The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville IRIS Center in collaboration with the College of Arts and Sciences and Lewis and Clark Community College is hosting the interdisciplinary conference “Digital Humanities and the Undergraduate Experience” on April 26 and 27, 2019. We are currently seeking proposals from university and college students, staff, and faculty to present on their approach to integrating digital humanities approaches into undergraduate curriculum, informal learning environments, and student life.
Potential topics might address:
- Innovative approaches to using established digital humanities projects in the classroom
- Undergraduates sharing their digital research
- Engaging students in DH practices
- DH integration within particular institutional settings
- DH pedagogy and intersectionality
- Approaches to DH curriculum that crosses disciplinary boundaries
- Service learning, community engagement and the digital humanities
- Undergraduate DH program design (ie. minors/majors/certificates)
- DH in informal educational environments
By bringing together students, faculty, and practicing professionals, this conference will allow discussions about the intersection of original, collaborative research with pedagogy and curriculum design.
Proposals can be made for:
- Poster Presentations
- Flash talks (3 minutes)
- Individual papers (15 minutes)
- Fully constituted panels (90 minutes)
- Workshops (90 minutes)
Abstracts no longer than 300 words in length can be submitted here. Submissions are due by 5 pm on Friday, February 15, 2019. Decisions regarding acceptance will be announced by March 1.
Those interested in the conference can get more information (and submit their abstract) at Questions about the submissions and conference should be directed to Katherine Knowles at