The Student Employment Office (SEO) offers many services that aim at helping students find jobs and internships, on and off-campus. Apart from services like on-campus employment, temporary services, and job location and development, SEO hosts a variety of events as well. You can see some of the upcoming events that the Student Employment Office will host to help further student's careers here:
Wed. 9/14: Basic Employment Student Training, 3:30 - 5:00 pm, Ft. Dearborn B SCE
Thurs. 9/29: Interview Essentials Workshop: 3:30 - 5:00 pm, 329 SCE
UIC UICCAREERS.COM is UIC's official job listing site for ALL MAJORS! To register send full name, UIN, and UIC email address to Once you gain access, log in using your full UIC email address and password to browse hundreds of jobs updated daily!
Walk-In Hours
For general information, resume assistance, or job referrals:
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 2:00PM–4:00PM
Wednesdays: 8:30AM–10:00AM
2100 SSB