Nominations for the Chancellor’s Student Service & Leadership Awards (CSSLA) are due by February 10, 2017
Please visit the 2017 Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards (CSSLA) site to nominate outstanding undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who have given their time and talent to campus community service. Presented awards include:
Chancellor’s Student Service Award (for volunteer service)The Chancellor’s Student Service Award (CSSA) honors students who have made an outstanding contribution to the University through service to campus and the UIC community. Student nominees must have dedicated a significant amount of time, effort, and creativity to one or more campus- or community-based service project(s). Undergraduate, graduate, and professional students must:
- be enrolled during the academic year in which the award is received;
- be in good academic standing (with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5);
- have volunteered in a campus and/or community service organization;
- and have made significant, unpaid contributions to their organization.
Nominators should list specifics about the student’s contribution to the campus and/or community and highlight any leadership positions/offices held by the nominee. Approximately 400 UIC students receive this award each year.
Eugertha Bates Memorial Award (for humanitarian commitment)The Eugertha Bates Memorial Award (EBMA) honors a student whose volunteer activities in a campus or community setting demonstrate an outstanding degree of caring dedication, selfless commitment, and a truly exceptional humanitarian contribution to the needs of others. Nominations for this award must include a detailed description of the uniqueness and significance of the nominee’s humanitarian service and the impact on the campus/community through his/her episodic or ongoing service.
Jane Addams Distinguished Service Award(for creativity/innovation/length of service)The Jane Addams Distinguished Service Award honors students whose volunteer activity substantially addresses a distinct need in the community along with inspiring others to engage in volunteer service. Individual recipients must have been involved in the creation of a new project or service to address such a need, and must demonstrate the highest level of dedication and selfless commitment to volunteer service. Nominators should list specifics about the student’s contribution to the campus and/or community.
Activities Honorary Society For the fifth year in a row, new members will be inducted into the Activities Honorary Society (AHS) during the Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards Ceremony in April. AHS recognizes no more than 15 exemplary students each year for their demonstrated student leadership. Founded in 1950 by student leaders at the University of Illinois Undergraduate Division at Navy Pier, AHS is one of two traditions remaining from the original campus.
The various awards will be presented to invited recipients at the 45th Annual Chancellor’s Student Service and Leadership Awards Ceremony, scheduled for the evening of Thursday, April 20, 2017, in the Illinois Room of Student Center East. Recipients will be recognized individually throughout the program and their nominator will be invited to attend.For additional information, visit us online, send an email, or call us at the contact information below.