Dear students,
We hope you are all doing well and finding ways to care for yourselves amid this challenging time. Please take good care of yourselves and your loved ones.
As adjustments are continually being made, please note the following:
- The Honors College building/UIC facilities are closed until further notice. However, we’re still here in virtual form, so please reach out. HC staff and faculty are available online, so feel free to email us with any questions or concerns. You can also reach us at
- HC advisors are working remotely and will continue to meet your needs in the best way possible. MFAs are ongoing. If you have other questions about Capstone, courses, graduation, etc., please reach out to us. You will receive communication directly from your HC advisor as well, so be on the lookout for emails!
- Honors Activities: We recognize that your work on your Honors activity may have been interrupted by this situation. We are working to ensure that you get credit for the work that you have completed thus far, and we will make adjustments to requirements such as service hours to ensure that you can meet the Honors requirements. More details will be coming soon.
- Honors Capstones: We are committed to providing you an opportunity to present your capstone through a virtual research forum. We expect that this will take place in the later part of April. So keep working on your capstone!
- Honors College/student organization events for the remainder of this term have been cancelled.
- Seniors: discussions about the HC graduation ceremony are in progress, and ongoing, based on daily guidelines from university and public health officials. Information will be communicated to you as soon as possible.
Please note: the Honors College Announcements will continue to post updates as we receive them. As Dean Keen says, transparency and honesty are crucial to all of us. We will touch base when we know more. Please be sure to read these announcements regularly so you have up-to-date information!
Most importantly, know that we’re here for you. We know this situation presents a myriad of challenges for everyone involved, and we’re here to support you. Whether it’s to ask a question, schedule an MFA, or for moral support, let us know how we can help. We know how hard you’ve all worked this semester, and wish you the best as we all traverse this unknown terrain.
May you all be healthy and well!
The Honors College team