Dear Honors Students:
Have you wanted to live in the Honors Living Learning Community in JST Tower C? There are openings – but you need to act fast! The deadline to apply for the Honors LLC is July 2.
If you already have a housing contract for a room that is NOT in JST Tower C, please contact the Housing office to request a room change! You can email
If you have not already applied to live in campus housing, you will need to apply. The application is available on the Housing website: There is a $50 application fee and $100 deposit required with your application. Be sure to select “HON” for your LLC selection.
The deadline to make this request for the remaining rooms in JST Tower C is MONDAY, JULY 2! After this date, we will not be able to guarantee any space is available!
For more information about the Honors LLC, please visit: For more information about Campus Housing, including rate information, please visit:
Hope that you are having an enjoyable summer! If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Stacie L. McCloud Williams
Associate Dean