit: 

    Best of luck!

    CBA Scholarship Committee

  • College of Engineering Scholarship Fund – Applications Due: Feb 28

  • Columbia University's Bioethics Essay Contest

    Calling all undergraduates! Have something to say about BIOETHICS?

    Submit an original, 1,500-word opinion-editorial focusing on a current bioethical issue of your choice that falls within one of the following categories:


    Amazon gift card for the winning submission on CLINICAL ETHICS


    Amazon gift card for the winning submission on REPRODUCTIVE ETHICS


    Amazon gift card for the winning submission on GLOBAL CHALLENGES IN BIOETHICS

    Submit your essay here:

    Submit by: June 30th, 2016

    Winners announced: August 15th, 2016

  • Community Volunteer Scholarship – Application Deadline: June 30

  • Community Volunteer Scholarship – Application Deadline: June 30, 2018

  • Console & Hollawell $1,000 Legal Leaders Scholarship, Due 7/15

    The Console & Hollawell $1,000 Legal Leaders Scholarship is available to students who are pursuing a career in law.  The scholarship is open to high school seniors, college students, and law students.  Applicants must be pursuing a degree in the following areas: pre-law, paralegal studies, or working towards their juris doctorate in any concentration of the law.  Applicant must be a U.S. citizen; must be a full-time student attending (or planning to attend on a full-time basis) an accredited institution of higher education; minimum 3.0 gpa; award is to be used exclusively for school tuition and related expenses.

    Deadline: July 15. Learn more at: 

  • Covers in Play Scholarship – Application Deadline: December 31

  • Crafting Perfect Personal Statements Workshop, Wed. 11/30

    Crafting Perfect Personal Statements
    Cindy Graham, Assistant Director, Office of Career Services

    Wednesday, November 30
    121 Burnham Hall

    Cindy will provide some of the basics of a compelling personal statement plus helpful tips and reminders to help you write your personal statements!  Handouts will include the UIC Career Services Planning Guide for 2016-2017 plus The “Graduate Guide” (A Guide to Doctoral, Master’s & Professional Degree Programs).

    RSVP by noon on November 30 at

    Contact Stephanie O’Leary at with questions.

    This workshop is part of the Honors College Fall Professional Development Series.  View the full workshop series here:

  • Critical Languages Scholarship, Apply by 11/16

    The CLS deadline is Nov. 16, 2016.

    UIC students interested in applying can apply directly online at

    Students can receive assistance with their applications by email Beth Powers at


    CLS offers a fully-funded overseas language and cultural immersion program for American undergraduate, professional and graduate students. “With the goal of broadening the base of Americans studying and mastering critical languages and building relationships between the people of the United States and other countries, CLS provides opportunities to a diverse range of students from across the United States at every level of language learning.”

    CLS website: “Most languages offered by the CLS Program do not require applicants to have any experience studying critical languages. The CLS Program seeks participants with diverse interests, and from a wide range of fields of study and career paths, with the purpose of representing the full diversity of the United States. Participants are selected based on their commitment to language learning and plans to apply their language skills to their future academic or professional pursuits. Please note that CLS is an intensive group-based language and cultural enrichment program.”


    LANGUAGES: The CLS Program offers instruction in fourteen critical languages:

    No Previous Study Required  










    One Year of Previous Study Required



    Two Years of Previous Study Required 





    “The CLS Program is fully funded from start to finish. From the time you step foot out the door to the time you arrive home, the CLS Program covers many of the costs of participating in its  overseas institutes, including:-Intensive overseas group based language courses (20+ hours per week)-Room and board, often with a host family-A full cultural program-Host community language partners-Domestic and international airfare

    Participants receive a small stipend to cover incidental expenses and meals not provided by the program. Upon completion of the program, participants also receive a certified American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) score.”

    The CLS program offers a year’s worth of graded credit that you can apply to your college career.


    “CLS Program institutes cover approximately one academic year of university-level language coursework during an eight- to ten-week program and are designed to meet the needs of students from a variety of language levels and backgrounds. Formal classroom language instruction is provided for a minimum of 20 hours per week. Extracurricular activities are designed to supplement the formal curriculum, including regular one-on-one meetings with native speaker language partners for conversational practice, as well as cultural activities and excursions designed to expand students’ understanding of the history, politics, culture and daily life of their host country.”

