The Binaural Hearing Lab, led by Dr. Justin Aronoff, investigates the benefits and limits of cochlear implants, particularly for those who have two cochlear implants. Both basic and translational research is done in the lab, focusing on how information is combined across the two ears and how the distorted signal provided by the cochlear implants impact a cochlear implant users’ voice.
Minimum time commitment in hours per week: 3 hours
Qualifications of a Student:
Students need to be motivated, meticulous, and independent workers. Students should have a strong interest in hearing science.
Brief Summary of what is expected from the student:
Students will be involved in recruiting and testing cochlear implant users on perception and vocal production tasks. Students are expected to attend a monthly lab meeting. Students also have the opportunity to be involved in preparing manuscripts.
Interested students should contact Dr Aronoff at