CSCI will for the first time bring together the leaders of the social services from Birmingham, Casablanca, Chicago, Durban, Hamburg, Osaka, Shanghai and Paris in a conference to be held at UIC on the 9th and 10th of June.
The delegations from the seven visiting cities will be housed on campus, arriving on on June 4th to visit leading programs in the prevention of violence and abuse in an exchange of best practices. After 5 days of sites visits the Conference will occur on June 9th and 10th with the lead delegates and elected officials from each of the 8 cities participating in interactive conversations, not only with each other, but also in active dialogue with the audience. UIC students will be able to attend the conference at no cost.
The Applied Psychology Program (APP) is a co sponsor of the conference - most of the agencies site visits are APP internship partners, three of the cities are co chaired by someone from UIC (Casablanca, Shanghai adn Paris), and the major donor for the conference is a Navy Pier alum. We have UIC involvement across both campuses, faculty member Kathryn Engel has co-chaired the Paris exchanges for 8 years and served on the committee organizing this conference.
There are many opportunities for faculty and student engagement. One Honors College Capstone thesis is already being planned as a part of the Conference and more opportunities are available. Please contact Kathryn Engel ( if you would like to volunteer. Ssave the date to attend on June 9th and 10th!