Scholarship: Ingrid Josefin Ridky Academic Scholarship
Description: For undergrad & grad nursing students with 3.0 G.P.A or higher
Due Date: August 1, 2025
Additional Information:
The purpose of this scholarship is to support an ANN member pursuing academic advancement in neonatal nursing. ANN is seeking applications from neonatal nurses within our organization who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program with a focus in neonatal nursing or a related nursing major.
Application Criteria
Candidates for this Scholarship must:
- Be a member of the Academy of Neonatal Nursing in good standing, for at least one year.
- Have a minimum of two years of neonatal practice experience with at least one of these years completed in the past 18 months.
- Be enrolled in a nursing academic degree program or a neonatal postgraduate program, in the current year, for one of the following: Bachelor of Nursing, Master of Nursing, Doctoral Degree in Nursing, or Post Master Certificate in a Nursing Specialty.
- Have successfully completed two required courses in that program.
- Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- Be a professionally active neonatal nurse, defined as:
- Currently engaged in a clinical, research, or educational role that contributes directly to the healthcare of neonates or to the nursing profession (includes all professional neonatal nursing roles).
- Maintaining professional education in neonatal nursing by obtaining 15 contact hours of continuing education a year. Credits towards degree work in neonatal or related nursing courses may meet this requirement. A list of contact hours earned within the past two years, titles of the offerings, and offering providers must be submitted with the application.
- Have not been a recipient of an ANN scholarship within the past 5 years.
Application Submissions Must Include the Following:
- Completed application.
- A letter from your advisor or the dean of the university or other institution of learning stating that you are enrolled in a degree program and have successfully completed two courses toward that degree.
- Transcript of grades achieved (proof of GPA).
- Current CV.
- An essay of 200 words or less, stating why you are pursuing your education and how attainment of this degree will benefit you in your professional role as a neonatal nurse.
Selection Process
The Academy of Neonatal Nursing Executive Committee will select recipient(s). The Executive Committee reserves the right to not grant the scholarship if the applicants do not meet the criteria.
Scholarship Benefit
The recipient will be notified by September 1 and will receive a $1,000 scholarship drafted to them.