The next Global Asian Studies Colloquium featuring Dr. Radha Modi on “South Asians and Ambiguity in the U.S. Racial Hierarchy”
Scholars on race and immigration often see the delayed racial sorting of recent immigrant groups as either a temporary holding station or the formation of racialized ethnic identities. This talk instead suggests that the lack of sorting may in fact be the consequence of multi-faceted racial processes that are not captured by formal institutions such as the Census yet are relevant in daily life post-9/11.
Dr. Modi, through the analysis of 120 reflected appraisals, presents the racial experiences of second generation South Asians as they encounter the U.S. racial system in their daily life. The narratives reveal a complex interaction of skin color, surrogate markers of gender, class, and religious presentation, and situational context as central to South Asian racialization, and provide a stepping-stone to understanding the dynamic landscape of the U.S. racial hierarchy.
Event details:
Date: Monday, March 13
Time: 11am - 12:30pm
Location: University Hall 1050
Refreshments provided