The Office of Undergraduate Research is pleased to announce that that the application for the AY 2018-2019 Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award (CURA) is now open. The CURA supports students who are undertaking undergraduate research and have already accepted Federal Work Study as part of this coming year's financial aid package. CURA is administered by OUR to support undergraduate involvement in research and other creative and scholarly activities across campus. You can read more about the program at
To participate in the CURA program, you will need to locate an undergraduate research position. If you do not already have a position use the Undergraduate Research Experience database and search on the upper right-hand side for research opportunities among faculty profiles and project descriptions. Quick view: faculty who have already indicated that they want to hire a student under this program. Contact faculty members by completing the “URE Email Webform” that appears at the bottom of the faculty member’s research information page. Once you have a position lined up, have your research supervisor complete the online application at Applications will be accepted until the fall CURA fund is depleted or the end of the fourth week of the fall semester, whichever comes first. A spring semester application cycle will open in November.
Awards are available for one semester or the entire academic year. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis in the order in which they are received. CURA is not intended to be combined with other major campus-based funding programs such as LASURI, Honors College research grants, etc., other than those that will meet additional expenses unmet by CURA.
Students selected to participate in CURA should plan to meet with an academic advisor to register for research credit (if available and appropriate).
Questions? Don’t know where to begin?
Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at (312) 355-3586 or come to campus for summer drop-in hours in 2720 UH – Mondays 9:30-11am, Mondays 1:30-2:30pm, Wednesdays 9:30-2:30, Thursdays 9:30-11, or Thursdays 1:30-2:30.