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  • HCAB's Pre-ball Pizza Party 1/18/17

    Please join HCAB in celebrating the spring semester with our annual Pre-Ball Pizza Party! Help us welcome the Honors College student body back to school with FREE pizza and tons of information about upcoming HCAB events!

    The event will be hosted in the Honors College Lounge (Burnham Hall, first floor) from 5-7 pm on January 18th.

    Pizza will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis so come early!

  • Join Peer Health Exchange, Apply by Fri. 9/11

    Peer Health Exchange is an organization that trains volunteers to teach health workshops in Chicago Public Schools that would not otherwise have a health curriculum. These workshops include drugs, alcohol, sex, mental health and other vital health topics and also have a strong emphasis on skills (decision-making, communication, advocacy, and more). Not only is the experience extremely rewarding but it is also a ton of fun and gives volunteers the opportunity to meet new people, gain leadership experience, develop public speaking skills, attend networking events city-wide and more! 

    Here are a few FAQ: 

    What is the time commitment? 

    -PHE has one meeting a week (Wednesday from 5 to 6:30) and you must teach one workshop a week on either Thursday or Friday (you can choose when you do this!) Altogether, this is about 3 total hours per week.

    Teaching seems a little intimidating. How does it work? 

    The cool thing about PHE is that we COMPLETELY prepare you for every experience in the classroom. Also, we never send you into the classroom alone! 

    How hard is it to memorize the workshops? 

    Not very! This is because the workshops are discussion based; therefore, you do not have memorize anything word for word. Much of the time in the classroom is also spent leading activities, which reduces content that needs memorizing. 

    For any more information you can e-mail or come to an info session! The info sessions are as follows: 

    Friday, September 4th from 5-6 pm in the Fort Dearborn Room (Above the inner circle) Wednesday, September 9th from 5-6 pm in BH 121 Friday, September 11th from 4-5 pm in Bh 114

    The application is open now at and the deadline is September 11th, 11:59 pm!

  • Ampersand Publication Seeking Writers, Photographers, Web Designers, and more!

  • Join the Executive Board of OneWorld Journal!

  • TEDxUofIChicago Accepting Applications for Board Positions

  • American Medical Women's Association (AMWA) Info Session, 9/26 at 5:30pm

  • Apply to be a Treasurer on the Women's Health Initiative board!

  • New Life Volunteering Society Tutoring Recruitment

    Who: Any interested incoming and returning Honors College students
    What: Recruitment for new tutors for the New Life Volunteering Society to tutor disadvantaged Chicago public school students after school at no cost to the student being tutored.
    When: During the semester, the tutor will pick one or more of the numerous time slots available. The sessions are Monday through Friday and there are two sections each day that are each 1.5 hours long. The usual times are 4-5:30 pm or 5:30-7 pm but the tutor can adjust it to fit his or her schedule.
    Where: Burnam Hall Room 220 is where tutoring takes place during the semester.
    Why: To help promote education and improve the quality of learning for students who need it the most.
    How: Contact the NLVS Co-Chairs, Rafid Rahman or Niyati Patel, at

  • Apply for an Alternative Spring Break Winter Trip, 11/2 - 11/5

    This is applicable to all students who want to apply for any of the 7 winter trips this winter break. Alternative Spring Break helps volunteer at non-profit organizations in Chicago, but we also have an educational curriculum attached to each trip also.

    Our service-learning trips this upcoming winter include Habitat for Humanity New Orleans, LA, Tennessee State Parks Chattanooga, TN, United Cerebral PalsyBirmingham, AL, Drueding centerPhiladelphia, PA
    SunshineOssining, NY. and Pediatric Angels Network Mendham, NJ
    Junior Achievement Memphis, TN.

    If you would like to know more information about these trips check out and click ASB Winter 2014 Trip Participant Application.  Questions? Contact Angela Sazon at

  • Publications Release Party, Wed. 4/13

    Join us in celebrating the release of the latest edition of each of the Honors College student-run publications at the annual Publication Release Party!  

    The Publication Release Party will be held on Wednesday, April 13 from 4 – 5:30 pm in the Honors College Student Lounge (Room 109 Burnham Hall).  The newest edition of each of the Honors College publications will be available, including:

    The Ampersand, the official student-run Honors College newsletter

    The Asterisk, a political satire newsletter

    The Journal for Pre-Health Affiliated Students, a journal focused on topics related to the health professions

    Red Shoes Review, a literary and arts magazine

    UIC OneWorld, a social justice and global affairs magazine

    The Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Journal, an online open-access undergraduate research journal

    Light refreshments will be provided.  RSVP’s are requested but not required by Friday, April 8 at .  Contact Sara Mehta at with any questions.

  • New Life Volunteering Services looking for students to tutor elementary-aged children

  • The background is light green and has a QR code at the bottom.

    HCAB Scholarship Application (Due Sunday February 27)

  • Attend TEDx U of I Chicago 2016: Rethink the System, Fri. 4/8

    Love TEDx talks and always wanted to attend a TEDx event? Join us at TEDxUofIChicago 2016 at JST Event Center in bustling downtown Chicago on Friday, April 8! You'll get the chance to hear from a diverse range of speakers who will push you to rethink traditional notions on topics ranging from science to social inequality. Visit our website for more information on our speakers and take a look at the event flier! 

    Grab your ticket before they're all gone -- ONLY 100 EXCLUSIVE TICKETS WILL BE SOLD! 

    Starting March 18, get your ticket here:


  • Society of Future Physicians (SFP) applications due Friday, September 13th!

  • The background is black. There is an African American potrait on the right side. At the bottom there is a QR code.

    FREE TICKETS! | CSHP – A Fire Shut Up in MY Bones @ The Lyric – Sun. 3/27 @ 2:00pm

  • Join the Society of Future Physicians, Apply by 9/13

  • SPARKthon Executive Board Applications Open, Apply by 9/22

  • Applications are open for Nu Rho Psi: The Neuroscience Honors Society

    Hello Neuroscience Students!

    My name is Masun Jackson and I am the UIC chapter president for Nu Rho Psi. We are a nationally recognized neuroscience honors society focused on the goals of academic excellence and spreading the discipline of neuroscience throughout the community. At the start of each semester we look for new members who share these goals and actively want to engage in the endeavors of neuroscience. We host and sponsor several neuroscience events each semester as well as collaborate with faculty, national members, and members of neuroscience curriculums across the country.

    If you are interested in joining there are just a few requirements that you must meet. You must be declared as a major or minor in neuroscience, have completion of at least 3 semesters of College coursework, completion of at least 9 semester hours of neuroscience related courses, and have an undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.2 and 3.4 in neuroscience related courses.

    Please send your transcript to our faculty advisor Dr. Robert Paul Malchow at . The transcript does not need to be official, you can simply copy and paste from your academic records via the UIC portal.

    If you don't meet our requirements this semester, fear not! We will also be recruiting in the Spring! Good luck this semester and I hope you all apply!

  • Tuesdays with HCAB: Pumpkin Carving & Decorating – Oct 16

  • Join Peer Health Exchange, Info Sessions 9/2 – 9/4

    Peer Health Exchange is an organization that trains volunteers to teach health workshops in Chicago Public Schools that would not otherwise have a health curriculum. These workshops include drugs, alcohol, sex, mental health, etc. and also have a strong emphasis on skills (decision-making, communication, advocacy, and more). Not only is the experience extremely rewarding but it is also a ton of fun and gives volunteers the opportunity to meet awesome people, gain leadership experience, develop public speaking, and more! 

    Here are a few FAQ: 

    What is the time commitment? 

    -PHE has one meeting a week (Wednesday from 5 to 6:30) and you must teach one workshop a week (you can choose when you do this!)

    Teaching seems a little intimidating. How does it work? 

    The cool thing about PHE is that we COMPLETELY prepare you for every experience in the classroom. Also, we never send you into the classroom alone! 

    How hard is it to memorize the workshops? 

    Not very! This is because the workshops are discussion based; therefore, you do not have memorize anything word for word. 

    For any more information you can e-mail or come to an info session! The info sessions are as follows: 

    • Tuesday, September 2nd from 5:30 to 6:30 in BH 114
    • Wednesday, September 3rd from 3:30 to 4:30 in BH 121
    • Thursday, September 4th from 5:30 to 6:30 in BH 114

    The application is open now at!

  • National Alzheimer's Buddies at UIC Application

  • Submissions open for UIC's Literary Arts Magazine: Red Shoes Review

  • SFP Lecture: Dr. Andrew Gonzalez MD, JD, MPH, Tues. 10/27

    SFP Lecture: Dr. Andrew Gonzalez MD, JD, MPH

    Tuesday October 27th, at 5 pm in Lecture Center F1

    Dr. Gonzalez is a General Surgery Chief resident at the UIC medical center and a past UIC GPPA Medicine student. Coupled with that, he has a vast amount of knowledge and insight about health policy, UIC's medical school, and residency program. We look forward to your attendance!

    Open to ALL Honors College Students!

    Please RSVP at:

    Contact Atif Siddiqui at with questions.

  • Honors College Publications Release Party! – April 19

  • HCAB: Finals & Cookies - 4/19

  • You're Invited to the 2014 Honors College Publication Release Party! Mon., 4/14

    We invite you to join us in celebrating the release of the latest edition of each of the Honors College student-run publications at the annual Publication Release Party! 

    The Publication Release Party will be held on Monday, April 14 from 4 - 5pm in the Honors College Lounge (BH 109).  Copies of the latest edition of the Honors College publications will be available, including:

    •          The Ampersand, the official student-run Honors College newsletter
    •          The Asterisk, the Honors College satirical newsletter
    •          The Journal for Pre-Health Affiliated Students, a journal focused on topics related to the health professions
    •          Red Shoes Review, a literary and arts magazine
    •          UIC OneWorld, a social justice and global affairs magazine

    We will also introduce the newest student-run journal, the Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Journal, who will be releasing their first Call for Submissions!

    RSVP’s are requested but not required by Wednesday, April 9 at .  Contact Honors Advisor Sara Mehta at with questions.

  • Roosevelt Institute at UIC First Meeting

  • The background color is orange and yellow, and there is a black and white graphic of a male writing with a pencil on a pad and paper. The OneWorld Journal logo, which is the image of a globe, is in the top right corner of the flyer.

    Deadline Extended -- Become a Published Writer through OneWorld Journal! - Deadline 10/31

  • Wednesdays with HCAB Pizza Social! Free Pizza!! 9/20/17

  • Be a part of Society of Future Physicians, apply by 9/5!

    Are you Pre-med? Are you part of the Honors College? Looking for clinical & volunteering experience? Apply to the Society of Future Physicians by September 5th! Applications can be found at  Questions?  Contact Marlin Amy Halder at

  • Society of Future Physicians applications open for Spring 2016! Due Fri. 1/22

    A new semester means new talent for SFP! We are very excited to begin this journey with our new members this year!

    The Society of Future Physicians is an undergraduate Honors student organization at UIC dedicated to informing our members about all there is to being a pre-medical student. Our topics range to cover issues like: Medical School matriculation, divisions and specialties, current hot topics in the medical field, volunteering opportunities, surgery viewings, leadership positions, and community involvement opportunities.

    Apply by Friday 1/22 at: 

    Visit our website for more info! Questions? Contact Adil Siddique at

  • First Tuesday with HCAB on 9/3 - Make Blankets for UI Health

  • The background color is pink with a darker pink color for the text. The background is a graph paper like background to imitate a sketchbook. There are 4 curvy lines on the top left as a design element.

    Red Shoes Review First General Body Meeting

  • The background of the flyer is green with a banner decoration on top. To the right is a photo of runners at the start of a race which covers about half the flyer. At the bottom left are small green images of a runner and a trophy. The flyer's words are all in the middle.

    Honors College Advisory Board (HCAB) - 5K Bucktown Race Volunteering - 9/19 at 11:59PM

  • Study Smart, Study Less Workshop & Pizza Lunch – Oct 23

  • Journal of Pre-Health Affiliated Students (JPHAS) – Seeking Writers

  • HCAB Faculty-Student Luncheon, Wed. 10/21

    HCAB Faculty-Student Luncheon
    A chance for Honors students and faculty to get to know each other informally over lunch!

    Wed., October 21
    11:30 am - 1:30 pm
    Location: Honors College, First floor of Burnham Hall

    Free food from Roti Mediterranean Grill!

    Honors College Students: Invite your Faculty Fellow, Core instructor, or another faculty member to attend with you!  Bring your I-Card to enter.


