Employer: Kidney Camp
Job Title: Summer Staff
Additional Information: https://www.nkfi.org/kidney-camp
The National Kidney Foundation of Illinois is looking for a nursing student to assist in Kidney Camp this summer and we would love to connect with you in finding a student who would love the opportunity to attend camp this summer!
Kidney Camp is an inclusive camping experience offered to children and teens between the ages of 7-15 years old who have been diagnosed with kidney disease. Kidney Camp will be held in YMCA Camp Duncan in Ingleside, IL from July 2-7, 2023, and will be part of an inclusive camping experience.
We are offering a $500 stipend to a nursing student who can stay the full week to assist both physicians and kids during their time at camp. Along with the stipend the student will be provided with housing, meals, and clinical hours if needed. Although we hope the volunteer can stay the full week we understand if it may not be the case and are open to accepting 2 volunteers and splitting the time at camp. All volunteers must complete a background check before attending camp.
Questions? Contact: Nayeli Mejia, Program Associate
National Kidney Foundation of Illinois
215 W. Illinois Street, Suite 1C
Chicago, IL 60654
T: (312) 321-1500 ext 260