    Please direct any questions about applying for the CLS to Beth Powers at

  • CUR Biology Division Travel Awards, Apply by 9/2

    The Biology Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is offering a limited number of travel grants, up to $250 each, for undergraduate students presenting original biological research results at a regional or national, discipline-specific meeting during the fiscal year 2016-2017. Please visit  for more information and the link to nominate. Interested students should contact Dr. Sara Hall at for CUR member sponsorship.  Deadline is September 2 for meetings this fall and winter! 

  • DAAD German Studies Research Grant, Applications on a Rolling Basis

    This specialized DAAD program once again offers German Studies Research Grants to highly-qualified undergraduate, graduate and PhD students at American and Canadian universities who are nominated by their department/program chairs. The grant may be used for short-term research (i.e., 1-2 months) in Germany.

    The program is designed to encourage research and promote the study of cultural, political, historical, economic and social aspects of modern and contemporary German affairs from an interdisciplinary perspective.

    Additional grants will be made available for research projects in Germany on the social, communal, and intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry and stipends awarded in conjunction with the Leo Baeck Institute in New York.

    Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until further notice.   

    If you are interested in applying, contact Dr. Loentz in the Germanic Studies Department at

  • DAAD Information Session, Tues. 9/13

    For anyone interested in studying or conducting research in Germany, funding is available through DAAD, the German Exchange Service ( UIC has an arrangement with DAAD, allowing our students to be evaluated by a campus committee, who provides an endorsement and ranking, which historically has secured funding for at least one UIC student. The campus deadline is October 19th for this opportunity.

    DAAD has dozens of different funding opportunities with various deadlines. Viable student applicants come from all disciplines, from Art History and Germanic Studies to Mechanical Engineering and Public Health. Marie Khan will be holding an information session on  Tuesday, September 13th in UH 650 at noon. Refreshments will be provided.

    At this workshop, Marie Khan will go over the following three particular options DAAD funds, and the award process:

    -          Study Scholarship for Architecture: Deadline is September 30th, 2016 (; there is no campus committee evaluation for these applications and they are mailed overseas to Bonn, Germany

    -          Study Scholarship for Fine Art, Design, Film, Music, and Performing Arts: Deadline is October 31st, 2016 (; there is no campus committee evaluation for these applications and they are mailed overseas to Bonn, Germany

    -          Study Scholarship for all other fields: UIC Deadline is October 19th, in preparation for the national deadline of Nov. 4th, 2016 (

    -          Research Grant for short/long term stay, for all other fields: UIC Deadline is October 19th, in preparation for the national deadline of Deadline of Nov. 4th, 2016 (

    Some eligibility points to consider:

    -applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents

    -applicants do not necessarily need to be fluent in German

    -for arts applicants, unfortunately, they are not able to be evaluated by our preliminary UIC committee. Anyone interested in this route however Marie Khan would be happy to meet with regardless

     Please contact both Beth Powers ( and Marie Khan ( if you are an undergraduate planning to apply for the DAAD.

  • DAAD Intensive Language Courses in Germany

    The Intensive Language Course Grant funds applicants from North American universities, who at the time of application have attained at least sophomore standing (second-year standing in Canada), to attend 8-week intensive language courses at leading institutes in Germany.

    The scholarship of approximately €2,300 includes tuition, accommodations (arranged by the host institute) and a cash allowance for meals and incidental expenses in full or in part, depending on the choice of location and accommodations. DAAD will provide health and accident insurance as well as a travel subsidy of €300-450. Scholarship recipients are expected to devote their full attention to the course and may not concurrently undertake individual research. A written report is requested within four weeks of the end of the course.

    DAAD will consider individual placement preferences, but grantees are requested to accept DAAD's final decision as to time and place.

    For more information on this grant and how to apply, go to: 

    For support with your application, contact the Office of Special Scholarship Programs at or 312-355-2477.

  • Deadline Approaching for Spring 2021 Honors College Study Abroad Scholarships!

  • Derrick Law Firm Scholarship Opportunity (Applications due 12/15)

  • Donald and Leah Riddle Prize for Outstanding Seniors, Apply by Fri. 3/28

    The Donald and Leah Riddle Prize is awarded each year at Commencement to an outstanding graduating senior regardless of major field. Graduates from Summer 2013, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 are eligible to apply. The award is based on academic excellence and leadership. The winner receives a bronze medallion and a $1,000 cash prize. The Riddle Prize is made each year in recognition of the former UIC Chancellor Donald Riddle and his wife Leah and honors the Riddles' contribution to the campus.

