Psi Chi (pronounced "Sigh Kye") is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of “encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology.” Psi Chi is an affiliate of the American Psychology Association (APA) and aims to be for universities what the APA is for professionals.
Membership is open to graduate and undergraduate students who are making the study of psychology one of their major interests (registered as a major or minor, or in a closely related field, such as Neuroscience), and who meet the minimum qualifications – (1) completed at least 3 semesters of UIC courses, (2) 9 semester hours of psychology, (3) no Psychology grades below a C and (4a) earned a rank in the upper 35% of their class in general scholarship (minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale) OR (4b) a minimum 3.0 GPA average in psychology courses.
To become a member, complete the online application (see link below), and turn in membership dues. The dues are A One Time Fee of $90 for a lifelong membership to the national society. The fees need to be submitted in the form of a money order or check, to Rita Gray-March in the Psychology Department Office (first floor of BSB, toward the back of the building, in the hallway on the left-hand side). This needs to be done by March 1st. Membership to the National Honor Society of Psychology allows you access to scholarships, grant, networks, and national conferences opportunities not available to outside individuals. Your one-time fee goes to the Psi Chi International office as membership dues, and to the UIC Psi Chi chapter for regalia (Honors cords, pins, certificate), supplies, and events to create events and opportunities for you. Email Dr. Kathryn Engel ( letting her know that you have completed your application and turned in your fees (CC Quinn Kelly on the email,
Link to sign up for membership:
Also, if you haven’t already, please check the listserv sign-up sheet to make sure all necessary fields are filled out:
Follow us on Instagram @uicpsichi for more updates on meetings and events!