Join us for the Diversity Committee’s first student event, a renewal of the Coffee Hour Discussion Series, to be held on 9/27 at 4pm in BH 121.
The Coffee Hour Discussion Series takes place the last Wednesday of each month and brought to you by the Honors College Diversity Committee with the aim of elevating student awareness with respect to critical issues related to diversity facing our own as well as neighboring communities. In addition, this series aims to better serve the diverse needs of our student body and to realize the benefits of a diverse learning environment for all.
Alterity or “othering” is the process by which we as individuals or society differentiate ourselves from others in a way that subordinates “the other” to a lesser condition or status. This process of distancing between individuals and groups can lead to both unintended and intended consequences where some are seen as deserving, or belonging while others are not deserving or kept from belonging. We will explore and discuss different ways in which we other, while personally reflecting on how we do so in our everyday interactions.
Light refreshments to be served!