Academic Achievement: Does the transcript indicate a student who excels academically? Judges will take into account the individual’s GPA, coursework, and all other factors that distinguish an exceptional student.
Other Achievements: Publications, awards, and other notable achievements are all valued and will be taken into consideration when selecting winners.
Short Essays: Judges will evaluate essays based on originality, creativity, grammatical accuracy, and ability to inspire others. There is no formula breaking down the importance of each such criterion. Instead, each essay will be considered in its entirety. Judges will be asking themselves the following questions: Does the essay present an original viewpoint or perspective? How well-written is the essay? Does the essay inspire the reader?
Two winners are selected out of the pool of applicants. Each winner will receive a scholarship of $3000 which can be applied to the following school-related expenses: tuition, fees, books, and on-campus room and board. Each winner will be contacted via e-mail, and must respond within 5 days in order to accept the reward. If no response is received within that time frame, another winner will be selected to receive the award instead.
All contest submissions must be made using the official ResumeGo application form on this webpage. No other types of submission will be accepted. Every section of the online application form must be filled out for the submission to be valid and considered by our judges. All content submitted must be in English. (Note that a transcript is required so that judges are able to evaluate the each student’s academic performance, and any private or sensitive information may be blurred out before you upload it).
Read the Criteria section above for more details. ResumeGo employees, along with their family members and friends, are not eligible to enter.
Application form can be found here: https://www.resumego.net/scholarship