The Obama Foundation is excited to host a one-day, in-person community engagement training for young adults in Chicago on Saturday, October 14, 2017! This event will include inspirational workshops that use storytelling, community building, and skills training to teach young adults how to make change in their community. Anyone can apply to attend at: The application deadline is: Monday, October 2, 2017.
No prior experience is necessary! Ideal participants are young people (ages 18 - 24) looking for new ideas and opportunities to get involved, build relationships, and develop skills to make a meaningful impact in their community. Participants should be open-minded and eager to engage and learn with people different from themselves. This is one of the first events of its kind therefore all participants feedback will be integral to shaping the future of The Foundation’s programming.
The training will be held on Saturday, October 14 from 8am - 8pm on the South-Side of Chicago. We ask that only people able to attend the full day apply.
When filling out the simple application, be sure to list Cristian Nuno (Program Associate in the University of Chicago Urban Labs and Honors College alum) as the person who referred you!\