Are you thinking of completing a summer Honors Activity (HA)?
Great news! This is the first summer the Honors College will be offering Honors seminars!
There will be 2 sections each of Hon 201 and Hon 301, so feel free to register if these options fit with your summer plans!
The titles of the Hon 201 sections are Performing Sincerity in the City and City at a Crossroads: Local, National & Global Politics in Chicago, 1968.
For all summer HAs, please see the guidelines here:
Honors College students are not required to engage in an Honors Activity during the summer semester. However, you may take advantage of the opportunity to earn additional Honors Units. Students should still consult with their Faculty Fellow prior to starting the Activity; the Agreement Form must be approved by the Faculty Fellow. If a student has not yet been assigned a Faculty Fellow by the Agreement Form deadline, their Honors Advisor must approve their summer activity in place of a Fellow.
Set up an appointment with your Fellow now if you plan to complete an Activity over the summer. You should meet with them before the spring semester ends, as many Fellows are unavailable over the summer.
Summer paperwork deadlines for Agreement and Completion Forms are as follows:
- Agreement Forms: Due at 4pm the last Friday of June
- Completion Forms: Due at 4pm the first Friday of August
Please note:
*Students taking summer courses at UIC and planning to complete an optional Honors Activity over the summer should register for HON 222.
*Students who are completing a summer Honors Activity but not registering for summer courses at UIC should not register for HON 222.
Any questions? Feel free to reach out to your Honors College Advisor!