We are excited to announce our Joseph S. Begando/Embodied Inequalities Series Lecture Speaker for 2017, Dayna Matthew.
This year's lecture is presented by the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy as a part of their Embodied Inequalities Series and the Health Humanities Program at the Department of Medical Education as a part of the Joseph S. Begando Lecture Series.
Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care
Thursday, February 23, 2017
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Moss Auditorium COMRB
909 S. Wolcott, Chicago, IL
Reception following event
About the talk
Efforts to train health providers in cultural competency, expand wellness education programs and community health centers, and increase access to health insurance have only had a modest effect on reducing health disparities. This talk will focus on evidence-based legal remedies that accurately address implicit and unintentional forms of discrimination in order to eradicate health disparities from the American health care system.
Dayna Bowen Matthew is Professor at University of Colorado Law School and the School of Public Health. She serves on the faculty of the Center for Bioethics and Humanities, and is co-founder of the Colorado Health Equity Project, a medical legal partnership whose mission is to remove barriers to good health for low-income clients. Her latest book is Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care.
RSVP rvilor1@uic.edu or visit http://irrpp.uic.edu/events/FY2017/feb/2-23-2017.shtml for more information
For disability accommodations please email Bhargavi Dhanireddy bdhani3@uic.edu