Unite for Sight is inviting a doctor to host a two-hour Mini Medical-School. Dr. Rubin will come speak to students at UIC about medical school and also engage us in many activities that he has planned. After Dr. Rubin quickly talks about the admissions process and other related topics to medical school, he will guide students through different stations he has planned, such as having ear and eye modules to see different ear and eye conditions, taking a persons heart rate, listening for heart discrepancies, taking blood pressure, etc.
For these two hours, students can ask their honest questions about medicine and participate in hands-on activities, usually studied in the second year of medical school. Light refreshments will be provided. There is an entrance fee of $5 to attend this event. All of the money from this event will go to doctors working in other countries to perform preventable blindness surgeries and none of the proceeds will be kept for the use of our own chapter.
We would love to have students who share an appreciation of the human body to experience a really unique event!
When: Thursday, March 13. 2 - 3:50 PM.
Where: SCE, Room 613
If you would like to attend, RSVP to by March 7! This is NOT a walk-in event. We would like a total head count so that Dr. Rubin knows how to prepare appropriately. Thank you very much.
RSVP to: Tina Winston twinst2@uic.edu OR Asim Mujahed amujah2@uic.edu
If you have any further questions about the event, please contact Safa Farid (sfarid4@uic.edu) or Tina Winston (twinst2@uic.edu)