Do you have quick questions about any of the Honors College scholarships? Are you uncertain about who (or how) to ask for a letter of recommendation? Are you working on an application and don’t know where to start? Come to the Honors College for drop-in advising to meet with Julianne Angeli, Honors Advisor and Scholarship Specialist.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
2pm - 3pm
Friday, February 15, 2019
10:30am - 11:30am
Please note that these should be quick questions about Honors College scholarships.
- Questions about financial aid should always be directed to your Financial Aid Advisor. Not sure who that is or who to ask? Come to drop-in hours!
- Although general guidance can be offered for non-Honors College applications (i.e., writing strong personal statements, requesting letters of rec, etc.), specific questions about non-Honors College scholarships should always be directed to the person managing the scholarship.
- If you would like feedback on a draft of your application, this is a great time to ask! But please plan to schedule a follow-up appointment to go over your essays. Be sure to bring hard copies of your essays if this is the case.
I look forward to meeting you! If you cannot attend these hours and have other quick scholarship questions, please email Julianne at: