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  • EcoCampus April GBM #2, Thurs. 4/9

    EcoCampus April GBM #2

    Meet with EcoCampus & the UIC Office of Sustainability representative - Lisa - to find out all about Earth Month events and how to get involved.

    Monday, April 6th
    10:00am - 11:00am
    BH 114 (conference room)

    * Light snacks will be provided

    Questions, email

  • Like to Write? Come to the Ampersand General Body Meeting! Wed. 2/11

    Like to write? Come to the first Ampersand general body meetings of the semester for opportunities to write for the Honors College newsletter and blog!

    Calling all writers! The Ampersand, the Honors College newsletter and blog, will be holding its first general body meeting on Wednesday, February 11th at 4 PM in BH 121. We will be assigning articles for our print publication, online content, and online blog. This semester, we will also be hosting a blog contest with prizes - bloggers could win gift cards to the UIC bookstore! Come to find out more!

    Questions? Comments? Please email or visit for more information!

  • Donate by Design: Gift Giving on a Budget VI: Upcycled T-shirt Scarves, Tues. 11/4

    CCSW Minority Women Concerns subcommittee and Donate by Design student organization are teaming up to get crafty and give back to the community. Please join us as we make scarves from upcycled t-shirt. You'll be amazed at how easy, fun, and fashionable it is to upcycle t-shirts. Make one to donate to a local organization that serves women and make a second for yourself. Please bring a t-shirts to upcycle and we'll provide the rest of the supplies.

    Tuesday, November 4, 4 - 6pm in 121 Burnham Hall
    Instructions will begin every 30 minutes to allow people to come and go as fits their schedule.

    Please RSVP at Also, email Kathyy Battee-Freeman at or Donate by Design at with any questions or if you want to donate t-shirts.

  • The background of this image is pink with white outlines of dots all over. In the top left corner, there is a gray and blue stethoscope and in the bottom right corner, there is a white and gray envelope. At the top is the title: SFP x HCAB and in the rest of the space is the What, RSVP by, When, Where, and the RSVP link.

    Community Outreach Card Making Event (Part 2!) SFP x HCAB (3/12)

  • Ampersand Interest and Board Applications: Editor, Graphic and Web Design, Photography and Videography!

  • The background is beige.The text reads: A Student-led Townhall: by students, for students ;; March 4th, at 6:30 PM CST.” There is an orange circle on the left with three figurines and a word bubble above indicating they’re in conversation, and the text above reads: “Vent Session”. On the right, there’s a green circle that shows a report and pencil, and the text above reads: “Needs Assessment.” One the bottom left corner, there’s a yellow circle with three fists in the air, and text above reads: Direct Action and Next Steps.

    Student-led Townhall: Vent Session and Student Action (3/4)

  • UIC Thakaat, HerCampus, MSEI and HCAB present to you Women’s Empowerment Panel (3/15)

  • There is an image of an Earth, with only the top half shown and a plant growing out of the top.

    HCAB x Sunrise UIC Hub: Earth Day Movie Screening (4/22)

  • Latino Cultural Center Affiliated Student Organizations' Open House, Wed. 9/9

    Want to join a student organization, sports club, volunteer group, Greek fraternities and sororities, or other associations on campus but don’t know how?

    Join us and connect with UIC students, learn about various student organizations’ missions, upcoming events, and student services. Make time to get involved in a student activity that will enrich your educational journey and make lasting friendships along the way!

    When: Wednesday, September 9, 2015
    Anytime: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
    Where: Latino Cultural Center
    Lecture Center B2

    FREE refreshments and admission

    For more info, please call (312) 996-3095 or visit us at latinocultural.uic.eduAll audiences are welcome to join us at this program. Captioning, ASL Interpretation and Audio-Description services will be available upon request by contacting the number above.

    This programs is part of Weeks of Welcome!

  • The Letter Project (3/9)

  • EcoCampus General Body Meeting, Thurs. 10/30

    EcoCampus has a GBM in room 1-470 in the Library on Thursday, October 30, at 11 am.  Questions? Contact Rafid Rahman at

  • Ampersand Publication Seeking Writers!

  • Join Honors Ambassadors at the De-Stress Fest on March 13!

  • EcoCampus GBM #2, Tues. 2/3

    EcoCampus GBM #2
    Tuesday, Feb 3rd
    11:00am - 12:00pm
    Burnham Hall B16 (basement)
    Join us to discuss and finalize our plans for CCN, as well as create some proposals for Green Fee applications.

  • Honors College Ball: More Tickets Added - Extended Deadline through Wed. 3/1!

  • The flyer is pink with a hot pink alarm clock at the bottom.

    Time's Up! (3/5)

  • Apply to be on the Pre-Law Society Executive Board, Due Wed. 4/1

    Pre-Law Society Executive Board Applications Now Available

    Open to all students; you do not need to be a current member of Pre-Law Society to apply.

    A list of positions, position descriptions, and the application are available at this link:

    Questions?  Contact Cristian Nuno at 

  • OneWorld Writing Opportunity

    Interested in writing? OneWorld is a publication in the Honors College whose focus is to shed light on social and global issues taking place around the world. We are also looking for people who have studied abroad to write an article as well. Want to write for us and don't know what topic? Send us an email at and we'll help you get started! This is a great and easy opportunity to get published as an undergraduate!

  • Wednesdays with HCAB: Resume Building Workshop – Nov 29 at 5pm

  • Red Shoes Review 2021-2022 Merch Pre-Order! Deadline TONIGHT at 11:59!

  • This flyer has 3 separate posts with the same background. The background is cream with four red and light red egg-like shapes for decoration. At the bottom left and top right each, there are two red lines for decoration as well. The font for the text on the flyer is also red.

    HCAB Finals Workshop (4/21)

  • Rescuing Jesus: An Evening with Deborah Jian Lee

    Rescuing Jesus: An Evening with Deborah Jian Lee

    Award wining journalist and author of Rescuing Jesus: How People of Color, Women, and Queer Christians are Reclaiming Evangelicalism, Deborah Jian Lee will lead us in a discussion and an interactive workshop on intersecting identities, religion and spirituality, and learning to tell and live out our own powerful stories, especially in an election cycle where many on the margins have been silenced and vilified. Join us!

    When: Thursday, October 27th, 6pm

    Where: Burnham Hall, Room 208 (Accessible Location)

    Hosted by: The Inclusive Collective | A Christian Movement that exists to inspire radically inclusive communities that explore, share, and flourish in Christ's grace.


    Instagram: @letsgetinclusive


    Event Hashtag: #RescuingJesus 

    This event is co-sponsored by the Honors College.

  • Ampersand General Body Meetings – Feb 12 and 15

  • There is a green and blue animated image of a person putting a donation in a donation box. The person is smiling.

    HCAB x SFP: La Casa Norte Care Package Event (4/17)

  • Be an IGNITE Leadership Experience Participant

    Student Leadership Development and Volunteer Services (SLDVS) and Campus Programs are excited to bring the IGNITE Leadership Experience back for the fall!

    The IGNITE Leadership Experience is a semester-long exploratory leadership program designed to help first- and second-year undergraduate students gain leadership capacities and get involved at UIC.  IGNITE will help students gain insight into the values, communication, and leadership competencies necessary for positive involvement on campus. It is our hope that you will go out and live these ideals in your involvement on campus and the community.


    Must be a UIC first- or second-year student Must commit to attend every IGNITE session on Tuesday nights from 3:45-6pm starting September 22 and ending November 17. Unfortunately, due to the nature of our program, if a class/work/personal conflict overlaps with our program schedule, the student is not eligible to apply for the program. Please consider applying next year! Must attend the Catalyst Leadership Retreat on Saturday, September 19 from 9am-5pm.

    Info Sessions:

    Date: Thursday, September 10
    Time: 11am-12pm
    Location: Student Center East | White Oak Room

    Date: Friday, September 11
    Time: 3pm-4pm
    Location: Daley Library | Room 1-470

    To apply for IGNITE, please visit:

  • Pre-Law Orientation Workshop for Freshmen and Sophomores, Thurs. 10/2

    Are you a freshman or new sophomore student considering law school?

    Please come out for an orientation workshop for new Pre-Law students.  Come out, meet the Pre-Law Advisor and learn the basics of what you should be doing while in undergrad to make yourself the most viable candidate come application time.  We will discuss the successful law student profile, selection of a major that is best for you, extra-curriculars, and the application timeline. 

    Come out and meet student leaders from select student organizations like the Pre-Law Society and Mock Trial Team and hear directly from them about their organizations.

    The workshop will be held on Thursday October 2nd at 3:00 in LC C4.  To attend please rsvp to the Pre-Law Advisor Adekemi Faleti ( with your name and UIC email address. 

    This workshop is geared toward underclassmen – new freshmen or sophomores who have not yet come in for a one-on-one advising appointment.  NEW AND CONTINUING ADVANCED STUDENTS (JUNIORS AND ABOVE) SHOULD COME TO THE PRELAW OFFICE FOR ONE-ON-ONE ADVISING APPOINTMENTS. PRE-LAW ADVISING APPOINTMENTS CAN

  • EcoCampus Elections for Board positions, Apply by Tues. 9/30

    EcoCampus has openings this semester for LEADERSHIP POSITIONS on our Board.

    Going for a position is a great way to become more involved with the club -- you'll love it, we promise. Currently we are looking for the following:
    - Vice President
    - Assistant Secretary
    - Webmaster (need applicants!)
    - Marketing Chair (need applicants!)
    - Advertising Chair
    - Photographer
    - Residence Hall Ambassadors

    If you are interested in filling any of these positions, please fill out our Position Selection Form:


    If, for whatever reason, you are unable to make it to the meeting but would still like to run for a position, don't despair! Please fill out the Google form and then email us at so that we know, and we will make it work.

  • Red Shoes Review GBM 2: Learn about Open Mic Competition & Prizes, Magazine Submissions (10/27)

  • Submit to the Red Shoes Review, Due 12/31/13

    UIC's only undergraduate literary magazine, the Red Shoes Review, is open for all literature and art submissions for 2014! Submit prose, poetry, literary critique or essays, and art to by December 31st to be chosen for publication. This year's theme will be "Secrets in Ink," and the Red Shoes Review will accept any submission from any current UIC student regardless of their major. "Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." - William Wordsworth.

  • Ampersand's GBM – Oct 18

  • Campus Programs Seeking Volunteers to improve student organization "IDEAS", Apply by 10/31

    Involvement, Development, Engagement, and Activities Team (IDEA)

    Campus Programs has heard from you, the student leaders, and what we hear is that you need more IDEAs: Involvement, Development, Engagement, and Activities. We are seeking four volunteer students to start a new committee to improve student organization IDEAs at UIC. Are you an experienced student leader? Are you interested in improving the quality of programs for student organizations? If so, then the IDEA Team is for you! Get more info or apply by October 31st here: 

    Questions? Contact Rhonda Laylo at

  • Asterisk Bake N’ Shirt Sale, Monday 2/23

    Support The Asterisk, UIC’s one & only satire publication, by purchasing baked goods or our highly talked about UIC football t-shirt! Our team really needs your support! Come see us Monday February 23rd, from 11am-1pm in Burnham Hall. Free baked goods with every purchase!* 

    Reserve a shirt size by emailing your name and size to

    See you there!

    *If you already have a UIC football shirt, wear it and get free cookies!

  • Publish Your Artwork & Photography in OneWorld Journal!

  • Pre-Law Society Brunch, Mon. 2/17

    Why have lunch when you can brunch?!

    The Pre-Law Society invites you to have brunch with us on Monday, February 17, 2014 on the second floor of Student Center East. This event will be sponsored by and held in the UIC Student Commuter Center's multi-purpose room, from 10am to 12pm.

    Students will have the opportunity to meet the current officers serving on the PLS Executive Board, find out how to become a member, and receive an informational packet regarding upcoming PLS events for this semester.

    This event is open to all UIC students, of all majors, to come, stop by, and say hello! We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces!

    Contact Christian Nuno at with questions.

  • The background is cream. There are multiple brown lines as decoration.

    Honors College Advisory Board (HCAB) - Love LinkedIn - Today @ 4 PM

  • UIC's Red Shoes Review presents the Art Auction – Today, March 13

  • Handmade Cards & Envelopes for UIC Day of Service with Donate by Design, Tues. 4/7

    Please join us in the effort to make beautiful cards and envelopes that will brighten up someones day!

    Tuesday, April 7, 5 - 7:30 pm, 114 Burnham Hall


    Donate by Design is teaming up with Chancellors Committee on the Status of Women, Minority Concerns Subcommittee (CCSW) to make handmade cards and envelopes to contribute to the UIC Day of Service! Completed cards and envelopes will be delivered to UICs Student Leadership Development and Volunteer Services (SLDVS), who will then send the cards to prisoners on April 18th, the UIC Day of Service.

    We would appreciate any card/envelope-making supplies that you are able to donate, so please bring paper items (magazines, old calendars, book covers, old wrapping paper, etc), adhesive, and your own pair of scissors, if you can. Templates, decorative papers, labels, and markers will be provided.

