Via TEDxUofIChicago:
TEDxUofIChicago is proud to present our first Salon of the year: "Spilling the Tea." This theme aims to explore unique and interesting perspectives on otherwise typical topics.
Join us (virtually) on Tuesday, November 30th at 6 pm as we spill the tea with our speaker and explore new and interesting perspectives with these #ideasworthspreading.
Meet our speaker!
Shana Abraham is the 22-year-old author of RISE: How Empowering Women Elevates Us All and founder/CEO of RISE Women. A Duke Alumna who studied cultural barriers to health for women of color, Shana wrote RISE to bring awareness on the importance of women’s empowerment for communities to thrive as a whole. She currently works in the nonprofit space, and actively works to create spaces where people can learn actionable strategies to support women and cultivate the next generation of changemakers. Through her research and advocacy, she weaves her own experiences with the experiences of other activists to highlight structural barriers for women and inspire social change.
We hope you can come!