What does Project ESTEEM stand for?
Enrichment of Science Through Exposure to Experimental Models
Student volunteers in Project ESTEEM, which stands for Enrichment of Science Through Exposure to Experimental Models, work at two children’s shelters to show under-privileged kids the exciting world of science.
What does that entail?
We go to Lydia Home and Rice center once a month each on Saturdays to teach children science through experimentation. The group divides in half at Lydia to work with the boys and the girls. At Rice there will be five separate groups of kids. Someone leads the discussion of the topic and details what experiment the children will do for the day.
Our Monday meetings on campus will be about creating new project ideas as a group and then testing them out. Our first Meeting of the 2015 fall semester is Monday September 8th at 6:00 in the honors college Silent Study!