    Questions? Contact Alison Chen at

  • Fundraiser for Immigrants Hosted by Psychology Students

  • Wednesdays with HCAB: Game Night, Wed. 9/23

    This Wednesday, Sept. 23rd is game night at the Honors College! Take a break from your studying to hang out in the Honors College Lounge for Game Night. From 5pm to 7pm, meet other Honors students or bring your friends for fun games including Heads Up!, Taboo, Jenga, and many more! Hope to see you there! Any questions should be directed to Celine Dalde at

  • Sustainability Fee Advisory Board seeking Student Proposals, Due Mon. 2/16

    The Sustainability Fee Advisory Board (SFAB) is currently accepting student proposals for Spring 2015. The Sustainability Fee's goal is to support proposals that help to establish a sustainable campus environment. Paid by all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, the Sustainability Fee is $3 per semester.

    The Sustainability Fee funds small, short-term projects, helps to subsidize larger, long-term projects on campus, offers discounted Divvy memberships for students*, and helps to fund student travel to sustainability-related conferences. Funding from this fee is administered by the SFAB, which is comprised of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, as well as faculty and staff.

    Who can apply: All UIC students and student organizations are eligible to apply. If needed, the SFAB will provide access to campus resources and personnel to approved proposals. SFAB can also suggest other entities that may provide funding or additional assistance.

    Application process: Applicants are required to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) by February 16th, 2015. The LOI allows the SFAB to pre-screen proposals for appropriateness and feasibility. Furthermore, the LOI should provide an approximate itemized project budget, including expected completion date and cost savings, if any. Projects that pass this stage will be invited to prepare a final proposal for consideration by the board. The Letter of Inquiry form can be found here: Following review of LOIs, the board will notify all applicants via email by the end of February if they have been selected to submit a full proposal. Full proposals must be submitted by Monday, April 6th, 2015. Grantees will be notified by the end of the spring semester. For questions regarding previously funded projects, funding criteria, as well as rules and restrictions, please contact or visit the website: 

    *For more information about the Divvy membership discount for students, visit here: 

  • Last Honors Activity Workshop with the Honors College Ambassadors Tomorrow, 3/9

  • HCAB: Thrift City - A Donation Drive - Donations accepted till 3/18

  • This image has a jeopardy-like background (the tv show) where it is blue, purple, pink, orange and yellow. At the bottom are some images of Starbucks drinks since the grand prize is a $5 Starbucks gift card per team member! The rest of the image is filled with white text with the important text such as the deadline or registration being highlighted in black.

    HCAB Jeopardy Trivia Night (3/18; Register by 3/16)

  • Flyer has light orange (cream orange) background with Book outlines in the background. A white and orange box is in the center with orange lettering.

    Red Shoes Review: Join us for our first GBM of spring 2022 !!!

  • SFP Presents: Kaplan MCAT, LSAT, GMAT, GRE, PCAT, DAT and OAT Course Silent Auction

  • Wednesdays with HCAB: Study Night, Wed. 10/21

    This Wednesday, bring your classmates and study groups to the Honors College Lounge for Study Night! From 5PM-7PM, the BH Lounge will be open for students to get work done. Hope to see you there! Any questions should be directed to Celine Dalde at

  • Wednesdays with HCAB: Building Campus Connections – Nov 15 at 5pm

  • Shamrock Shuffle Volunteering with SFP, 3/29

    The Society of Future Physicians will be partnering with the Chicago Diabetes Project to volunteer at the Shamrock Shuffle 8K race on 3/29. Space is LIMITED to the first 50 people so please register here if you are interested. T-shirts and snacks will be provided! Register here:  Our assignment is start corrals D & E. More than 3,000 volunteers will support the event this year thanks to volunteers like you! In the document below you will find more information. Questions or concerns? Please email Rahul Patel at

  • Red Shoes Review: Join us for our Virtual Portrait Workshop! - 3/31

  • UIC Involvement Fair, Wed. 9/2

    The Involvement Fair will expose you to the diverse opportunities available for being involved in the UIC community. These events consist of two days of engaging activities, raffle prizes, and giveaways. Over 200 student organizations, campus departments, and neighboring businesses will be on hand to greet and welcome you to campus. Find a group for every interest and hobby, from academics and professional to philanthropic and political. Plus, there are many just for fun! This is the perfect opportunity to make your mark on campus.

    The Involvement Fair
    Wednesday, September 2, 2015
    Located on the Lecture Center Plaza outside of UIC Student Center East

    Join in the conversation! Use #invuic on social media to keep up with everyone during the fair.

    If you have a disability and need accommodations to participate in this event please contact Rhonda Laylo at: or (312) 413-5058.