Starting this year, the Honors College will be allowing any Honors College student access to the college after hours! You will be able to reserve space for student organization meetings, study groups, or other meet ups. In order to be eligible to check out the Honors College after hours, you will need to complete a brief in-person training that goes through the process of closing up before you leave.
If you think you might want to reserve space in the Honors College starting at 5pm at any point this semester, we encourage you to sign up for one of the following trainings:
- Tuesday, September 4 – 3-3:30pm
- Friday, September 7 – 12-12:30pm
- Monday, September 10 – 4-4:30pm
- Wednesday, September 12 – 10-10:30am
All trainings will be held in BH 121. Please RSVP for one of the sessions here:
Please note, if you are part of a student organization that plans to use the college for meetings, any members who will be responsible for finishing the meeting and closing the space will need to complete this training (even if you hadn’t had to do this in past semesters).
Please reach out to Tyler Nielsen ( or Nikki Gottleib ( with any questions.