    Application Deadline: March 28, 2014.  Apply at: 

    Questions: Contact Tula Georgopoulos at

  • Dr. Margaret Burroughs Scholarship for African American single mothers, Apply by Fri. 10/16

    The Dr. Margaret Burroughs Scholarship Fund was established at the request of Ms. Dorothy Lajewel Myree, to honor the legacy of service of Dr. Margaret Burroughs, the founder of the DuSable Museum. This tribute scholarship will award $2500.00 to an African American single mother who is pursuing educational opportunities. The application period is open now thru Friday, October 16, 2015- 5:00PM.

    Application available online at

    Questions? Contact

  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship, Due Fri. 9/9

    The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is accepting applications from current Junior and Senior Undergraduate students for the Undergraduate UIC Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship. The award is $2,000 for the 2016-2017 academic year. 

    Information about the scholarship and the online application is available through UIC SnAP, the campus-wide scholarship management system. Students must login at and complete the general application before addressing criteria specific to this opportunity.

    The application deadline is Friday, September 9. If you have any questions about this scholarship or the application process, please contact Kara Holloway at (312) 996-7140 or

  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarships, Due 3/31

    The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship application is now available. Fifteen $2,000 undergraduate scholarships, five $5,000 graduate fellowships, and five $5,000 professional fellowships will be awarded for the 2014 - 2015 academic year. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2014 and the application can be accessed here:  Click on the post to view more.

  • Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’s Prize in Ethics Essay Contest, Due 12/19

    The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity’s Prize In Ethics Essay Contest: Our Foundation challenges college level Juniors and Seniors to submit their work analyzing the urgent ethical issues confronting them in today’s complex world.  Prizes range from $500 - $5,000. 

    Suggested Essay Topic: Articulate with clarity an ethical issue that you have encountered and analyze what it has taught you about ethics and yourself.

    The submission deadline is December 19, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. PST.

    For more information, visit the website and read the Guidelines.


  • Ethics Essay Competition / Scholarship Opportunity, Due Mon. 10/3

    Four awards of up to $3000 are available to students with a demonstrated interest in questions of value and meaning in contemporary life. To qualify, students must be full-time with a 3.0 GPA in any UIC undergraduate college. The application will consist of a letter of recommendation from a current UIC faculty member; a transcript; and an essay that demonstrates an ability to think carefully and write clearly about perennial questions. This award is administered by the Honors College but is open to all full-time undergraduates. Deadline for submissions is October 3rd. The scholarship application can be accessed at Please contact the dean of the Honors College at for more information.

  • Extended Deadlines: Sister Dorothy Drobis Award & Mark A. Wyatt Memorial Scholarship

  • External Scholarship Available for Arts/Liberal Arts Students in Honors College

  • External Scholarship Opportunity - ResumeGo, Apply by July 1

  • External Scholarship Opportunity: Write about How a Healthcare Professional Impacted You

  • Fall 2014 Honors College Tuition Waiver Application Deadline Extended to Wed. 8/13

    The Honors College has a limited number of tuition waivers available for continuing UIC Honors College students to use during Fall 2014!

    The waivers will be awarded based on a combination of academic merit and financial need to full-time students with a minimum UIC cumulative GPA of 3.5.  Applicants must have earned at least 12 credit hours at UIC to be eligible to apply.

    For more information and to access the online application, click here.

    The application deadline has been extended to Wednesday, Aug. 13th. Questions should be directed to Tula Georgopoulos at

  • Fall 2014 LAS Scholarships, Due Fri. 2/28

    The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is now taking applications for scholarships for the 2014-15 academic year.  LAS is looking to award 15 scholarships, ranging from $400 to $10,000. Students in good academic standing---with financial need and without---are encouraged to apply.  

    Please visit the LAS Scholarships website for scholarship listings, guidelines, FAQs, and more information on the application process:  Applications will only be accepted ONLINE. The application deadline for all listed scholarships is Friday, February 28th at 3:00 p.m.

  • Fall 2015 HC Tuition Waiver Application Available! Due Wed. 8/12

    Are you in need of financial assistance to help pay your tuition next semester? The Honors College has a limited number of fall semester tuition waivers available for continuing UIC Honors College students. The waivers will be awarded based on a combination of academic merit and financial need to full-time students with a minimum UIC cumulative GPA of 3.5.  Applicants must have earned at least 12 credit hours at UIC to be eligible to apply.

    UIC is thrilled to announce the adoption of UIC SnAP (Scholarship and Awards Program), which will help you in applying for the Honors College Tuition Waiver and other scholarships. For more information and to access the online application, go to: (Note: you can save your work in UIC SnAP and access it at a later date to complete your application before the deadline.)

    The application deadline is August 12th. Questions should be directed to Beth Powers at 

  • Fall 2018 Illinois Dream Fund Scholarship – Application Deadline: June 1

  • Fall Honors College Undergraduate Conference Travel Grants – Rolling Deadline

  • Fearless Scholarship, Apply by 1/7

    Fearless Undocumented Alliance is seeking applicants for the Fearless Scholarship(s)!!! We'll be awarding 3 scholarships of $1,000 each, as a commemoration of our 3rd anniversary.

    Any current undocumented UIC student in good academic standing can apply or be nominated! Priority will be given to the following undocumented students with disabilities, transgender, LGBTQ+ or gender non-conforming, homeless. Non-Latino students are specially encouraged to apply.

    Please email to let us know if you plan to nominate someone.

    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 7, 2017

    Applications and Attachments will be accepted only via e-mail with the subject line: FEARLESS SCHOLAR to


    Application details are in the following attachments   

    Late applications will not be accepted.

    Personal interviews may be requested for finalists.

    Scholarship recipients will be notified via e-mail on or about January 15, 2017

  • Fearless Undocumented Alliance's Spring 2019 Scholarship – Application Deadline: Dec 20

  • Fiesta del Sol Scholarship, Due Fri. 2/27

    The Fiesta del Sol Guadalupe A. Reyes Scholarship Program offers an opportunity for students to get $1,500 for their college expenses.  Additionally the Scholarship Program strives to give students an opportunity to exercise leadership skills, learn how to build relationship and engage in teamwork. 

    Application Deadline:  Postmarked by 5 p.m. Friday,  February 27,  2015

    Learn more and apply at

  • Final Chance to attend Study Abroad Scholarship Info Session, Mon. 2/20

  • Financial resources for Undocumented Students (Educators for Fair Consideration)

    Educators for Fair Consideration (E4FC) is an organization that assists undocumented students in finding support to attend college and navigate the needs of everyday life, through their online resources. E4FC has just updated some parts of their website, with sections and handouts for both undergraduates and graduate populations. (undergraduate resources listed first, followed by graduate options)

  • Financing Study Abroad: How to fund your Study Abroad experience, Tues. 2/16

    Financing Study Abroad

     How to Fund Your Study Abroad Experience


    WHEN: Tuesday, February 16th   10:00-11:00am

     WHERE: 502 University Hall (Study Abroad Office Resource Center)


    At This Event:

    Learn about scholarships and financial aid opportunities abroad Q&A with Hua Kao from the Office of Financial Aid and Kat Aldag from the Study Abroad Office

    Questions? Contact Kat Aldag at

  • Fitness Writing Scholarship

    Garage Gym Planner is awarding a scholarship of $3000 to deserving candidates which will help them cover the academic costs for the future.

    Words are a powerful medium and we understand that they are more important than ever when you consider good and effective content is what separates our website from the rest of our competitors.

    To participate, we require you to come up with content that is factual, offers value and thoroughly researched.

    The subject would be "The Impact of Technology on Physical Health of Teens Today." 3 winners will each receive a scholarship of $1000 which will be sent in their name to their respective colleges and universities.

    You can find additional info on this page:

  • Ford Foundation Scholarship (Deadline 11/20/15)

    About to graduate and considering a PhD program? Would you like to teach at a college or university in the future?? If you answered “yes” to these questions than this scholarship may be for you!

    Through its Fellowship Programs, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation’s college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.

    Awards will be made for study in research-based Ph.D. or Sc.D. programs; practice oriented degree programs are not eligible for support (No MDs only).

    Eligibility to apply for a Ford fellowship is limited to:

    All citizens, nationals, and permanent residents (holders of a Permanent Resident Card) of the United States, as well as individuals granted deferred action status under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program.Individuals with evidence of superior academic achievement (such as grade point average, class rank, honors or other designations),Individuals committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level. Students from under-represented minorities are particularly encouraged to apply 


    Deadline:  November 20, 2015 

    If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Molly Hildebrand at to set up an appointment.  Please review the Ford Foundation website to make sure that you meet the selection criteria in advance of the meeting.

  • Four Honors College Scholarships Now Available-- (Apply by 3/14) and Honors College Scholarships for Study Abroad (Summer/Fall 2022) - April 1st Deadline

  • Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship – Application Deadline: Feb 14

  • Frederick Douglass Global Fellowship – Application Deadline: Oct 1