The Sustainability Fee Advisory Board (SFAB) is currently accepting student proposals for Spring 2017. The Sustainability Fee's goal is to support projects that help to establish a sustainable campus environment; the fee funds small, short-term projects as well as subsidizes larger, long-term projects on campus. All proposed projects must align with one or more goals of the UIC's Climate Commitments:
Application process: All UIC students and student organizations are eligible to apply. Students are required to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) by Monday, February 6, 2017. The LOI allows the SFAB to pre-screen proposals for appropriateness and feasibility; the LOI should provide an approximate project budget and expected completion date. Projects that pass this stage will be invited to prepare a final proposal for consideration by the board. The Letter of Inquiry form can be found here: Following review of LOIs, the board will notify all applicants via email by the end of February if they have been selected to submit a full proposal.
Full proposals must be submitted by March 27, 2017. For questions regarding previously funded projects, funding criteria, as well as rules and restrictions, please contact or visit the website: