What is Psi Chi, and what does it entail?
The purpose of Psi Chi is to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in leadershi p, service and scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. As a member of Psi Chi you gain lifetime membership, receive international recognition for academic accomplishment in psychology, you will have access to a wide variety of grants and awards, and you will also have access to three Psi Chi publications (Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research, Eye on Psi Chi, and Psi Chi Digest). You will be able to gain involvement in community service, tutoring/mentoring, leadership development and experiences, and new friendships and connections.
How do I join?
To be a member of Psi Chi, you need to be a major or a minor in psychology and have completed 9 credit hours of psychology courses. There is a 3.0 GPA requirement, and you should not have received lower than a C in any of those classes.
If you are interested complete the online application (see link below), the dues are $65 and need to be submitted in the form of a money order, or a check, to Rita Gray-March in the Psychology Department Office (first floor of BSB, toward the back of the building, in the hallway on the left hand side). This needs to be done by March 15, 2019, and the payment is a one time payment. Of the $65, $55 go to the Psi Chi International office as membership dues, and $10 go to the UIC Psi Chi chapter for events, supplies, and the purchasing of members Psi Chi graduation regalia, which includes honors cords, Psi Chi pin, and certificate holder. Email Dr. Karina Reyes (kreyes@uic.edu) letting her know that you have completed your application and turned in your fees (CC me, Kaitlynn Richardson, on the email, kricha30@uic.edu).
How do I find out more information?
Come to the next general body meeting Wednesday, January 23, 2019! If you are unable to attend email me (kricha30@uic.edu) with any questions.
Also, sign up for our Psi Chi Listserv to hear more about upcoming activities, grant and award opportunities, and announcements:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gaylgy51645mdRh42 OEhqPNXH60jJ5y_RTh_xokyS0g/edit?usp=sharing
Are you in need of tutoring in Psychology?
Psi Chi offers tutoring in psychology courses and various other courses. If you have any more questions related to tutoring feel free to contact our Tutor Coordinator, Samantha Hernandez (sherna50@uic.edu).
View our tutoring schedule and list of courses here: