Students of all related majors and minors are invited to participate in the annual Undergraduate Research Poster Session that takes place in conjunction with the In/Between conference in the School of Literatures, Cultural Studies and Linguistics. The top three presentations will win awards in the amount of $50, $100, and $150. If you have recently or are currently engaged in a research project, please consider participating by designing a poster and preparing a 5-minute summary of your work (and preparing to be asked conversational questions). Just send the title of your research project and a 150-200 word description (abstract) of it by Friday, February 3, 5 pm.
The poster session will take place on Thursday, March 9 at 10 am. If you have a class conflict at that hour, we will be happy to contact your instructor to request an excused absence so that you may participate.
For more information, contact Professor McClure