2017 Chicago Disability Studies Conference: Disability & Violence
9am-3pm on April 7, 2017 at the University of Illinois at Chicago
Organized by the Disability and Human Development Student Association
The Chicago Disability Studies Conference is a one-day, interdisciplinary conference focusing on disability and violence. This event is free, accessible, and open to the public. Papers are welcome from contributors inside and outside of disability studies, by undergraduate students, graduate students, non-UIC students, activists, and community members.
Violence has been a major issue faced by individuals and groups alike. Violence directly impacts the lives of many groups, especially as it is often perpetrated to exert power and control over an individual or a group of people. To understand the social oppression of any group, it is important to explore the forms of violence to which they are subjected, the impact violence has on them, and how they actively resist violence. As a marginalized population, people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to many forms of violence. We invite presentations that examine the intersection of violence and disability. Possible questions to explore include, but are not limited to:
How do disabled people experience violence in contexts that claim to care for them, such as medical settings, group homes, and nursing homes? How do local, state, or the federal government support or sanction various forms of violence, such as police brutality, denial of disability benefits and other forms of public assistance, and lack of affordable healthcare?How do lack of or denial of access operate as forms of violence?How do disabled people who are also marginalized by race, gender, class, age, sexuality, and other social identities experience violence?How do transnational and global violence complicate issues such as disability identity and disability pride?How do disabled people, disability culture, and disability rights/justice movements address or resist violence? What coalitional possibilities exist between groups working to address diverse forms of violence?
We invite everyone to consider these questions and others as they submit papers that address the relationship between violence and disability by February 17th, 2017 at 11:59 PM.
Abstracts should be no more that 250 words.
Please submit abstracts using the following Google Form: https://goo.gl/forms/ukZcv5MRNpVb5HJs2
Presentation Times:
Graduate Students: 10-15 minutes
Undergraduate Students: 5-10 minutes
Community Members: 5-15 minutes
If you have any questions or have any difficulties accessing the submission form, contact DHDSA Academic and Professional Development Committee Chair Nell Koneczny at: nkonec2@uic.edu