Navigating gender and family expectations for members of the Arab/Muslim American communities is nuanced and complex. At this Coffee Hour Discussion, join us for a conversation that explores these nuances and complexities with the aim to better understand the position of Arabs situated in multiple and different spaces in the US. For members of the Arab and Arab American communities, this Coffee Hour Discussion can be an opportunity to discuss experiences and different strategies used to help navigate gender and family expectations within a US context. Meanwhile, for non-members, this can be an opportunity to understand the perspectives of our fellow classmates and hear about ways in which we can be supportive and address some stereotypes that we may hold.
The discussion will be led by Nesreen Hasan, Assistant Director of the Arab American Cultural Center, and Dr. Sarah Abboud, Assistant Professor of Women, Child, & Family Health Sciences.
The Coffee Hour Discussion Series takes place the last Wednesday of each month and is brought to you by the Honors College Diversity Committee. This series aims to better serve the diverse needs of our student body and to realize the benefits of a diverse learning environment for all.
For access questions & accommodations please contact Zoie at Light refreshments to be served!
Wednesday, March 25, 2018 -- 4pm to 5pm -- BH 121