Scholarship: Living Well Scholarship
Description: For Undergrad or Graduate Students
Application Due: November 15, 2022
Additional Information:
Essay of 400 – 600 Words: Why do you believe clean living is important? How do you incorporate clean living practices into your daily life?
Trying to live a clean lifestyle can be difficult, but it can have a great impact on individuals, as well as the world as a whole.
Clean living includes what we put into our bodies, as well as the products we purchase and use; all the way from beauty products to water bottles. It’s not easy to find and use clean products and foods, so Top Nutrition Coaching wants to recognize the importance of a clean lifestyle. The Living Well Scholarship will support someone who goes above and beyond to have a positive impact on themselves and the world around them.
High school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students are eligible to apply if they are U.S. citizens or permanent legal residents and work to live healthy lifestyles. In your application, write about why you believe clean living is important and how you incorporate clean living practices into your everyday life.