You are invited to the free one day symposium at the University of Illinois at Chicago entitled 'Sense'ational Neuroscience: Peripheral to Central and Back.
It will take place on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 from 9:00am - 4:30pm in MBRB, 900 S Ashland Ave, 60607 in the 1st floor auditorium (#1017).
Interested faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and researchers are invited to attend.
In order for us to plan accordingly, please RSVP here.
Here is the lineup for the day. You can attend one session or all. Lunch is provided to attendees. All this information is also available at
9:00-9:30 Sign in
9:30-10:10 Lisa Taneyhill, University of Maryland, "Neuralcrest-placode cell interactions during cranial gangliogenesis"
10:10-10:50 Andy Groves, Baylor College of Medicine, "Audio, video,disco… How short and long range signals establish sensory fate in thecochlea"
10:50-11:10 Coffee/snacks
11:10-11:50 Carole LaBonne, Northwestern University, "Evolutionaryorigins of the vertebrate peripheral nervous system"
11:50-12:30 Brian Link, Medical College of Wisconsin, "Genetic screenin zebrafish for factors important for optic nerve health"
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:10 Vicky Prince, University of Chicago, "Zebrafish neuralcrest migration: A prickly problem"
2:10-2:50 Data Blitzes by *UIC Graduate Students*
2:50-3:10 Coffee/snacks
3:10-3:50 Paolo Forni, SUNY Albany, "Apical, basal or…? Newfindings about the terminal differentiation of vomeronasal sensory neurons"
3:50-4:30 Simon Alford, University of Illinois at Chicago, "Themotor command system - from brain to spinal cord"
For further information, please contact Ankur Saxena at