  • HCAB Pizza Social! – Sept 11

  • OneWorld Writing Opportunity

    Interested in writing? OneWorld is a publication in the Honors College whose focus is to shed light on social and global issues taking place around the world. We are also looking for people who have studied abroad to write an article as well. Want to write for us and don't know what topic? Send us an email at and we'll help you get started! This is a great and easy opportunity to get published as an undergraduate!

  • The background is dark blue, with yellow stars/sparkles located on both the top left and bottom right corners. The lower third of the flyer is dominated by an image of a halved Earth, in the colors blue, green, and white.

    Honors College Student Publication Events/Deadlines: Join OneWorld Journal's Executive Board! (Apply by 3/15), Red Shoes Review Come to Our Open Mic Night! 3/10 @ 6 PM

  • Spring 2018 Faculty-Student Luncheon – RSVP Deadline: April 11

  • Honors College Resume Building Workshop (10/15)

  • Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers 1st Meeting!

  • Society for Future Physicians: Free MCAT, LSAT, PCAT, GRE Practice Exam & Help

    Kaplan is hosting a Free MCAT, LSAT, GRE, DAT, OAT, and PCAT Practice test on Saturday, March 8th on campus at the University of Illinois at Chicago. At the event you will take a free practice test under real-life proctored conditions. Kaplan will also provide you with a free comprehensive score analysis and complete answers and explanations to the practice test.

    Pre-registration is REQUIRED and space is limited.

    Save your spot today @ .  PLEASE be sure to select Society for Future Physicians (SFP) as your source.  Contact Rahul Patel at with questions. 

  • Valentine's Day with HCAB - Wed. 2/8

    Please join HCAB in celebrating Valentine's Day! From 5-7 pm on Wednesday, February 8th, come decorate your own V Day mason jar and fill it with candy for your special someone or even just a friend!!

    Event Date: 02/08/2017

    Event Time: 5-7 pm

    Event Location: Honors College Lounge, Burnham Hall


  • The Red Shoes Review – Accepting Submissions until Dec 9

  • Annual India Night Show, Sat. 4/5

    The Annual India Night Show is the Indian Student Association's largest and most recognized South Asian event. With over 150 participants and the entire ISA board working together, India Night brings a taste of Indian culture to the UIC campus. With various performances ranging from musical acts and MC skits to competitive dance teams, India Night attracts nearly 700 attendees whilst receiving national media coverage. Our goal, as cultural chairs, is to expose Indian culture to the UIC community and encourage the audience to be proud of their heritage. This year, we have made it our mission to organize a dynamic show in which the audience will be awed in an electrifying new experience, setting it apart from previous shows. Don't miss out on the year's greatest event as ISA celebrates Indian cinema and culture on India Night! Doors open at 6:30 pm at the UIC Forum this Saturday, April 5th.

    Ticket Prices:
    Members: $11.00
    Nonmembers: $12.00

    Questions?  Contact Krishna Modi at 


  • First Project ESTEEM Meeting, Mon. 9/8

    Project ESTEEMs first meeting of the semester will be September 8th at 5:30 in the Honors College quiet study room! Please join us if you enjoy science, teaching, kids, or fun! It can be an option for an honors activity, provided you meet the requirements listed in the Honors Handbook. If you'd like more information, email!

  • Night sky dark purple background with blue speckles. The text is white with purple outline. There is gold speckles and decoration around the lettering.

    Red Shoes Review: Submit to our Magazine ! (Extended Deadline: Jan 23rd!)

  • Apply to join the 2016-17 Honors College Advisory Board, Due Fri. 4/15

    Elections for the 2016-2017 academic year are now underway to select new members of the Honors College Advisory Board!

    HCAB serves as a body of student representation advisory to the Dean of the College and its faculty and staff. The organization also helps develop and organize various social and programming initiatives for the Honors College. So, come represent your fellow Honors College students, help build community among between your peers and faculty, and be a part of planning some of the College’s major events, such as the Annual Honors College Ball!

    If you are interested in joining HCAB, please submit your application to the Honors College no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 15th. To note, hard copies of the application can also be found at the College.

    For any questions or concerns, you may contact Ms. Christina Ruiz at or Ms. Elizabeth Stark at