OneWorld Journal is a UIC student publication centered around intricate international issues and geopolitical affairs. Through our annual publications, we strive to heighten the visibility of important global issues, promoting a more expansive worldview and instilling an appreciation for cultures represented on campus and beyond.
This year, art has become much more subjective and prophetic, as it acutely reflects the pain and triumph we have all collectively and individually felt during this time. For OneWorld's Spring 2021 publication, we are eager to incorporate artwork & photographs that UIC students have taken to complement our 13 (soon-to-be-published) articles.
Any student interested in having either artwork or photography included in OneWorld's formal, printed publication can send these images, in JPG/JPEG format, to Please title your email "PHOTO SUBMISSION" and send them, at the latest, by mid-February. To find out more about our publication and view our past issues, visit or contact us at Thank you!