Dr. Morrison (Biology Department, MBRB Building) has an opening for one student interested in starting on a research project leading to a Capstone report, likely publication, and likely presentation(s) at national microbiology conferences. For details, see listing on UIC URE site.
This is especially suitable for a sophomore interested in continuing lab project on bacterial gene exchange. As Dr. Morrison's web site indicates, his lab is discovering pneumococcal genes and their activities. For more info, a Google Scholar search for the terms "Streptococcus” and “ Morrison" will retrieve the work of many past UIC students in the lab. This spring, the student will observe, learn the ropes, and read background on the lab’s current projects. Starting summer semester, the student will run a semi-independent project, continuing through 3 or more semesters, leading to a Capstone Project.
An application for URE financial support should be submitted as soon as possible.