LCC Mural & Heritage Garden Tours: Summer Session!
Visit the UIC Latino Cultural Center this summer and take advantage of an exciting tour!
LCC Mural Tour
Come explore the LCC’s mural, “El Despertar de las Américas” (The Awakening of the Americas), and the many historic and contemporary challenges addressed through the art.
Heritage Garden Tour*
Visit the gardens on campus, and learn how the UIC Heritage Garden connects horticulture with environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, and social justice.
*Limited availability
Each tour will come with a visit of the Social & Environmental Pollinators planters in the LCC bioswale garden, created as part of the LCC 40th anniversary celebration!
When: June 26 - August 4, 2017
Time: 45 min. Each
Where: Latino Cultural Center
Lecture Center B2
To make your reservation: call (312) 996-3095, or submit form here: