Advanced Juniors and Seniors:
We are offering an HON401 course for student who already have some or all of their Capstone data, or who are beginning to think of their research design for a qualitative methods Capstone.
Qualitative Capstones: analyzing your data – The course is for students who know or may benefit from using qualitative methods for their Capstone research project. Samples of appropriate data to analyze with qualitative methods include surveys, interviews, ethnographic field notes, focus groups, artifacts, on line material, etc. The class will be run as a workshop: for students who have some or all of their data, they will spend the semester analyzing their data set. On the other hand, for students who are in the research design phase, they will spend the semester designing their qualitative research protocol, including identifying what data they will want to collect and how to qualitatively analyze it. For students with data, the goal of the course is to have you finish the semester with a draft of your capstone paper. For students who are designing their Capstone, by the end of the semester you will have a completed research protocol and should be on your way to data collection.
If you want to take this class and have any questions, contact Dr. Meléndez at the Honors College or email him at