Sep 2, 2014 6:30 pm161 views
Peer Health Exchange is an organization that trains volunteers to teach health workshops in Chicago Public Schools that would not otherwise have a health curriculum. These workshops include drugs, alcohol, sex, mental health, etc. and also have a strong emphasis on skills (decision-making, communication, advocacy, and more). Not only is the experience extremely rewarding but it is also a ton of fun and gives volunteers the opportunity to meet awesome people, gain leadership experience, develop public speaking, and more!
Here are a few FAQ:
What is the time commitment?
-PHE has one meeting a week (Wednesday from 5 to 6:30) and you must teach one workshop a week (you can choose when you do this!)
Teaching seems a little intimidating. How does it work?
The cool thing about PHE is that we COMPLETELY prepare you for every experience in the classroom. Also, we never send you into the classroom alone!
How hard is it to memorize the workshops?
Not very! This is because the workshops are discussion based; therefore, you do not have memorize anything word for word.
For any more information you can e-mail or come to an info session! The info sessions are as follows:
- Tuesday, September 2nd from 5:30 to 6:30 in BH 114
- Wednesday, September 3rd from 3:30 to 4:30 in BH 121
- Thursday, September 4th from 5:30 to 6:30 in BH 114
The application is open now at!