Hello fellow Honors College students!
HCAB, otherwise known as the Honors College Advisory Board, is announcing that our NEW MEMBER APPLICATION is open!
If you are interested in applying, please apply by September 7th here https://forms.gle/HttxSE2oU1qdkNbB7.
As a reminder, this application is for any Honors College student that is interested in becoming a member of our organization. HCAB resembles a student council within the Honors College; we serve as a bridge between the faculty and students in order to build a strong community. Our organization works closely with Honors College faculty to bring you opportunities, experiences, and memories that both benefit your college career and make it a memorable chapter of your life. Stay up to date with our social media by following @hc abatuic on Instagram or “Honors College Advisory Board at UIC” on Facebook for more news and information about the application and our organization.
If you have any questions, you may also contact us at officialuichcab@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you all!